
The small figure jumped on the bed, crying hysterically.

"Daddy!" she wailed, "Jason took my crayon!"

"SHE took my fire truck FIRST, daddy!"

Greg House was not amused. He squinted over at the alarm clock. 5 AM in the morning and his kids were already up and arguing. He groaned loudly, making his kids giggle. He sat up in bed and reached for his Vicodin, while wondering where Lisa was.

"Jason, apologize to Sam, and vice versa. Play nice, do whatever little kids do." He got up and hobbled down the stairs, his kids trailing behind him; talking non-stop. He grabbed three bowls and got the cereal and milk from their places. He turned around to see Sam and Jason playing together. House rolled his eyes as he watched them pour the milk into the cereal. His oldest, Sam, was five years old, and looked a lot like Lisa. Sammy, who was three, was very bright and took after House. However, both the House kids had gotten his eyes. He loved them, but "love" was a word he was still getting used to. He realized by now that he had absolutely no patience with little kids. He turned, getting ready to make himself some coffee when he spotted the note.


The hospital called, they needed me for an emergency. Stay home with the kids, they shouldn't be too hard to handle; I should be home by dinner though.

Love, Lisa

House groaned. There had to be a catch here somewhere. She telling him not to go to work? Possibly putting in more clinic hours. He grimaced at the thought of that. All of a sudden there was a shriek of laughter and he turned. His eyes widened as Sammy and Jason's cereal bowls were on top of their heads and they were banging their silverware on the table. He grabbed both kids, putting them over his shoulder and made his way as fast as possible to the bathtub. He managed to take the soggy clothes of off them and dumped them into the tub. Turning the water on, he watched them play happily in the water together. For a brief moment, a small smile flitted through his face. Replaced however, by the telephone ringing.

Hesitantly, he told them, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get the phone. Don't cause the world to fall down in the five minutes I'll be gone."

Jason giggled. "Silly daddy. I is a big boy." Sammy also laughed. "Daddy! Can we REALLY make the world go KABOOM?"

House smirked. "Yes. Of course. You can ask mommy about it when she comes home." He ran off to get the telephone.


"Hello? House, it's Wilson. Why aren't you at work?"

"I have leeches."


"Oh, you know, those little things that stick to you and drag every single drop of energy from you."

Wilson groaned. "House, Jason and Sammy can't be that bad."

"You obviously haven't met the same two leeches." House rolled his eyes, "Just tell Dr. Cuddy to come home as quickly as possible."

"Yeah, okay. Good luck with your…"leeches."

"Yup, thanks." Hanging up the phone, he limped back to the bathtub. Both children were sitting absolutely still.

"What are you two-"

"SHUSH DADDY!" The little ones said in a furious whisper. "We're trying to hear the world go KABOOM"

House raised his hands in defeat. He'd never understand children.

A/N: This was my first House Fanfic. Hope it wasn't horrible. R&R please 