Disclaimer: I don't own anything… so please don't sue me!

Author's note: Be aware that English is not my first language so…please be kind with my sucky grammar and writing…I'm sorry if the characters are occ, but I just wanted to make them different…this is my first fic ever, so I hope you guys enjoy it! And please review even if it is for killing me for such a bad story…

Italics are for character thoughts

The Silly Tactics to Make You Fall In Love

Chapter 1: My bad luck and our fateful encounter.

The sacred Norse wolfs, an ancient and very proud tribe, our reign is located in the snowy mountains of Windbloom. Since we are one of the most developed military forces, for generations our reign has provided a military support for windbloom.

However, despite our alliance with windbloom many of the other reigns had never considered us equally to them.

Maybe it has something to do with our traditions or perhaps with our lifestyles. Royalty here are not a bunch of cowards sitting on a throne, we are warriors by nature. Our people hold serious rituals to test the one that is going to lead them; with serious I actually mean bloody fights and multiple wounds to prove if the chosen is the more capable. The rituals are hold in the royal Swartz academy, a prestigious academy located in the palace grounds that trains skilled and fierce warriors.

For foreigners we are a reign of savages and brutes…but the truth is that they do not even know that our rituals and traditions are there to keep the honor and the loyalty of ancient warriors, and those feelings for sure were lost in this era.

However, let us go back to the point…I am one of these sacred Norse wolfs…why the name? Well, the sacred Norse came from our ancestors that were Nordic deities and the wolf is a tribute to our loyal partners, but of course there is a secret involved in this entire "wolf" thing, something that the foreigners don't even imagine that exist.

Werewolves…a myth between ignorant but for our tribe means a new leader, let us go deeper into my family history, the main royal bloodline: the Kruger's. My family is the one's that has leaded our tribe for generations, since ancient times. My father and mother died when I was still little. That makes me being the last of the Kruger's and that means that I have to lead this reign.

I already proven myself worthy by winning all the battles of the tournament, however something even one hundred times scarier was the step that I have to take next: marriage issues. That's the reason of why I am currently sitting under a secluded bench with snow falling all over me, I am really desperate to find a solution for my problems. I don't think that I have another choice, my oncoming birthday and my victory in the tournament only means that I would have to get married.

I'm about to celebrate my eighteen birthday, and that for sure is scaring me to death…the rituals to be the leader sure were filled of battles and violence, but they are not even a half of the marriage issues. Finding the ring for the wedding is even worst, you can't buy it, you must earn it. To be honest the ring, is not the thing that is worrying me, the fact that I had to fall in love and go into all that embarrassing process with someone that I don't even know is going to end up making me lose my sanity.

I am not very happy about winning all those fights, because that is just the bloody tip of the iceberg, now I have to be concerned about that stupid marriage. I feel cornered; it is like there is no way out of this. As I see one of the palace guards approach me with an envelope, my worst nightmare became true: the royal council needs to discuss something with me.

I am summon to the chamber of the court and I directed myself towards the main room, my footsteps were resonating on the marble halls, cold sweat already forming in my back, stiffly I managed to open the gold handles of the giant black wooden gate. I think that the astonishment is evident in my face, because of all the members of the court, I wasn't expecting the single figure sitting on the middle of the room, it was that red haired drunkard. There she is with her characteristic cheery expression that is rather stuck on her face. She is the most respected of the court because of her honorable attitude and her remarkable skills in the battlefield. She was my father's most skilled student, Sensei Sugiura Midori.

However, for me she is a perverted drunkard. Actually, nobody knows that I don't show her any respect, but I have my reasons for that, ha! If they knew that, the so-called Sensei is indeed a drunken moron! They would not praise her in that way. Its not that I dislike her, is just that we don't have the typical student – sensei relationship, I just treat her like I do to a close friend.

I took a seat in front of Midori and I am getting ready for a hell of a boring lecture. She finally broke the silence, and with her typical cheery voice, she started explaining.

"You woe laden child, the time has arrived for the marriage issues, our ancestors are claiming for your ascend to the throne, but you know better than anyone that you could not lead the sacred Norse wolfs if you are not married".

Hell…Midori is indeed very serious, I was about to make fun of that silly fake speech that she probably wrote by looking for "big words" during a week on a dictionary, but I just restrained myself to do so.

"What? You have to be kidding me Midori! I am going to get married but with whom? I refuse to get married with someone of the academy! That's definitely out of the question".


"Show more respect you unmannered child!"

"hey! You just hit me, you idiot!" sheesh talk about unmannered…

"Silence!!! Anyways who told you Kruger Natsuki that you are going to decide? The Emperor of Zipang got an agreement with your father since you were born, so you would be meeting your fiancée in few days, she is the daughter of emperor Hidemaru"

Oh… so I don't have to decide…WHAT THE HELL!


"Is called "Zipang" Kruger, and why are you so worried about not knowing her…you will get plenty of time for that hahaha! And show more respect to me Baka! I am your sensei!"

Ha! Who wants time to know such a thing? I already figured out how is she going to look like… all day long attended by servants, annoying and spoiled like hell! She probably doesn't work out, yeah she is FAT and UGLY! Dammit you bloody drunken! Arg! just my luck…after all this battles…now I have to marry a fat and ugly royal lady of a freaking weird country…Zip- whatever…I was at least expecting to choose by myself. Now this is even worse than before.

"So Midori, when she is going to arrive?" I just have to pretend and then I will

Come up with something…

"Maybe this afternoon Natsuki-san, so behave yourself we don't want any misunderstandings with the kingdom of Zipang"

Ha! Of course, that I will "behave" there is not such a word in my vocabulary…no after this shocking news.

"Well then…I will meet her in the afternoon" yeah like that it's actually going to happen…bye- bye fat ass ugly royal!

"And don't skip your classes Natsuki-san!"

Well…skipping classes is my hobby in the academy. The fact of being a Kruger makes me quite popular, something that I really don't like. I prefer to keep my privacy, so I rather like to spend my time alone, I'm not really a very social person. What is the point to talking to a bunch of fake idiots that just care about my status? Thankfully, I know a few people that are not like that, so I only have a few friends.

However, I have a more important matter to attend, that marriage thing is concerning me, I have to do something…and I know the right person to help me out or I will get married with an ugly fat lady…

I left the court chamber and headed towards the academy campus, to the freshman quarters to be more specific, the one that I'm looking for spends the most of her time trying to make younger silly girls fall for her. The self-proclaimed "Hottie", who also happens to be my stupid best friend :Yuuki Nao.

In the corner against a wall is standing that red haired knucklehead, wearing the academy uniform and throwing lecherous glances to the girls. She is annoying as hell, but a skilled fighter nonetheless. since she is in last year she is allowed to work as a part time guard in the castle gates, as she put it by herself "military uniform attracts more saucy girls". Such a pervert, I think that the uniform is the only thing that she actually enjoys of her part time job.

I just make my presence noticed and gathered all my courage to voice my currently miserable situation. Nao has a nasty side of making fun of me that I really don't want to see right now.

"Hey Nao! I need to ask you something!"

"Don't bother me Kruger…can't you see that I'm busy"

Yeah, busy my ass, you are just being yourself: a perverted idiot!!!

"Come on Nao! I know that you are not busy, I really need your help or I'll be doomed for the rest of my life!"

"Hell that I'm busy Natsuki! Can't you notice all that hotties wearing mini skirts? Hoho look at that!!! That's Tomoe Marguerite! What a Niceee piece of ass!!"

"Cut it out you loser!!! Haven't you paid attention to any of the lessons? You aren't supposed to talk like a drunk old pervert! In front of a lady! If she actually hears you, she would slap your ugly ass face and you would lose any chance with her!"

" Sheesh I get it mom…look… you don't need to be so well- mannered and spoil all the fun Natsuki! You are not in front of a stupid foreigner royal, so cut the crap out and stop talking like a tamed pooch!"

" I am not a tamed pooch! I am a fierce hound!!" a tamed pooch? How dare she? Huh "how dare she"? I guess she is right…better stop practicing how to talk with Miss Maria…

"yeah yeah, whatever you say tamed puppy! Spill it out! it better be something important or you are going to pay!"

"Hell that is important you idiot! Midori told me that I am going to get married with some woman of a weird country…Zip-..Whatever…and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a fat and ugly royal…!"

"Hahaha no way Kruger! A fat ugly royal that totally hates what we are! I suggest you to act like a "savage" that is how the call us…they really hate that…"

"Thanks for nothing Nao! That does not help me at all, I already thought about that…but I can't bring shame to our reign, I rather die before letting that happen!"

"There you go again! Stop talking like that! You got a serious problem! That's what you get for actually paying attention to that old hag classes! You tamed pooch! heh I guess that you are getting married huh? Ha ha!"

"Ahem, excuse me Miss Yuuki, but it is quite disrespectful to call someone "Old Hag" I wonder of whom you were talking about?"

"M-miss Ma-ria, well I-I was just"

"Please follow me, you must be punished for using such an inappropriate language, we are going to spend hours teaching you how to properly communicate young lady!"

Hahaha that idiot! She deserves it! She shouldn't be making fun of the way I talk!, but what she actually said was useless.

After all talking to Nao was not a big help, I would not dare to bring shame to our dynasty, so I decided to leave Nao behind with Miss Maria and start to get serious, after all if I not come up with something before this afternoon I would be spending the rest of my life with something disgusting!.

I need to calm myself down to clear my head and start making a plan. I know! I will go to the gym and do some work out that would definitely is going to calm me down! However, I would have to go to the other side of the academy grounds…yeah they are too far away…argg I guess that a long walk would do the same…

And indeed, I am starting to calm down until I heard some noises coming from the entrance of the palace. I start to run towards the castle gates and I spot a carriage guarded with many soldiers, I approach as fast as I can and but I couldn't stand what I was actually witnessing.

what is going on in that carriage? A fight! Whoa they are trying to hurt that lady! Hah they surely picked the wrong place to start a fight!

A young lady is trying to escape from a royal carriage but it seems that the guards are forcing her to return, and of course for us the Norse wolfs that definitely means a heated fight. I felt my blood boil from the anger, such an act of cowardice! I would defend that lady from those insolents! Without second thoughts, I just launched to the fight!

"Hah! What do we have here? A bunch of filthy cowards, attacking and innocent lady! You maggots don't even dare to touch her or you will win an early grave!" what the hell are you all waiting for?

"This is nothing of your business SAVAGE!" One of the soldiers managed to reply.

"That's it! You just brought your first class ticked to hell!" Wrong answer you idiots!

I used all my speed and running towards the carriage, I drew my sword and prepared myself to the attack. My fighting skills, those are almost perfect due to my early age intense training. And they proved to be very useful as I started attacking the soldiers delivering uppercuts and hits with the back of my sword. I didn't want to kill them, it is not pleasant for a lady to witness such a bloodbath, ha! I sometimes even surprise myself, when it comes to defend innocent ladies, I can't be nothing but a true well mannered savior.

Focusing again at my heroic task I started to analyze the situation, they were too many, of course this wasn't a trouble for me, but if this continues eventually I would really have to hurt them, they were starting to deliver hits with their weapons and I was easily avoiding all their unskilled attacks.

If only I could beat the hell out of them, but that could put in danger that innocent lady! Moreover, my top priority is rescuing her! Those idiots can wait a bit longer!

Making a swift movement, I grab the lady and then jumped into the forest running as fast as I can, after running for a while we were far enough from the palace, tired I leaned against a tree, still holding the lady, but then I realized something…

Damn… I haven't seen her face yet, and where are my manners? I have not introduced myself! However, she has not say a single word to me, could it be that she like the others thinks that I am a savage or mayb-…

I couldn't finish my thoughts because I was suddenly interrupted.

" Ara…thank you for saving me"

A soft voice with a thick accent makes me to look down.

Oh my god! Her eyes are crimson like blood, so incredibly beautiful, and her features are stunningly perfect, like a goddess…she is just so perfect… those alluring nice curves and look a that cleavage how nice…Wait!!! What was that for? She is starting to look weird at me!

"Eh… uh sure, it was n-nothing!" great Natsuki you just sounded like a stupid!

"My! Were are my manners my name is Shizuru Viola and you must be…?"

"Nat…Natsuki" that's it! Focus natsuki you are acting like a total idiot in front of her…

"Can you please let me go; I think that I am safe now"

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry…I did not mean to scare you lady" I let go the crimson eyed beauty.

"Why does Natsuki-sans face is kind of red? Are you ok?"

Damn…I hold her more than I was intending to and now I look more stupid for blushing in front of her! I must change the topic quickly!!!

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired…ahem you still own me an explanation, why were you trying to escape from the carriage?"

"I was running away because I don't want to get married with a savage"

So…it's that what you think about all of us? And I just thought that you were different from the other royals…

"I see…" I just couldn't stand it, why do I feel so sad?