Author's Note: Contrary to how it may appear I do other things than sit around all day writing stories. : ) I happen to have a lot of free time right now, but that will probably change soon. This is a little teaser for the next story I want to do in the fairy tale experiment - it's Rei and Jed (and a little darker than Cupid and Psyche). I have a special request on responses though - can anyone tell me if Jedite's name is spelled 'Jedite' or 'Jadeite' (I think that's how FFnet's category selector spells it)? I wasn't quite sure. Anyway, thank you for reading.

The Firebird


A thin, blond man dressed in a cobalt blue suit sat drumming his fingers on the glass counter top of a nearby table. Across from him, sitting comfortably in a large cushioned chair, was a balding, portly man with icy blue eyes.

The young man removed his sunglasses, revealing eyes of the same color and coldness as the man opposite him.

"You received my message?" the older man asked quietly.


"Excellent. Then you already have some idea of what I'm going to ask you to do for me. For the company."

"I do."

The younger man sat quietly, nothing betrayed any kind of emotion in his face even though the man he was speaking to was his father.

The older man shoved a file folder toward him and he caught it deftly with one hand, glancing through the contents.

"A long time ago I met a promising young political secretary by the name of Suzuki."

The younger man started slightly.

"Yes," his father nodded, "he's the same man I sent your cousin to work for as a secretary."

His father sighed and rubbed his head.

"Suzuki is now an extremely wealthy and powerful man, and all his money and power will pass to his sole heir, his daughter. I tried to influence your cousin, Kaidou, to form an attachment with the girl – and it seemed that he had, but he fooled us all of course by marrying into another family and losing Suzuki's daughter."

"I see," the younger man said slowly, "so the reason you called me here is that you hope I may succeed where Kaidou did not?"


Blue met blue as the two men stared at one another in perfect understanding.

"Will you do this for me?" his father asked, "We need to have Suzuki's full backing in everything we do, and we need security. This is the only way."

The younger man did not hesitate to bow in agreement.

"Very good. Though you are the youngest, and therefore the least of my sons, this will be a marvelous thing for you to accomplish. It will be your greatest contribution to our family and our company, and it will provide you with security as well, since you cannot hope to compete with your brothers."

Jadeite continued to nod humbly, but his eyes flashed briefly when his father couldn't see. Raising his head, he smiled politely.

"I hope I will please you, father," he said.

He rose and bowed once more to his father, took the file folder of information, and left the room.

Walking down the hall of his father's company office, he was already on the phone making arrangements with his secretary for transportation and lodgings in Tokyo.

Though an arranged marriage was not the way Jadeite had planned to gain control of his father's company, it was not a hindrance to his plans, and might even prove beneficial as he made the necessary steps along the painstakingly slow path to overcoming his brothers.

"Hino Rei," he spoke softly, glancing at the photo provided by his father.

She'll certainly make me a pretty wife. He acknowledged. Beautiful, rich wives were always an advantage in politics.

Of course he would provide for her happiness after the marriage. He had no real interest in women (or men) being too caught up in the power play and the thrill of the game to waste time on dangerous distractions – but he wasn't a cruel man. When they were married she could have as many 'indiscretions' as she liked, providing, naturally, that they were discrete. He had known for a very long time that love was something he was totally unsuited for, business – power, were the only things he respected. His mind always and invariably won any struggle with his heart – a fact of which he was often secretly proud.

He calmed his excitement over his growing plans and forced himself to consider the issue at hand. Steps had to be taken carefully, one at a time, in order for long laid plans to come to fruition. First he must win Hino-san, and to do that he needed information.

Glancing again at the files, something caught his eye and he dialed a number.

"Osaka-san? Yes, it's me again. In addition to the hotel I want you to find out about the neighboring shrines. See if there are any shrines in need of patrons or donations. Thank you."

He clicked the phone shut with a cold smile. His brain was already teeming with plans for capturing Hino Rei.