
Twelve Years Later

"Troy hurry up or we'll be late…AGAIN!" Gabriella shouted up the stairs. She had been married to Troy for thirteen years now and she loved him more than life itself, but no matter what time they started to get ready to go somewhere he always managed to be the last one to get ready. And Gabriella always thought that women took the longest. Today was Christmas day and they were heading to Sonia's house and would be meeting the Bolton's and the Danforth's there. Chad and Taylor had got married ten years ago and now they had twin daughters, Savannah and Eve who were 8 years old. They were now expecting a son and he was due in two months time. Sonia had remarried three years ago and he was probably the best dad that Gabriella had ever had. He was a chubby and friendly man with graying hair and a moustache. He had never been happier which in turn made Gabriella and Troy happy.

Jack was now twelve years old. Their second son had been born on October 9th and they named him Liam. Jack and Liam were often mistaken for twins. There was just over a year between them and they were almost identical in height, body shape and appearance. They both looked exactly like Troy with their electrifying blue eyes and sandy brown hair. Now that Jack was getting older he had taken to using strengtheners as he had adopted his mother's curls. But what family was complete without a little angel. A daughter for a daddy to adore and for a mother to teach about makes up and shop together. Well this family was no exception and three years ago they had another baby and it was a little girl. They had called her Angelica, or Angel for short. Unlike her brothers she was the double of her mother. He hair grew rapidly and she had loose curls falling down her back. As a baby she had had her fathers bright blue eyes but they had quickly melted into a soft chocolate colour like her mother. Troy doted on her. She was his baby girl and he was always spending time with her. Both of them wanted to give their daughter everything. They also wanted her and the boys to have the life they never had and let them make their own decisions and own mistakes that they can learn from.

"Brie I can only find one shoe!" Troy whined down the stairs. Gabriella huffed as she went upstairs to go and route threw her husbands mess to solve the mystery of the missing shoe.

Thirty minutes later the family of five were buckled into the car and were on their way, ready to celebrate the holiday with the people they loved.

The day was the same as it was every year. The boys would do everything they could to avoid Grandma kisses but grinned through it so that they didn't feel so guilty when they received their gifts. And as usual Angel lapped up all the attention and provided a lot of entertainment while doing her "tutti-frutti dance." This involved having any type of upbeat music on and Angel would automatically hold up her dress and start wiggling to the beat of the music. It would be followed with rounds of laughter and "awws" from the adults and the little girl would end up toppling and falling onto her bottom where she would giggle until she was almost blue in the face. Then she would run into her father's arms and let him shower her with adoration. That was the life of the young Bolton family now and that's the way they had always wanted it to be.

This Christmas day was the same as all the others that had passed. They had eaten, opened presents and then sat in front of the TV watching a DVD of some sort. The men all fell asleep and the women amused the children. That was what Christmas should be for them. They were a strange family some thought. Because no matter what not one of them ever caused an argument on this magical day. They all believed that Gabriella's disappearance all those years ago had shown them that life's too short and one day someone's there and the next they could be gone and there would be nothing that you could do about it.

That night everyone ended up getting taxi's home. It was 11.20 before Gabriella and Troy got the children through the front door but within ten minutes the boys were in bed fast asleep and Angel was being put down by daddy. Gabriella stood in the living room looking at their Christmas tree. Seeing the gold star sitting on top brought a tear to her eye every year. Because you see Robert, Gabriella's father was put in prison. But he couldn't cope in there. After 3 months of what he considered unbearable living conditions for any human being, he left his family a goodbye letter and hung himself from the bars in his cell.

Gabriella hated to admit it but she missed him. Even after everything that he had done to her…he was still her daddy. When she was just a little girl she remembered him reading her bedtime stories and holding her tight when she was ill. But all good things have to come to an end someday. And all she could do was make sure that while her father was hopefully looking down on her and her family from the stars above, that she was making him proud. And also made sure that he knew she always loved him…no matter what. The bond between father and daughter is unbreakable, just like Troy and Angel.

Troy came up from behind and wrapped his strong tanned arms around his petite wife.

"You ok?" he asked gently. She had confided in him several years ago and each year after their Christmas celebrations he would find her staring intently at the beautiful tree that took up a large space in their living room.

"I think so." Troy stood next to her and held her hand. It was practically tradition for the couple to stand together and say a silent prayer for those that they have loved and lost. Troy gently led his wife away from the tree and up the stairs to their bedroom. Christmas was over for another year. Soon they would be in the New Year and then celebrating their fourteenth wedding anniversary.

Who could really tell what the future really held for this family? Would they live happily ever after like in a fairytale? But then again aren't fairytales just stories that have not yet ended? All they could do was take it day by day. Maybe this next year could bring them things that they never expected. Holidays, new job opportunities, maybe even the pitter-patter of another pair of tiny feet…

Hey Guys!

So this is the end of my story!

Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

My new story is called 'Perfect' and it's about Gabriella going missing at 16 with her family, she turns up 6 years later but with a twist!

The first chapter will be up no later than Sunday 2nd December 2007!

Much Love

