Insignia's Shroud FAQ


Hi everyone! Sky here. Now, I know that you probably think that this is the next chapter of Final Fantasy III: Insignia's Shroud. However, I think that I should clear up a few questions that I have been receiving in personal messages. So here we go!

Question One: When does this take place?

In the summary, it says a year, but if you want to go into detail, the story begins in October. Why October? Because that's when I finally finished the game:D

Question Two: Why is Luneth a Dragoon? In my game, he's a Knight!

For this story, I'm using the jobs that I used to finish the game, which you can find in the first chapter.

Question Three: Do Luneth and the others have last names?

They are not official last names, but I like them because they are catchy, and seem to go with their personalities:

Luneth Gainsborough

Arc Highwind

Refia Lockhart

Ingus Strife

Question Four: Is this your first story that you've written? 'Cause it doesn't seem like it!

In all honesty, no. After watching the last few episodes of the third season of Sonic X, I started a short fanfic about Tails, Cosmo, and what happened afterward. I wrote a few sequals and a few other things. But this I've had the idea for this story for quite a while, so I wanted to get this done first.


There. I answered all the questions. I hope this clears up anything that you've been wondering. Oh, and here is a review answer.

Ultima00: So? I just got my Wii power cable back a couple weeks ago, and needed to readjust to it's controller (I haven't had it since the start of the school year).

I hope that you look forward to the next chapter!

Sky "Sora" Prower