If she weren't a proper lady, she would have uttered an explicative. She grabbed the hilt of her rapier and drew it, moving to the front of the building. The door was ajar, she nudged it open gently, keeping her pistol up in the air as she sweeped the entry room. It was a blood-bath.

The ghouls ripped into the bodies, flesh and blood stuck in their teeth, the floor slick, the air hot with struggle and death. She grit her teeth angrily and took up her sights, firing into the mob, striking one dead in the head. The others reacted violently to the gunshot, howling with anger and hunger, lustfully lurching to action at the sight of new prey.

Integra felt Alucard move behind her, raising his gun and firing off several shots with such inhuman speed and accuracy that she had trouble tracking it. The ghouls crumpled, limbs shot off, completely filled with holes, the room silence once more except for the sliding of the cartridge, replaced with a fresh one. She felt a little jealousy.

"The hunt begins." Alucard grinned playfully, stalking past her, "I will find the vampire. I assume you want to be alone."

She glared at him, following briefly, "I can handle myself."

"As you say, Master..." he bowed slightly as he faded through the wall with a cackle.

She took a turn down the hallway, confronted by more ghouls. More than there had been in the foyer. She had a slight edge of panic, before she cooled, raising her sword and springing to action with a yell of anger, at the vampire that did this to them, at the restless monsters these people had become... at Alucard, for his continued impudence.

Her silver blade sliced easily through limbs, torso, sizzling and burning as it cut. She didn't flinch as the ghouls howled, and struck. She deftly avoided their blows, they were clumsy and she was quick. Time was indeterminate, her mind foggy with... blood-lust, she admitted, but they were all dead behind her. Integra stopped a moment to catch her breath, raising her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"Enjoying yourself?" Alucard asked quietly with an air of curiousness, walking past her in the hall in front of her.

"The vampire?" she asked, breathing hard, ignoring his question, swallowing, her mouth felt dry.

"Rats, are often good at hiding." he growled bemusedly, cocking his guns, "I will find him... I feel most of the ghouls have been dispatched."

"Go." she ordered, "Keep looking."

He disappeared on her order, stalking the vampire. She found that odd, as she turned the corner, jogging briefly towards the steps, deciding to look on the upper floor. Usually Alucard had no trouble tracking the undead. That he should be so distracted was concerning. Perhaps it had something to do with his restlessness, and behavior. Or with her. The building was not that large, so the question was as to how the vampire was avoiding him this long was a good one. She took a few steps up the stairs before a great force hit her from behind.

She yelped as her wrist slammed against the steps, she felt her wrist snap and the gun tumbled from her grasp, clattering on the steps below. She swung blindly with her rapier at her unseen attacker before her arm was ripped upwards in a very uncomfortable position, she felt the claws tear into her arm as it pulled her through the wall... dropped her.

She hesitated. She was not in the building anymore, and everything was dark. This was the stuff of nightmares, and unfortunately, one she had felt, experianced, several times; a plane of existance that Alucard had pulled her to many times. That is why the vampire was able to avoid them. Her confidence shrunk to fear, as she tried to peer through the darkness, holding her arm and her blade. This was no freak, chip, vampire; this was the real deal. She was in trouble.

"Hello, little Hellsing..." a voice hissed in the darkness, cackling darkly as she felt its presence circle around her, predatory, taunting, waiting, "How nice of you to walk into my web. Saves me so much trouble."

She stood up, shaking, the wound in her arm was deep, and screamed with pain, it was useless. She gripped the blade hard with her one good arm, holding it up defensively, trying to see the creature that stalked her now, "ALUCARD!" she yelled, for help, she needed him now. But rather than cause fear, it simply seemed hilarious to the creature, which burst out laughing, long, echoing in her ears.

"Your pet can't hear you, dear..." it moved closer, in the darkness, tall, thin, white as a ghost, long claws drenched in blood, head adorned with horned crown, so demonic in appearance, grinning, bearing his fangs, knowing his startling appearance was having effect on her. She backed away, gritting her teeth, her face firm and her icy eyes glaring back as she kept her sword raised. "Oh, my my, what a pretty little toy you have. Going to poke me with it?"

The vampire snarled, swinging its claws in her direction, grazing her shoulder as she dived out of the way. She was losing blood all over the place. Her coat was drenched, and her heart beat like a frightened mouse. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. She was trapped, the creature closing in fast. She swung deftly, charging briefly, catching the vampire in the torso.

"AHWHAAAAHHH!!!" it hissed, howled, knocking her aside with a blow, ripping the blade from its chest as she slammed into the floor with a groan. She heard the blade clatter some distance away as the shadow moved over her, claws digging into her shoulders as it ripped her off the floor, red eyes glowing, "Little bitch... ah... no matter."

It cackled, digging its claws in further just to watch her squirm. She screamed in agony, unable to keep her cool, feeling her body burn with pain under such strain.

"So I have you." it bore down on her bearing its teeth in front of her face, "I wonder how sweet you are..."

Her eyes widened, she strained, trying, anything, to move, to escape the creatures grasp but she only drove the claws deeper, her breath strained and terrified as she felt the fangs bury in her throat, and then... darkness.