Pay attention, cause for this story I'm only gonna say it once. :)

I do not, in any way, own the labyrinth, but I do own the twisted plots that my dark and evil imagination comes up with.

Here it is ladies and germs! The sequel to Trick or Treat, and the 2nd part of my Holiday Collection. If you haven't read Trick or Treat, I would strongly suggest doing so, cause you will be lost. Don't forget, I love reviews! So leave me plenty. :)

Chapter 1

Everyone knows why we celebrate Thanksgiving. Years ago when the pilgrims first came to America they were unprepared for that first hard winter and they would have died if it wasn't for the help the Native Americans gave them. Now we celebrate that act of generosity by gathering with our friends and family and gorging on turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and other favorites while reflecting on all the blessings we've received in the past year.

As she drove home from her last class, Sarah Williams knew she had many blessings to be thankful of. Once again she had survived the first part of the school year, making it through midterms, receiving top marks in all of her classes, and being elected as president of the campus' Writers Association.

Not that her writing had been any good lately. For some reason, the words had seemed to stop flowing lately, causing her stories to be flat and dull. She was less interested in her old worlds of fantasy and magic and it showed in her writing. In spite of that, her fellow peers continued to believe in her and as she had always been one of the most active members they had given her the office.

Still, she thought as she continued to drive, other things had been going well for her. When her father and step mother were home they never fought anymore, a fact which pleased Sarah no end. But then again, her parents were hardly ever even home. Before they would try to at least be home for a week or two each month as well as each weekend, but since the end of October her parents barely even bothered came home at all. The huge house seemed empty each night when Sarah got home and while it had saved her money each semester being able to live at home and commute to school, she was starting to think that maybe it would just be better for her to live on campus. At least that way she would have human companionship.

Come to think of it, Thanksgiving was tomorrow and she had no idea if her parents were even going to come home. She had taken care of all the shopping and preparation as she usually did, taking time to bake and decorate in between midterms and weekly writers meetings. She did it all assuming that her parents would be home for the holiday. However, they had yet to make an appearance and they hadn't called to remind her to pick them up at the airport.

Maybe I'll be celebrating by myself this year? The thought was depressing and Sarah was hard pressed to fight back a sudden well of tears. In the last few weeks she had found that happening more and more. The tears and bouts of depression were strange to say the least for someone who had always been very cheery and upbeat. She had no idea what was causing the emotional upheaval, all she knew was that she seemed to always have a heavy heart lately and a terrible sense of loss.

It's the upcoming holidays, she thought while giving herself a mental shake. Lots of people get depressed around the holidays Sarah, it's totally normal. And living in an empty house probably doesn't help. Pulling up to the dark house was a reminder that with out her parents there she would be all alone. She wanted to kick herself for not thinking about inviting some friends over for the day. By now everyone would already have plans, so it would be useless to ask. As she sat in her parked car in the garage, the prickling sensation of unshed tears was back and this time she couldn't muster the strength to stop them. Before she knew it, she had twin salty rivers running down her cheeks and a runny nose.

She allowed herself a few more moments of pity, but then wiped her eyes and banished her sniffles. "That's enough Sarah," she told herself looking in the rearview mirror. "You have to be strong for Toby." As soon as the name left her lips she narrowed her eyes and put a hand to her head. That name again! Who is Toby? And why do I keep thinking about him?

As she got out of the car she puzzled over the mystery. That damn name keeps popping into my head, but nothing else. All I can think of is his name… I can't picture a face… Wait! That little boy! On Halloween? Was his name Toby? Why would I be thinking about him?

None of it made any sense to her, but she kept thinking about it as she went through the house turning on lights. Figuring she better do something to keep herself busy she went into the kitchen to do some prep work for tomorrow's dinner. Dad and Karen might show up tomorrow after all. I'm sure they'll be surprised and happy to see dinner all ready to go!

She spent the next few hours happily cooking, forcing herself to not think about the mysterious boy Toby or the fact that she might have to enjoy turkey day all by herself. It wasn't until her last bit of prep work was finished and all the dishes were washed that she noticed the light blinking on the answering machine. Going over to it she pushed the play button, hoping it was from her dad telling her when to pick him and Karen up.

Hi honey, this is dad. Me and Karen are sill in California and won't be home until sometime next week. Sorry we won't be there for Thanksgiving! Have fun with your friends.

As she listened to the news, she wanted to cry again, but she hated the feeling of weakness that crying brought. She tried to put on a brave face, but a sudden thought made it impossible. Toby will be so disappointed; they weren't here for Thanksgiving last year either. Wait, what? There was that name again! A sharp pain suddenly grew in her head, causing her to place a hand at each temple. Faces of people and strange creatures seemed to buzz around in her head at a dizzying speed. It was if someone was fast forwarding through a strange movie; too fast for her to make out all the details, just brief images that seemed to be burned into her mind.

It was too much for Sarah and she screamed out in pain and frustration. As quickly as it had started it stopped and Sarah found herself sprawled out on the kitchen floor, panting heavily and shaking from head to foot. What is going on? She had to force her limbs to propel herself up and for awhile she was afraid she wasn't going to make it. When she had at last made it up she caught her reflection in the window over the sink and was startled by the pale, scared girl staring back at her. "Someone messed with your mind," she whispered to the troubled girl. "But how will you fix it?" Unfortunately, neither she nor her mirror image had any answers.

Two pairs of glowing eyes watching her outside, however, did.

Who thought Sarah would remember all in the first chapter? Would I really make it that easy? My twisted little mind has run away with itself and with this story. Be prepared for a very bumpy ride. All of you looking for a happy little tale might want to go read The Challenge. Which is finished, I swear, I'm still just waiting on a beta. Don't forget to leave a review on the way out people!