More Sunshine in my Life

"How are you feeling, my love?" Edward asked with concern.

"Terrible. How can you stand not being able to cry?" She felt him caress her face. "Edward...somehow, I just don't feel like things are going to be okay. I don't feel right."

Lines of worry appeared on his once-smooth face. "Perhaps you made a's not too late to find Jacob..."

Bella saw the pain in his eyes. "No...I don't feel wrong about you. I just feel like...there was no way of winning." Jacob, the baby, her family, Edward. She thought about it again. Did she make the right choice? was hard to believe that not too long ago she thought of possibly spending her life with him. The two playful children with dark skin came to mind again. She had seen them once in her dreams before, and the girl looked like Bella while the boy was the spitting image of Jacob. She wanted to apologize to them. I'm sorry you can't exist because of me. She wanted to apologize to Jacob. It was a long road of selfishness. But somehow, Bella felt like she had grown up a little. She knew she would never see her human family again, except while they were sleeping: the only time she would be able to watch over them. She knew she would never see Jacob again...unless he was finally emotionally healed up and strong enough to see her.

"I've made a lot of, I certainly don't feel wrong about you, Edward. I won't forget all of the mistakes I made, but I'm ready to spend an eternity with you. You've always been waiting for me." Her lips met his. Edward placed his hand over hers as they both sat in peaceful silence.

She thought back to that night when Jacob gave her the sun charm. His smile flashed in her mind. "I was just thinking you need more sunshine in your life." She laughed silently to herself. More sunshine in my life. I guess I do need it. Although, I won't be seeing any sunshine in public any time soon. She thought of Edward's beautiful, glittering skin in the sun.

Bella traced over the little sun charm with her index finger. The sun felt twice as warm now that her body was eternally cold. She thought lovingly of Jacob.

The end.

Author's note: Thanks for reading my story. If you didn't read my introduction page, I'd like to say that I wrote the majority of this story in 2007 when the world of Twilight was fresh in my head and I was a devoted fan. I've grown out of it since then, but felt sad that I never finished publishing this story on here. This was everything that I had written, and this is what I imagined the story to be, deviating away from Breaking Dawn. These were the scenes that were scattered in my head. I had planned at the time to go back and flesh them out, make transitions between scenes, add extra scenes, do more character development, and improve the writing. But too much time passed and I never did that, nor will I ever. I hope some people will enjoy the story for what it is. Thank you.