Hello to readers new and old. This is my second fic. It will also be a harem fic, which is rather rare for negima (which I find wierd, because it is considered a harem anime). I will be sticking as close as I can to the manga. This chapter will most likely be the only original part that I write. The story might deviate a little from the canon from time to time, but thats why its called fanfiction . I hope it turns out good.

Disclaimer: I do not own Negima or any of its characters. If it did belong to me, it wouldn't be as nearly funny.

Accidents Happen

Chapter One

It was dark in the magic academy. Everybody, except for two people, were at their homes sleeping. The two people were currently in the forbidden section of the library. Where no one is permitted, obviously. The first person was a 7 year old girl by the name of Anna Cocolova (Anya), she was the best friend of the one she was accompanying. The second was a 6 year old boy with extraordinary potential, he was Negi Springfield, the son of Nagi Springfield, The Thousand Master. Nagi was a hero in the magic world, and quite possibly the strongest mage ever. Negi strives to be like his father. They were both young mages who attendedthe magic academy they were in.

What these young children were doing in a dark library in the middle of the night could be explained with a trip they had earlier in the day.

-------------------Earlier that day---------------------

"Hey Negi, do you want to go and see the new movie theatre that just opened?", Anya asked Negi.

"A movie theatre opened near here?", Negi asked.

"Yeah, it looks so cool. There's always people going there. I also heard the they're showing a movie is all about mages."

"Really!?", asked Negi who was now excited about going.

"Yeah, do you want to go?", Asked Anya

"Sure!", replied Negi.

They made their way to the theatre.

--------------A little while later--------------------

"What do you mean we can't see the movie!?", Anya yelled at the boy in the booth.

"I'm sorry, but if you want to see this movie you need someone older to see it with you.", he replied.

"But you let those other kids in!", she continued yelling.

"They were the necessary age to see the movie.

"Fine!", she yelled as she stomped off, dragging Negi along with her.

A little while after, Anya had calmed down and was still angry that she didn't get to see the movie. It looked so cool too.

"I guess we could go and ask Nekane…..", she said after accepting there was no other way.

Negi noticed the sad look on her face. He just thought to himself how he wished he was older so he could take her. After another moment of thinking, he had a great idea.

"Hey Anya, I know a way we could watch the movie without asking Nekane.", Negi said with a big smile on his face.

"Huh?", Anya had said with a look of confusion.

-----------------------Back in the Library----------------------------

Anya was standing at a table in the middle of the room, and was reaching into a box that was filled with all sorts things used to make potions. She was wondering why they were doing this, since asking Nekane would be a lot easier.

"He probably wanted an excuse to try it out.", she thought to herself.

As Anya had laid out tubes and beakers she asked, "So what did you say we were making again?"

Negi was looking through the various books on a nearby bookcase. "Age-deceiving candy, it will allows us to look either older or younger, in this case older. With this we can fool the person at the booth and get the tickets without having to ask Nekane.", he said as he pulled out a yellow and black book that said in Latin "Age-Deceiving Pills for Dummies".

Negi walked to the table and started looking for a certain page. Ah here it is, these are what we need to make some. He started listing things that you wouldn't expect to be in a potion. Many involved the various body fluids of different animals. Anya had stopped listening, for fear of throwing up.

Negi waked to a nearby cabinet and pulled out all the things he needed. Anya looked away again. If there was a possibility that she would throw up at hearing the words, then she definitely would if she actually saw them. He then went back to the book and looked for the page on how to mix them together.

"This seems simple enough.", he said to no one in particular as he scanned the page.

He started pouring in various liquids into a large bowl and mixed them. All this while looking at the book to make sure he did everything right.

Negi went through many pages, taking in every word until he knew what he was doing. He didn't want this to be some big disaster.

There was silence between them. When Negi read a book, it was hard for him to notice anything else. Not even the footsteps that echoed throughout the hall, slowly getting louder.

"Negi, someone coming!", Anya whispered.

Negi nodded and poured all the contents of what he made into a bottle and sealed it.

"Let's go.", he said and they made their way to the doors.

Negi didn't have enough time to read the entire page. If he did he would've noticed the warning at the bottom that read "Any other addition to the candies may have unexpected effects.

----------------------A little while after------------------

They had stopped to catch their breath. They had started to run as soon as they got outside. When they got to a safe distance Negi looked at the bottle in his hand.

"We have to wait at least one night before we can eat them. So lets go home for now.", he told Anya

Anya nodded and started to walk. Negi followed closely behind.

----------In Negi's room-------------

Negi was ready to go to bed. He had also put the potion in a mould to harden and be ready for them in the morning. He was about to crawl into bed until he remembered what he read in the book.

"It said the candy was supposed to taste bitter.", he thought to himself.

"Candy should be sweet, there must be something I could do about that.", he said to himself.

"Hmm….I know!", he said as he got up and ran to their kitchen. He got a chair and pushed in front the cupboard where they kept all of their spices and such. He climbed on the chair and started going through the things he could use to give it some flavour. Pepper, salt, steak seasoning, ginseng, pepper. He was about to give up until he saw a bottle in the back that said "Artificial Strawberry Flavouring". He reached in and grabbed it.

"It might not be the most natural way to do it, but it will do.", he said as he ran back to his room and emptied the contents of the bottle into the potion.

The potion had shifting between many colors, until it had finally reverted back to its original color. He examined the liquid until he was satisfied that everything was okay.

"Well that's done.", he said as he crawled into bed and drifted to sleep.

----------------------Back at the Movie Theatre------------

"Are you sure this is going to work?", Anya asked Negi.

"Of course, I don't recall doing anything wrong, so in theory nothing should go wrong.", Nagi said with a smile on his face.

"…….Was that supposed to make me feel better?", Anya asked.

Negi pulled out the candy and handed one to Anya.

"I'll try mine first, so if anything happens to me. You'll know not to eat it. Okay?", Negi said.

"Okay...", said an unsure Anya.

Negi popped the candy into his mouth.

"Wow, this tastes real good!", he said a cloud of smoke appeared around him.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed a now ten year old Negi.

Negi looked at himself and said, "It wasn't as potent as I thought, but it should be enough to get us into the movie."

Anya still wasn't sure, but she ate the candy anyway.

"He's right, this is good!", she thought as a familiar cloud had appeared around her. Anya turned into an 11 year old.

"Alright, let's go.", Negi said.

"Two tickets please.", Negi said as he handed the person in the booth the money.

"There is a special on couples, you only need to pay for one ticket and the partner comes in for free.", he said.

"Hey, we're not……", Anya started to yell.

"Sure!", Negi said as he took the money that was supposed to pay for Anya's ticket.

"Enjoy the show.", he said as he handed them two tickets.

"Thank you.", Negi replied as he took the tickets and pulled Anya along.

"When they were inside the theatre Anya asked, "What's the big idea?".

"Now we could use the money to get some snacks.", Negi replied with a smile on his face.

Anya had blushed when she saw his smile, she wasn't sure why, but she liked his smile.

"Fine…", she said.

"Come on lets go!", said Negi as he pulled along Anya.

------------After the movie-------------------

"That was so cool!", Negi shouted.

They had just finished the movie. Now they could she why they didn't let them in before. There were quite a few violent scenes in it. But that didn't make it any less enjoyable. As they came out they were both pretending to cast the spells they saw in the movie. Only pretended of course, who knows what would happen if they actually tried.

"But seriously, who would want to reveal magic to the world? That lady sure was crazy.", Anya said.

"And that redheaded girl was really mean to that guy, all he did was try and help her.", Negi said.

They both laughed at their observations. They continued to walk in silence for a while.

"Hey Negi? When are these candy supposed to where off?', Anya asked, she noticed that they were like this for quite a while.

"I'm not sure, I wasn't able to get that far into the book last night.", he replied.

"WHAT!", Anya yelled.

--------------------------three years later------------------

"Negi Springfield.", said an old man that had a cloak on.

"Yes!", said a now 14 year old Negi.

"Come forth and receive this scroll.", said the man again.

Negi went up and the man handed it to him.

As he did the man said in a barely audible voice, "Don't worry, we'll find a way to get rid of the effects of that candy."

"Thank you Grandfather.", he replied in the same tone and walked away.

He didn't know this before, but the potion he created three years ago was faulty. Instead of creating the illusion of making him older, the potion actually aged him. He kept on saying to himself "Accidents happened.". He was also thankful that the potion didn't age him to be a hundred. That would've been unpleasant. But if that happened, not many people could say to him, "respect your elders". He laughed at the thought.


"Hey Anya. What did you get?", Negi asked.

Anya turned around. Since she took the same candy that Negi had, she was also aged. She had long brown hair. She didn't change much, she was just taller and her bust was slightly bigger.

"I have to be a fortune teller in London. That's so far away from here.", Anya said.

"What about you?", she asked.

"I'm not sure. I want to open it when you and Nekane are here.", he replied.

Almost as if on cue, a beautiful blonde had appeared from the around the corner. This person was, of course, Nekane Springfield.

"So what do you get Negi?", she asked.

"I'm about to find out.", he said as he opened the scroll.

When he opened it, it was blank. But then words slowly started to appear. First it said his name. Then what he was meant to do appeared.

Negi started to read the words out loud, "English Teacher…..in……Japan….."

"WHAT!?", everyone in the room shouted.

So what did you think? I'm rather proud of this chapter. This came from one of my daily thoughts on things (those are kinda important) and I was thinking what would happen if something was wrong with one of those candies. And the result is this.

If you like it R&R, and any other situation, R&R anyway :)