Salutations toMaesdream for her truly inspiring KyonHaru lemons. Respect!

This is my first lemon ever, and I'm kind of nervous as to how this turned out. Thank you to all my reviewers, I love you all.

Hmmm, 14 for a lemon, if I counted right. 2 or 3 confused me, but I'll count their reviews as "no lemon, though I'm not really sure". And three votes for NO LEMON.

So, lemon it is.

Please do review!



"Asahina-san? Asahina-san? Can you hear me?"

"H-Hai Koizumi-kun" squeaked an orange haired girl into the phone. "What's wrong? Did I mess up?"

"Not to worry, Asahina-san. I just called to say we won't need you to go and save Suzumiya-san and Kyon-kun anymore."

"Oh! Why? Are they safe? Did they get out?" she cried clutching her cell phone.

"Not yet. But I have a feeling they will."

"But… what if they're hurt? Or they need help?" she stammered.

"Not to worry, Asahina-san. Just come back to the clubroom safe and sound. Nagato and I will be waiting."

Mikuru cringed at the smugness in his voice. She could almost hear him smiling into his phone. She put her phone back into her pocket and headed back to the clubroom baffled.



"I don't want for us to be found."

I blinked.

"I don't want for us to be found."

The line kept reverberating in my mind. Again and again. Again and again.

"I don't want for us to be found."

I found my voice again, and choked, "W-What did you say?"

Haruhi fidgeted. I looked at her with a blank expression, struggling to actually register what she had said.

She was joking, right? Haha. This was a joke. Such a stupid joke. Dearest Haruhi, it's not right to joke like this. Joking around in this kind of a situation is not right at all.

She shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, but straightened up the next moment and said it again.

"I don't want us to be found" she said, determinedly, firmer than before, though her voice a bit shakier. She scowled at the face I involuntarily made. "What?" she asked, as I remained silent. The blank expression on my face gave way to disbelief and wonder. Apparently annoyed, she asked me, "Do you?"

I blinked. "Of course I do. Haruhi, why on earth would you want to be stuck in a broken down old building in the dark without food or water for the rest of your life, with me?" I asked, in horror.

I had expected her to feel guilty or ashamed at that. But she only crept up closer to me, and asked, "Really want to know?" and smirked wickedly.


"Err…" I said, taken aback.

Haruhi roughly pushed me down and got on top of me. She sat triumphantly on my stomach and grinned like the little she-devil she was.

"May I ask what exactly you're trying to do?" She shifted just a little further down, her legs apart and her tiny little skirt riding up her thighs. She didn't reply, and swayed around a bit, apparently enjoying the attention I was giving to her show of skin.

"Are you trying to rape me?" I asked in mock surprise. I was in the mood to tease. Apparently the despair had gotten to me. I smirked.

She pretended not to here; she looked into my eyes intensely and whispered in an oh so sultry voice, "Really want to know, Kyon?"

That was it. That caught me by surprise, and much much more than just surprise. I never knew anyone could make that horrendous nickname sound as sexy as that. I felt a significant bulge in my trousers, but my rational subconscious came to my rescue and I ignored it.

"..Couldn't you have said it without pinning me to the floor?" I tried desperately to keep my eyes from wandering up those long, smooth, white legs to that tiny little skirt riding up her waist, a little more and I could see her…

Damn, stop thinking!

"No" she replied. She seemed to be enjoying this.

Such a simple answer. You never cease to amaze me.

I shifted uncomfortably. "Alright, what's the reason?" I asked, keeping myself, and her, but mainly myself distracted.

"I'll tell you" she purred, "It's because…"

She leaned over onto me, her hair falling in streams on my forehead, her hot breath on my face. As she reached down and nibbled at my ear, I felt the soft fabric of her underwear brush against the bulge in my pants.

Damn, that felt good. No wait, what was I thinking? This is Haruhi.

I shifted my body lower uncomfortably, lest she accidentally get a feel of the tangible effects of her provocation. Her voice fell to a whisper, "Kyon," she said and licked the tip of my earlobe.

Damn you Haruhi.

My mind was getting cloudier with each passing second, and my thoughts whirred about in my head. Haruhi stopped her enticing and whispered to me again, this time making me lose all contact with my rational senses as she said, "I want you."

The world stopped revolving the moment she said that, and so did my heartbeat. My mind did a somersault and the idea came crashing down on me as I realized what I should expect from there on. The pervert in me kicked in, coaxing me to respond to her.

Did she just say what I think she said?

She began to move her hands over my chest enticingly.

Should I respond, or should I just run?

I felt her hot intoxicating breath on the side of my face. I was losing control.

Or should I… I… Oh god, this is not arousing, this is definitely not…

"Ha!" I gasped as she shifted herself further down and now sat right on top of a very sensitive area in of my body. She noticed my little secret, and grinned the evilest grin I had ever seen on her.

Okay, just calm down. This is alright, isn't it? I'm a normal male teenager; I do get my urges now and then. And its pretty obvious Haruhi wants it as bad as I do… no wait, scratch that, did I just said I wanted it? That bumped to the head must have messed me up.

As the battle in my mind raged on I felt a pair of soft lips press gently onto mine. The kiss was brief and our lips parted as she drew away and stared into my sozzled eyes, grinning like a mischievous girl. I was too dazed to react; and Haruhi taking advantage of that, came down on me again, this time deeper and more passionately. She drew away, and got herself off of me, and before I knew it, in a split second, she had pushed me up against the wall, her arms around my neck, her knees digging into my sides, lips chewing on mine hungrily.

I was slowly losing all interaction with the reasonable part of my mind. I absorbed the taste of her lips on mine; they were tangy and fresh, and oh so soft. As she surfaced for air, I muttered, "So you were trying to rape me?" She threw a sly grin at my face, and pounced on me again. She sucked my lower lip playfully, and sought entry into my mouth. She was, quite obviously, dominating.

Well, not so surprising, considering this is Haruhi.

A feeling of delight was bubbling at the back of my mind. Haruhi crushed her lips against mine, urging me on. The intensity of her kiss completely swept me away, and she took full control of my mouth, maneuvering my tongue to her rhythm. Haruhi was taunting me like an animal, daring me to go further; I could feel the vibes she was giving me, yearning, begging, demanding for more.

I was now sitting on the floor, backed up against a wall, with Haruhi kneeling in front of me, leaning forward, thoroughly molesting me shamelessly. She hardly let me breathe let alone take control; but nonetheless I was enjoying it immensely. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through my hair. I felt my hands travel down the length of her body, from her back, to her waist, to her hips and down to her thighs. She let out a soft moan into my mouth and I felt pleased that I was the cause of it. So even Haruhi has a weakness eh? My fingers daringly sneaked into her blouse, and no sooner than later came across something warm and soft; I got another appreciative moan from her.

God, she makes some amazing sounds.

I felt her tense; in a moment a pair of nimble determined hands tugged at my jacket. I opened my eye and saw her concentrating on relieving me of unnecessary clothing.In two seconds, the jacket was gone; in five, my shirt flew across the room and lay abandoned in the corner.

Once again she brought her lips down on mine, and wrestled with my tongue. She was getting impatient and more and more aggressive, and I felt her hands tug at my belt. I speedily undid the zipper of her skirt and got it off in half the time. I grinned at her as I tossed away the skirt; she frantically unbuckled my belt and pulled off my boxers with much fervour. I felt the last piece of clothing slip of; she smiled at the newly exposed extremity.

Impatient, are we, Haruhi?

"Hold on," she said, and reached out to her discarded skirt a few feet from us. I curiously watched as she whipped out a small plastic packet of… "Haruhi! Don't tell me you had this planned?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Actually, I found this in your pocket. Care to explain, Kyon?" she beamed at me, as if proud that I had been carrying around preventives.

Now, now, let's not get the wrong idea here; I'm not that much of a pervert, Haruhi.

"Hehe, Whatever" she said as she climbed onto my lap. I nimbly slipped of her panties and flung them away to some dark corner of the room. The view I got would've driven any guy over the edge. Eyes half-lidded and her hair disheveled she looked exactly the Goddess she was ordained to be; she emitted waves of sexual energy that resonated with my own. I instinctively pressed my finger against the tip of her button, she moaned explicitly, and let out the most sensational sounds. I carefully slid in one finger and Haruhi gasped and bit her lip. I pumped in and out of her and she clung to me as I bit the side of her neck.

"You're… good" she gasped; I grinned triumphantly.

I drew back and Haruhi positioned herself, and the tip of my member pressed against her bare skin.

"No regrets?" I teased.

"No regrets" she smirked.

I entered her with one quick thrust; she was warm and soft, and I slowly pushed in and out, her inner muscles tight around me. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and Haruhi bit her lip at first, but adapted to my movements and adjusted the movement of her hips to mine.

As my thrusts became deeper and faster, Haruhi matched my pace all too well, and we sort of achieved a resonance. Her chest was pressed against mine, as my breathing came out in spurts and gasps. I felt haruhi's body tense at the peak of sexual energy. She clasped on to me and low cry escaped her lips. And then it happened. And I felt a wave of intense pleasure wash over me; my mind and body synchronized as Haruhi and I reached the pinnacle of rapture and pure ecstasy. But it was over, and the sensation surged softly backwards; A worn-out Haruhi fell on my chest and breathed deeply. An array of emotions rushed through me, but all I could think was Wow…I mean, oh wow.

I asked rather tentatively, "Was this your–"

"Mhm" she nodded quickly. "You?"

"Yeah." I grinned at her.

A panting and highly pleased Haruhi got off me and crawled over to find her clothes while I still lay there, stunned at what just happened. She pulled on her skirt and buttoned up her blouse quickly. While I was still looking for my jacket, she sneaked up to me and draped her arms around my neck. "We should do this more often," she whispered, in that insidious voice; I felt myself blush furiously.

A loud sound interrupted our little chat, and we turned around and saw a piece of the door collapse. Haruhi backed up and gripped my hand, frowning. Another part came crumbling down. I jumped out of the way as a fairly big boulder rolled towards my feet. Don't tell me the roof is falling apart! Another rumble and a pile of cement rolled down the mountain debris.

"Oh well, nice knowing you, Haruhi?"

"Baka!" she said, and nudged me in the ribs.

As another part of the door came tumbling down, a bright beam of light shone across us and my eyes pricked from the brightness. It took a while for our eyes to adjust and I stared in astonishment at the sight before me. The doorway was completely clear of rubble and debris; Haruhi inched forward and poked at the pieces of wood carefully. They didn't move.

Her mouth broke into a notoriously wide grin and she said, "Kyon! Look! We can get out now!" in delight. "The hall's a little messy but we can squeeze our way through."

I was about to follow when a thought hit me like a bullet.


Had she planned this all along?

No, that's not right. She has no idea of her powers. When it came to Suzumiya Haruhi, though, there's no sure shot classification of what she may or may not do, or think of doing.

Alright, so she was unpredictable. But surely she wasn't crazy enough to have willed the building to collapse so we could…Nah, couldn't be.

Though somehow, I couldn't entirely convince myself of that.

"Kyon! Come on, before we get stuck again!"

I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?

"What are you standing there for, baka! Let's go!" she yelled.

"Coming" I muttered.

Evil woman. Evil evil woman.



Okay, if you wanna kill me, do it O.o I don't know what that was, but… oh well, this was my first time... and err, I dunno!! Just tell me how it was T.T

Please review!

P.S. a lot of people have told me that Haruhi has been a bit too moody in this story, so I should clear up some things I guess in case others are a little confused too. Reading this is optional.

1: Haruhi was trapped in the building; she really was genuinely shaken up and a little frightened therefore her mood - unstable

2: A highly frustrated Kyon scolds her and she sort of let drop her inhibitions and cried. She was too proud to actually want Kyon to comfort her either, so when she recovered, she got a grip and... Hence, the slap.

3: About the 'Haruhi planning the whole scenario' part... well, Haruhi never really did plan it out consciously; but she sort of willed it to happen, unconsciously, after she had calmed down. Also, her finding the condom in Kyon's pocket did act as a catalyst.

Bah, anyway, most have probably understood that; just that, some of my friends wanted an explanation, so there. Hope this helped. :-)