A/N: Here we go...

Chapter 27

Sahara looked at the snow covered landscape as it flew by underneath her. The cub held onto Ma-Mutt's head and the dog couldn't help but smile as he soared through the air. The flying canine had shape shifted to make himself larger so that all three cubs fit on his back. So Tyler sat with Leo behind the girl, making sure the little boy didn't fall off their ride.

"How'd you do that Hara?" The four year old pumiger was working on learning his best friend's name. She shrugged.

"I don't know." The litah just gave him a smile.

"I hope mommy and daddy find us soon, I'm getting cold." Tyler told her.

"Me too." Sahara nodded. The three cubs had no idea how close help was or if they were even going in the right direction but they knew that their parents would find them.

Back at the onyx pyramid, Mumm-Ra yelled for his horrible hound. He was surprised that his faithful dog would have disappeared with the hostages.

"You miserable mutt, when I find you…" the mummy slammed his right fist into his open left hand.

Meanwhile the skies were full of ThunderCats' vehicles all in search of the three cubs. Cheetara tried to reach her daughter through her mind but she wasn't having any luck. Somehow the little one could get to her but she couldn't get it to work both ways.

"Where are my babies?" She asked the control panel in the small transport.

"We'll find them." Lion-O's voice came over the radio. He could sense his mate's desperation through their bond. Just then a voice came over the radio.

"Um I think I found them. They're on the back of this huge dog."

"Identify yourself and your position." The Lord of the ThunderCats said.

"Second Lieutenant Rogali, sending coordinates now sir." Came the reply.

"All vehicles in the vicinity respond immediately, the rest of you stay in your areas searching. When we get confirmation then return to base." The lion commanded.

"Look!" Tyler shouted to his friend.

"There is so many of them." Sahara's eyes went wide. The two looked on as Leo gurgled. The little boy was enjoying his time in the sky.

"This is the Thunder Guard transport one-one-two. Under the command of Lord Lion-O of the ThunderCats, I'm taking you aboard." A voice from the ship announced.

"Yeah!!" Tyler and Sahara shouted. Inside the ship, the Second Lieutenant smiled.

"I'll take it there are no objections." Soon he had the cubs and their ride inside the ship and the others escorted them home as he contacted the Lord of the ThunderCats.

At the Lair, Cheetara, Lion-O, and Ben-Gali jumped out of their ships as they watched the ship carrying their children landed. The bay door opened and Sahara and Tyler ran for their parents. Rogali carried Leo and exited the ship. Two other Thunder Guard members went in and grabbed Ma-Mutt.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Sahara called out and was in their arms as fast as possible. Rogali wasn't far behind with Leo. Lion-O shook the Second Lieutenant's hand and gladly too his son into his arms.

"Daddy!" Tyler was excited to see his father but looked around as if he knew something was wrong.

"Where's Mommy?" He asked. Ben-Gali's heart sunk; with everything going on he hadn't been able to talk to Tygra to see how Pumyra was doing.

"We'll go see her." The white tiger smiled, hoping to make his son happy. Quickly the two headed over to the sick bay with their friends right behind them.

Tygra sat at the desk in the medical facility with Panthro in one bed and Pumyra in another. He'd sent the Kittens back to the control room to keep an eye on things. He now focused on the report he had to file later. The door opened and Ben-Gali walked in.

"How is she?" His brother tiger wondered.

"Luckily the wound on her shoulder wasn't as bad as it looked. She did lose a good amount of blood from her multiple injuries but I expect her to be up and about in about a week and a half. I want to keep an eye on her burns especially. The Kittens told me that she pushed them into the locker before Mumm-Ra got there. They're older now but it seems she thought they needed to be protected." Tygra explained. This made Ben-Gali smile before he asked his next question.

"And the cub?" He held his breath. It seemed the world had something against the two of them having children.

"The cub seems to still be doing well. I'm keeping an eye out for any irregular heartbeats from the blood loss. Unfortunately she isn't far enough along for me to run any tests for brain damage or anything." The orange tiger tried to deliver the news as easy as he could. Ben-Gali nodded and tried to process the information before heading over to his wife. Lion-O held onto the three cubs while Cheetara went in to check on her friend. Lea had left Panthro's side and the two tried to make Ben-Gali feel better.

"Why is my mommy here?" Tyler asked the lion.

"She was trying to care for some friends. She is a very brave ThunderCat." He told him. This made the little boy smile.

Later after the cubs had been put down for bed, Lion-O stood in front of Ma-Mutt who had been caged in the brig.

"I'm not quite sure what I should do with you." He told the dog. The stupid smile the horrible hound wore didn't dissipate.

"Sahara and Tyler want to keep you, if only they knew what you are." Lion-O continued. The canine barked at him and wagged his tail. The lion shook his head. Maybe Snarfer could whip up another animal communicator or Snarf could something out of him.

"Still I want to thank you. If you were truly trying to save them, then I owe you." Lion-O smiled before leaving the room.

Up in his bedchamber, Cheetara sat on their bed waiting for her husband. Something was troubling her and they needed to talk. The door to the room opened and the lion walked in. He was obviously tired.

"I think Sahara is more powerful than me." The cheetah spit out.

"Huh?" Lion-O was a little confused.

"Her mental powers, I mean. I think she controlled Ma-Mutt to fly them home." Cheetara explained.

"Could explain the smile on his face but how can you be sure?" He wondered.

"I can't but it's worth checking out." She told him.

"I agree; we'll have to see what Tygra says. If you're right then it's a late Christmas gift. I guess the party will have to be for New Years now. Anyway all I want to do right now is to crawl into bed with a beautiful woman." There was a mischievous smile on his face.

"Well that can be arranged." Cheetara smirked.

The End

Hope you liked it. :)