Naruto/Shikamaru Naruto

The Libra

Konoha had nicknamed them "Libra". Of equal balance. One countered out the other while the other did the same. The Yin and the Yang...or just the Libra.


Naruto was, by definition, the epitome of energy. He lit up a room with his smile and his blue eyes always depicted his curiousity for life. Anyone who neared him felt suddenly calmed by the blonde's aura. He was a happy-go-lucky spirit with a soul to match. He wasn't exactly the...smartest person on the planet, but he made up with that with his non-stop humor. His fiesty restless attitude could be tiresome, but once you knew how to expect it, you flowed with. Just like he did. He loved life, people, and everything in between.


Shikamaru was the complete opposite. Shikamaru was lazy. He complained about every little thing and never listened to anyone. Not even his parents. His attitude was laid back and ignorant. Personally, he didn't care if he head to live or die. Shikamaru was not the one you came to if you had problems. He simply rolled his eyes, lit a cigarette, and sighed saying "How troublesome..." or "What a drag...". No Shikamaru was no counselor. But in what he lacked he made up in intelligence. Shikamaru was the most brilliant person of Konoha. He was an excellent strategist, cool and calm, with about two hundred or so other ideas processing through his head when in a tight situation. Shikamaru was different.

Together they made the other whole. They were the Yin and the Yang.

"Hey Shikamaru?" Naruto asked, rolling on his side and staring at Shikamaru. The lazy nin was staring far off into the clouds, his mind obviously in another place. Naruto leaned in and rested his head on Shikamaru's shoulder. He ran a hand lightly over the Nara's stomach, feeling the muscles underneath tense as he did so.

Dark eyes turned to his face.

"Mmmm..." came the hummed response. Naruto smiled lightly, nuzzling the crook of Shikamaru's neck.

"Do you love me?" Naruto asked quietly, nipping at a sensitive spot on the Nara's neck. The action earned him a hitch in breath, and the question earned him a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru asked, propping himself up on his elbows. Naruto shrugged and raised his head up to stare at Shikamaru.

"It's a simple question dattebayo," Naruto teased, grinning widely, "Do YOU love ME?"

"You know I do." Shikamaru answered, still looking confused. Naruto slipped between Shikamaru's legs and wrapped his arms around the Nara's waist. His chin rested on Shikamaru's navel as he looked up.

Blue eyes met onyx.

"Say it." Naruto suddenly begged, poking Shikamaru's nose with a tan finger. Shikamaru stared down at the blonde between his legs, confusion clouding his expression. Then slowly, he leaned down and captured the blonde's lips with his own. Drawing away, Shikamaru smiled.

"I love you." Shikamaru sighed, falling onto his back again. The comfortable pressure of Naruto on top of him was simply wonderful and familiar.

"I love you too."

And together, they created the Libra.