Jacob Black is moving on. Well, he wants to anyway. And tonight is the night. His first date with a new girl since...well since before he wanted to remember. His hand grasps her small one and his mind is elsewhere. One thought is running through his mind, and it has nothing to do with his new date. His date. He could barely process it. His new date; he didn't even remember her first name. And he had a good memory. A name was swirling in his mind, but he forced it out, not wanting to remember.

"Homemade pasta, my recipe," he says to his date, Sara. Or maybe it was Charlotte. Or Elise. She smiles warmly at him and takes a bite of the hot food, loving what he has done for her. He smiles back at her, but it never reaches his eyes. It is forced; every movement coming from him takes all of his strength. Why is he doing this again?

She makes meaningless conversation with him and he half-listens, choosing what he wants to hear. He is in a simple reverie and doesn't want to be disturbed. Her senses tell her that something is wrong, but not to fix it. No, she couldn't fix it. No one can mend a broken heart.

Dinner is over before he realizes it. The pasta is gone and she is urging him to stand up. What a pathetic date, she thinks. Maybe it will get better. She has no idea what he thinks, though. His mind is still set in one train of thought. He unconsciously picks up his plate and it lands with a small clatter in the sink. His hand reaches for the tap and he turns it on, letting the hot water pour from the pipes. He adores hot water. It seems to always melt away the misery, making it all wash away down the drain. His thoughts are carelessly interrupted again. He feels a petite hand snake it's way around his arm and he sighs, inwardly.

She takes her hand and runs it up his chest and onto his shoulder for comfort. He says nothing, but responds, knowing it will take away the pain. The pain of it all; the ache of the memories. He fiercely presses his lips to hers, wanting to forget it all. She responds enthusiastically, wistfully thinking that he wants to be with her.

But in truth, he doesn't even know her name.

And she isn't even on his mind.

Because right now, the only thing that Jacob Black is thinking about is one girl.

Bella Swan. His Bella Swan.

And how it could never be so.