Hi ya! Q of the Solar System here! Warning there are spoilers for the last two episodes of Heroes here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes. If I did Slyar would still have his powers, and all the wimpy new guys (except Matt's dad and Adam) would be gone.

Once Again

Ever since I was a little boy, I've always wanted to be a hero and protect the Earth. Now that I have done it twice, I've learned its not all its made out to be.

I shine the sword. I have to battle him. Adam is his name now, even though once upon time he used the name Takezo Kensei.

He's changed. When I first met him Kensei was a greedy, drunk who only cared for himself. Yet underneath I felt that he could be a good person. He could be a hero even. When I found out he was 'special' it was a happy moment. He started to change than and for awhile I could see the man he could have been. But than...

I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't help it. I was in love. It destroyed all the good that had been done and set him down the path that leads to this moment. I created a monster. He killed my father and manipulated Peter Petrilli into doing his bidding. He also wanted to make New York explode eight months ago. What can you do about a grudge 400 years old.

In stories the line between heroes and villains is defined and easy to see. In real life, however, its more complicated. Adam was once a good person and even Slyar cared about his mother. Peter and Nathan, have some darkness in their souls. Who knows? One day I might cross that line as well though I hope with all my heart that I won't.

The clock strikes twelve. Its time. Though it breaks my heart, I must go and save the world once again.