A/N: First, I would like to thank everyone that has reviewed this story thus far. I'm very happy you all have been enjoying it. I apologize for taking ever so long to update, but as is common for many of us, school can be a real...pain in the behind. Anyways, this is the last chapter! So enjoy and rejoice!

Dear Daisuke,

I feel like complete and utter shit right now. My best friend is in the hospital right now, unconscious, and the doctors don't know when he's going to wake up, or even IF he will. And to make matters worse, it's my fault he's there. He came home drunk two nights ago, probably because of the all the crap I've been putting him through. He knew that I was avoiding him. I should have just tried talking to him sigh. And somehow, he manages to fall off the balcony and wind up like this! If he doesn't wake up, I don't know what I'll do. He's everything to me, he's not just my world, he's my life! Well, k maybe "my life" is a bit far-fetched lolz.

I'm lying here on his bed, the sheets and pillow smell just like him. I miss him so much! If only he would open his eyes, I want to see those azure orbs staring into mine again. I don't care if he's mad, or happy, I just want to see him! I want to hear his voice, feel his touch. Hugging his pillow now, it's just not the same. I should have told him before he went out on that balcony. If I had only shut him up and told him, he would never have gone outside right? I need him to understand, I don't hate him! I was just...confused. I've never fully understood what it was that gravitated me towards him. But now, I finally understand and know exactly what I'll tell him.

Yamato. More than anything, what I really want is to be by your side forever and in your heart. I love you.

I gasped. "Oh...my God...So this is what he wanted to tell me..."

I turned the page once more, but was greeted with a blank page. Sighing deeply and letting the book fall out of my hands, a dreamy smile made its way upon my face.

"Tai said he loves me," I repeated, emphasizing the word love. "L-O-V-E's me." I giggled at first, but soon after, it turned into a full-blown laugh that was followed almost immediately with pain. "Ouches...my tummy hurts." As I rubbed my stomach lightly, smile plastered upon my face, I heard a tumbling loud sound coming from Tai's room. Seconds later, Tai popped in the room with a worried look on his face and flicked the light on.

"Yama? Is everything ok? I thought I heard you cry out just...now?" Tai's gaze travelled from my smiling face, an expression that hadn't enough time to adjust to Tai's sudden intrusion, to his diary, which lay open and face down across my chest. You know in those animes when you see a character do a complete face fault? Well, I imagine Tai was trying to pull that off at this very moment.

"Yama! Um. Oops! My. That's! You! Uhh. Did you?" he stuttered relentlessly whilst pointing at the book. He looked at my face, then at the book again, and repeated the cycle. Tai looked so incredibly hilarious, I couldn't refrain from laughing loudly again. As if to punish my joy, the pain struck me once more and I cried out, clenching my eyes shut. Tai sprung to my side immediately.

"Oh Yama! Okay shh, just relax," Tai soothed softly as he rubbed my belly gently and slid the diary off my chest. I opened my eyes in time to see him turn the diary over and see just which page I had been reading. That smile crept up on my face again as his eyes widened in shock. Lowering he book slowly, he looked down at me with a confused expression.

"Yama, you're smiling."

"I'm well aware of that, Tai."

A small smile slowly crept up Tai's face in understanding.

"So, you're not mad?" he asked, with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Do I look mad?"

"Nope." Tai's smile widened into his classic Yagami grin and he broke out into laughter as I giggled softly.

After some time, we calmed down and there was a peaceful silence between us.

"Lie with me?" I asked him. It was just a random thought that came to mind that I felt I had to voice. Tai flicked the lights off, moved me further down the bed and joined me silently, lying on his side to face me.



"More than anything, I want to be by your side forever and in your heart. I love you," I said softly with a smile.

Tai smiled sweetly at me, recognizing my words from his diary.

"I love you too, Yama."

At that moment, we both leaned in for that perfect first kiss which, of course, seemed to last an eternity. It was soft and innocent, just lips on lips, but the amount of emotion behind it was powerful and filling. There was no lust, no anger, no frustration, no pain, just pure love.

"Took you long enough," I commented afterwards with a smirk. Tai laughed softly in response.

"Right back at you, mon cher," he replied, closing his eyes.

As we drifted off to sleep, his arm lovingly wrapped around my waist and our fingers interlocked, I could have sworn I saw a shooting star out my window.


A/N: Well I hope you all enjoyed it! It turned out shorter than I expected...probably because these two boys have more "peaceful silences" between them than words haha! But other than that, I hope it didn't sound rushed! I'm just glad this is finished. Now, to focus on studying for...MIDTERM EXAMS dies slowly Tax and accounting anyone? Well I hope to hear your thoughts, please R&R!