Miley's POV

A/N: J.S. Jamesbrooke here. Sorry we kept you guys waiting an extra week but this is the going to be the last chapter so we wanted it to be good. It's twice as long to make up for it!

I wrote a longer authors not but thought it might give too much away so ya'll will have to wait til the end to read my marvelous thoughts.

Lilly's POV

I couldn't believe I had just witnessed the most amazing thing. When they turned me around at first I couldn't really see anything. I wasn't sure where to look, but as soon as the doctor said he could see the head I looked over and I couldn't look away. I could see the top of her head. "Miley I can see her head and she has dark hair just like yours." I was so excited, then I looked over at Miley, she still had to push, but lightened up at this thought, then went back to pushing.

It wasn't long before I watched the baby slip out and a cry could be heard. It was the most musical sound I had ever heard. It gave me hope that everything was going to be alright. They rushed her away and began looking her over.

I turned myself back around so that I could be with Miley again. I knew she was going to be filled with worry until she could see the baby again. "She's beautiful Miley, she'll be okay. She has your lungs so she probably has your stubbornness too."

I tried to reach her to give her a hug but the monitors were on the wrong side of the bed for that. Seeing this one of the nurses flipped it back around for me and lowered the rails on both beds so it looked more like one giant bed. I gave her a hug now and a long kiss, trying to ease her mind.

It wasn't long before another doctor we hadn't seen yet entered the room. "I'm Dr. Connor, I'll be looking over your daughter's care. I've examined her already and she seems to be doing well for being as early as she is. Her lungs are almost completely developed so she's breathing mostly on her own with just a little help. So far she seems to be just fine."

"Did you hear that Miles? I told ya our girl would be just fine."

"Yes Lilly I heard that. I just had a baby, I'm not deaf." She deadpanned before turning to me and smiling to let me know she was kidding. Then she kissed me again. We kinda got lost in it and the doctor had to clear his throat to get our attention again.

"Since she is on a monitor she's going to have to stay in the NICU for now but I'll have someone bring you to her." He said to Miley.

"But Lilly needs to see her too."

"Well only family is allowed."

"She is family, she's the dad." I heard Miley say using my earlier comment.

"Um well I guess they can't really argue that." He checked me over quick to assure that I wasn't sick, knowing I'd had a fever, but I wasn't contagious since it was due to my injuries. "Okay I'll have them take both of you."

My doctor as well came in to examine me and determined that my fever was under control now and took me off the monitors and IV's. After he left two interns came in pushing two wheelchairs and got us seated in them.

Miley's POV

We scrubbed up like they told us to and got ourselves ready before they slowly moved us to the corner where I was able to see my daughter for the first time asleep in her bed. She looked so beautiful and so peaceful.

They told me I could hold her if I wanted too and they got her out for me and placed her in my arms. I stared down at her in awe. She was so tiny and I could feel the love swell within me.

I felt Lilly lean over and gently touch her feet, then her hands, and finally run her hand down her cheek. "She's so cute. What are you going to name her?"

"Well I was thinking Rosemarie Susan Stewart. Susan after my mother, and Rosemarie so she's a flower just like her mom. A lot of people don't know this but a Susan is a lily too. So she's a flower all around."

"That sounds just perfect." Lilly smiled at me. It sounded like she couldn't argue with it. It was a beautiful name for this beautiful baby that I had just brought into this world. I still couldn't believe what I had just done and I owed most of it to Lilly.

I took my gaze away from my baby girl and looked up at Lilly. "I owe a lot to you Lilly." I told her.

"Why? What did I do? You're the one that just gave the birth."

"I know, and it was hard, but I don't think I could have had as much confidence, or strength if you weren't here to help me. You've helped me through seven and a half months Lil."

"Yeah I guess you're right, you're welcome Miles." Even though we were partly separated from the wheel chair handles, Lilly gave me a small hug. After a few seconds she pulled away and in the process, her arm lightly bumped our baby's small head. "Oh no, sorry!" But she didn't make a noise, she just squirmed around a bit and then settled back into sleep.

"Hey, I guess she's already taking after you, really tough. And sometimes never notices a thing."

"Thanks I…wait a minute was that a compliment or what?" Lilly said in her curious tone. I giggled.

"I'm only joking Lilly, yeah it was, you are really tough."

"Well thanks Miles. And now we're rewarded with this baby girl, who takes just after her mother; beautiful." Lilly stared deeply into my eyes, while stroking the soft and smooth baby skin on Rosemarie's arm. We both leaned in and shared a tender kiss before pulling back apart.

Looking down I noticed there were two small blue little eyes trying to stare up at me. "Hi there my little Rosemarie, I'm your Mama." I moved to hold her a little higher so she was facing Lilly. "And she's your daddy, but I think you better just call her Mommy."

"That's going to be the family joke now isn't it?" I just nodded to her. "Alright, I can live with that, as long as it means we're a family."


"So now that everything has happened I'm thinking I should move back to your house. You wouldn't mind would you?" I could see the hesitance in her expression. Was she really afraid I'd tell her no?

"Of course I'd love that. I've missed sleeping next to you every night." I honestly had. I felt so much safer when she was with me. "But what would your mom think?" I wondered aloud.

"She wouldn't care. I already told her I planned on moving in once the baby was born. She said it I was eighteen now and it was my decision to make."

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your mom?" I smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss. "Mm or how much I love you?"

"I love you too."

Just then we notice Dr. Connor walking towards us. "Alright I wanted to go over a few things with you before we send you back to your room for the night." We listened as he went on to describe the monitors she was on and what they did. He explained to us in simple terms we could understand, where she was in development and what we could expect from a preemie.

"Now the question I have to ask you most teen moms get embarrassed about, but it's best just to get it out there anyway." Uh ho I wasn't sure where this was going but I hope it's not what I'm thinking. I'm sure by now he's realized I'm in a relationship with another woman anyway. "Do you plan on breastfeeding?"

Whew. I didn't even bat an eye on this. "Of course I want too. I know it's healthier for the baby, but I didn't think it was still possible now."

"Currently we do have her on a feeding tube so it isn't necessary and with all the monitors it might be hard to do, but not impossible. We can work with you and by the time she's ready to go home, you'll be good to go."

I felt a great sense of relief at that. I had discussed the subject at length with Mamaw last week, going over the pros and cons. I came to the conclusion it was something I wanted to do and I was glad it was still a possibility.

"Well I think that's it for tonight. You can visit her again in the morning but all three of you need your sleep. I'll have them take you both back to your room." I turned to Lilly but she had the same curious look on her face when he said "room" instead of "rooms." He must have seen it though. "Typically you would both have to be in your respective rooms, but your dad, Mr. Stewart gave a large donation to see to it you stayed in the same room."

I'd have to remember to thank him later. For now I just thanked the doctor for everything. We were returned back to our room and helped into bed. Soon both our families began filing into our room.

They all began asking us questions about the baby in rapid succession. We tried to answer them all and best as we could. Nobody even a blinked an eye when Lilly was able to answers the questions same as I could it. Everyone had seemed to accept her as the other parent easily, except Mamaw. Her looks didn't seem to be as harsh now, but I could see she still wasn't sure about the situation.

As I described our beautiful little girl down to the tiniest detail to everyone I gave her a smile that I knew she'd understand. She returned the gesture and I knew then that she could understand how much happier I was with Lilly, compared to the last couple of weeks that I had been without her.

After everyone was sufficiently satisfied on the baby news front, they began to fuss over both Lilly and I. Making sure we were okay and that we had everything we needed.

Ms. Truscott said she'd start working on packing up Lilly's things for her so she'd have what she needed when we got home, since it was decided she'd go right to our house when she left here. After she was feeling better they'd worry about getting the rest of her stuff.

Eventually everyone made their way home, leaving Lilly and I to ourselves. We just laid comfortably holding each other as we talked about the events of the last few weeks and made plans for the future.

That night I was finally able to sleep peacefully next to Lilly. We couldn't really hold each other like we were used to since we were on separate hospital beds. They were pushed together though and it was enough just to know I could reach out and touch her.

The next day was spent in the NICU with Rosemarie. Lilly stayed by my side the entire time. Occasionally one of the other family members would join us for little while to see her, but trying to stick to the hospital's rules of two visitors at a time made that hard.

Lilly and I both spent a lot of time quizzing the doctors and nurses so we'd be as prepared as we could when we got to take her home. We were determined to do everything we could to care for our little girl the best we could.

They took out the feeding tube long enough for me to try nursing her. After a little help from one of the nurses we got it and she latched on like a pro, or so I was told. She didn't really drink much, but they showed me different ways to try burping her anyway. She surprised us all when she let out a loud one.

They took her to get her hooked back up to the feeding tube. The nurse went to hand her to me, but then handed her to Lilly instead. "Your turn," she smiled.

Dr. Connor came to talk to us then. "She seemed to do just fine but we'll keep her on the feeding tube for at least the next twenty-four hours so we can monitor her progress. She seems to be doing just fine breathing on her own as well, so if things keep going this well we'll be able to move her out of the NICU."

Words could not explain what I was feeling right then. If they moved her out of the NICU it meant she was that much closer to go home. I was already dreading having to leave her here but I knew it was going to happen and soon. "Thanks so much Dr. Connor." With that he left us to ourselves once again.

Lilly's POV

Watching Miley trying to nurse our daughter was such an amazing thing. It was like the most natural thing in the world. I thought then I'd be willing to let Miley have any other children we might decide to have, just so I could watch that sight again.

At the same time I was slightly jealous. It was silly to be jealous of a newborn but I was. If I really was the father, then I could claim to have touched Miley there in the act that had resulted in the small infant.

As it was, I hadn't yet had that opportunity. I certainly didn't want our relationship to be about sex by any means, I just wanted to be able to show Miley how much I loved her in a physical way. I reminded myself that those really were silly thoughts and there would be plenty of time for it later. After we had both recovered from everything that had happened.

I pushed all those thoughts aside and just concentrated on my family. I only allowed myself to laugh a little when she let out a big old belch. I couldn't believe it when the nurse then handed her to me. I hadn't held her yet and I wasn't really sure how to do it. She didn't seem to mind though and drifted off to sleep in my arms as her doctor spoke with us.

After he left I just stared down in awe at her for awhile. Touching her tenderly, not believing I could really claim her as my own. She was so beautiful, and she looks so much like Miley. Her hair was dark and I could already see traces of curls, although it wasn't long enough to really tell. I knew it was only a matter of time before Miley had bows in her hair and everything girly.

I reluctantly gave her back to Miley asking her if she wanted anything before I took off to find a bathroom and some food. She shook her head no and I quickly wandered off on my quest.

Bathroom break done and an ice cream eaten- I was in a celebratory mood- I entered the room again twenty minutes later. I found Mamaw sitting with Miley, holding her great granddaughter.

Since she was sitting in my usual chair I walked around to Miley's other side and sat half on the arm of her chair and half on her lap wrapping my arm around her. I saw the look Mamaw gave us and I knew I wasn't the only one when Miley spoke up. "Okay Mamaw let's talk. What is your problem with us? Is it because we're both girls?"

"No. Of course not. Is that what you two have been thinking? Why I was having reservations?" Neither of us spoke just shook our heads in affirmation. "Oh I'm sorry girls, it was never that I promise you."

"Well then what is it?" I asked her. I was as ready to get to the bottom of this as Miley was.

"Lilly it's nothing personal, you're a wonderful person. Maybe if I start at the beginning you'll understand." She paused before continuing. "Miley I'm not sure if you remember my sister's daughter, Isabelle." When Miley just shook her head no, she went on.

"Well anyway, she was 24 and engaged to be married when she was raped one night. Her fiancé stayed with her through it all. When she turned up pregnant he promised he'd be there for her and raise the baby as his own. Well about halfway into the pregnancy there was some complications and he decided it was too much to handle and just left her, while she was still in the hospital no less. She was heartbroken, she really thought he'd be there for her. So when this all happened to Miley, it just hit a little too close to home, so to speak. Anybody can see how much you two love each other. I just didn't want Miley to go through what Isabelle did."

By the time she was done speaking we all had tears in our eyes. "Mamaw Stewart, I hope you realize I'd never do that to Miley. I love her too much, and I love Rosemarie too."

"I know you do Lilly. If it wasn't clear before, it was with that little fit you threw when you woke up. Just give me awhile to get past this. I promise you I will."

"Just as long as you're trying that's all that matters Mamaw." Both of us reached over to give her a hug around the shoulders careful not to disrupt where Rosemarie was sleeping. Sitting back up I leaned against Miley as her arms came around me and everything finally felt right.

Miley's POV

Lilly and I were both released and sent home the next day. We'd come back every morning and leave every night never wanting to be too far away from our daughter. Two days after our release she was finally moved out of the NICU into the nursery.

We were sitting there with her on the third day of her being in the nursery Dr. Connor surprised us with the news that he thought she was nursing well enough and breathing well enough on her own to finally be able to go home.

"Thank you Dr. Connor, you've been so good to us."

"No problem. You girls are going to do just fine."

As soon as he left we went to find the nearest phone, since using cell phones wasn't allowed inside the hospital and we didn't want to go all the way outside. Once we found one, we began calling everyone giving them the good news. Mamaw promised to help us make sure everything was ready tonight since she wouldn't be released until morning.

That night I think Lilly and I went over everything about five times. We wanted everything to be perfect when she came home. Daddy and Jackson had set the crib, changing table and dresser up for us in the alcove the other day and we'd rearranged it several times trying to get it just right. As well as a rocking chair on the lower part of the floor

The changing table was stacked full of diapers, so many it looked like it would take us quite a while to go through them all, but I knew she'd be going through them faster than we expected. We also had diaper rash creams, baby powered, wipes and well just everything you could possibly need on there.

Not only was all the baby stuff washed and cleaned, but we made sure our entire room was spotless. All of the clothes were washed and folded nicely. Mamaw had gone out and bought a bunch of preemie stuff, since the stuff we had already bought wouldn't fit her yet.

I don't think either one of us slept much that night. We were both so excited for morning to come. We were downstairs ready to go and inhaling our breakfast long before our alarm was set to go off.

"Little excited there girls? I know how Lilly eats but I've never seen you eat that fast before, Mile." Dad said to us as we rinsed our dishes off and set them in the dishwasher.

"Yep I can't wait to bring Rosie home. We wanted too be out of here as soon as possible."

"You want us to come with ya Bud?"

I thought about that for a minute. "No this is something I think we need to do on our own. As a family."

"Alright then, we'll see ya when you get back. Drive safe."

"We will." I shouted as I practically pulled Lilly out the door.

Going as fast as our feet would carry us and speed limits would allow we were soon walking into the nursery. Several of the nurses we had gotten to know gave us congratulations and small pieces of advice.

One of our favorite nurses, Cynthia, handed me the release papers, and Rosemarie to Lilly. Signing them all, I handed them back to her and Lilly turned handing her to me. "I think she has a present for ya Mama."

I wasn't sure I knew what she meant, until a nasty smell hit my noise. "Present for me? You were holding her. What happened to 'I'll help you change diapers'?"

"And I will, but this one is all yours."

"Gee thanks." I made short work of getting her cleaned up and soon we were on our way out the door. It took us both a few minutes to figure out just how to strap her into the car seat but we finally got it.

Lilly drove as I sat beside Rosie. She drove slower on the way home keeping it several miles under the speed limit. Pulling into the drive way I found the latch that unlocked the top of the car seat from the base and pulled her out of the car. Lilly grabbed the diaper bag and we walked using our free arms to hold hands.

We entered the house to find a huge "Welcome Home" banner across the ceiling, as well as several streamers making their way around the room. Underneath it stood both of our families.

Soon a celebration was in full swing as the sleeping baby was passed around from one family member to another. I knew everyone had easily accepted the situation, when they all began calling Lilly's mom, Grandma Truscott.

She just smiled and looked down at the baby in her arms. "Hear that little one? I'm your Grandma." I missed my mom fiercely in that moment, but I was glad Rosie would have at least one grandma who would love her. And one great grandma who would spoil her I was sure.

At one point Rosie began to cry stating her hunger. She was handed to me and I started up the stairs for some privacy. "Want me to come with ya Miles?"

"No it's okay I'll be right back." Sitting there in the rocking chair with Rosie quietly nursing, I had a sudden thought. Something I had completely forgotten about in all the craziness of the last couple of weeks.

When she was done eating I managed to get a burp out of her before placing her gently in her crib as she fell asleep. Turning on the baby monitor I grabbed the other end and took it with me as I headed downstairs.

Lilly greeted me at the bottom of the stairs. Wrapping our arms around each other we shared a quick kiss, "She asleep again?"

"Out like a light." I pulled myself away from the girl I loved and walked in front of everyone. "I just wanted to thank everyone for being here to celebrate that beautiful little girl upstairs. But there's something else I want to do. Lilly come sit right on the couch in front of me."

Lilly's POV

I wasn't sure what was going on, but I did what I was told anyway.

"For the last few months I have been secretly working on writing a song. Just before I got the call…" she paused, wiping away her tears that were suddenly appearing. "I had just finished it when I got the call that Lilly was in the hospital. With everything that's been going on I kinda forgot about it. I wrote it for you Lil, everything I feel for you is in this song. And I wanna sing it to ya now."

She went and grabbed one of her dad's guitars, as well as some sheet music she had hidden under the couch and began to play. I listened as she began to sing.

You were right there from the Start

And in that moment I gave you my Heart

I didn't want to see you standing there

I knew life just couldn't be that Fair

I knew I was in love with you

But didn't believe you loved me too

I continued to listen as each verse got more and more emotion packed. I couldn't believe she had written something so sweet just for me. I loved her so much.

As the song ended I looked around and noticed I wasn't the only one with tears in my eyes. There was not a dry eye in the room.

I walked over to Miley pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back before pulling back slightly. "I've been saving this for awhile." She pulled something out of her pocket but wouldn't let me see what it was yet. "This was my mother's engagement ring." Opening the box she showed me the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen. "I love you Lillian Truscott. Will you marry me?"

I was speechless. I knew how much she treasured her mother's ring. And now she was asking me to marry her with it. "Oh my gosh, Miley are you sure?" I glanced down at the ring so she'd know what I meant. She just nodded. "Of course I'll marry you. I love you too Miley Stewart."

She pulled the ring out of the box she placed it on my finger and mysteriously it fit just perfectly. She pulled me into her arms tightly and we shared a passionate kiss. We got lost in it for a moment until the crowd in the room began to make noises suggesting they were still there.

We pulled apart with apologetic smiles. Everyone took their turns giving us hugs and congratulating us. Last was Mamaw. She gave us both giant hugs and for the first time there was no doubt in her eyes. She was truly happy for us.

After everyone had stepped back Miley and I sat together on the couch, cuddling up to each other. "Thank you for my song Miles it was beautiful."

"You're welcome."

"To bad our daughter slept through it all." Miley just laughed.

Looking around at our families enjoy each other's company and knowing that our baby girl was finally home and asleep upstairs made everything great. Then looking at the ring on my finger knowing I forever belonged to the girl of my heart, I knew today had been the perfect day. Our lives had certainly changed directions, but finally we were right where we were meant to be.


A/N: Hey me again- J.S. Jamesbrooke that is. The lyrics of the song were entirely written by me so I hope it was remotely good.

Sorry if the hospital scenes aren't realistic, but figured our girls have went though enough they deserved to catch a break with a healthy baby.

I hope ya'll loved this last chapter. We wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful reviews and for stick through to the end with us. We've enjoyed writing this story and are so glad so many people loved it.