He approached the small form sitting on the hill with some hesitation. He was nervous, and he was sure she could sense that, with her exceptional skills of perception. He finally came to stand next to her and sat down quietly. The sweet grass swayed gently in the air, and the soft rays of the sun reached out to warm them. It really was the perfect time to ask her, he thought, so there was no turning back now.

Before he could say anything, however, she beat him to it.

"You're awfully worked up today, Snoozles. Something you need to get off of your chest? Other than that one, almost non-existent chest hair?"

He chuckled softly. It was just like her to taunt him when he was feeling the most vulnerable, the most weak. He took a deep breath—though the sound of her voice had calmed his frazzled nerves somewhat—and began.

"Toph, there's something we need to discuss. Hold out your hand."

He felt, rather than saw her tense up a little, before she reluctantly stretched out her hand. He carefully placed the necklace that he had slaved over for the last couple of months into her rough, calloused palm. She closed her fingers over it, feeling the smooth rock. She crinkled her brow and pursed her lips, as if thinking over a difficult problem. A few silent moments passed, and Sokka could feel cold beads of sweat slip down his neck.

"Here, Sokka." She slowly handed the precious piece of jewelry back to him, and he felt his heart sink rapidly, though her hand seemed to take forever to reach him.

"Oh." He didn't care that the disappointment was evident in his voice, or that she might think him weak. He had never been able to do well with rejection, especially after that nasty break-up with Suki. But this…this took the cake. It proved he really was just a Water Tribe peasant, not nearly good enough for the Greatest Earthbender in the World, daughter of the richest people in the Earth kingdom, and, in his opinion, the most amazing woman to ever walk the Earth, even more so than Yue.

He got up, and began to turn around, fully intending to drown his sorrows in alcohol, when her hand shot out and grasped his wrist.

"No, Sokka, that's not what I meant."

He turned back to face her, and found himself lost in those misty green eyes. He always felt like she could see right through him, when she really couldn't see at all.

"I gave it back so you could put it on me, noodlebrain."

He smiled, marveling at the sheer number of nicknames she had for him. She pulled back her short, black curtain of hair, and shaking a little, he clasped the necklace around her. He held her close as they kissed passionately, and when they pulled back, he sensed that she had something important to say.

"You're such an idiot sometimes, Sokka."