I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. The story, however, is mine.

Enjoy! noitcelfeR

A Vampire's Kiss

Chapter 1: Meetings

Her breath showed in the air as she made her way through the streets of Paris. Her boot clad feet fell with confidence through the cobblestone alley. Although she was wearing little more than a leather jacket over a leather body suit, she didn't shiver. The jacket fell all the way to the ground. The leather body suit was laced down her back, and it had tight legs which fell under her knee-high boots.

There was movement in the shadows, but she didn't seem to notice. She simply kept walked. Then, a man stepped out from the shadows, "well well well, what are you doing all alone out here, my pretty?" She kept walked.

"Hey, bitch, we're talking to you!" shouted another man who blocked her way. She stopped, her pale blue eyes narrowed at the larger man. Annoyed, she ran her fingers through her raven locks.

"Yeah that's right, stay right there. We'll take care of you," chuckled a third man as he grabbed her arm.

"You will regret touching me," she warned quietly.

"Nah, I think we will quite enjoy it." She took a deep breath, and then simply vanished into a puff of blue-black smoke. The woman reappeared behind the man and snapped his neck.

"Oh FUCK!" screamed the second man before he and the other man took off, but she wasn't ready to let them go; instead, she made a move after them. It took only a moment before all three bodies lied dead in the alleyway.

"Kagome," scolded a woman from the shadows, "was that really necessary?" The girl was wearing a pair of black leather pants and a deep red silk shirt. She had brown eyes and hair which seemed exotic against her light skin.

"Probably not, but a girl's has to entertain herself somehow. Right, Sango?" chuckled Kagome, her blood-red lips pulling back until a white fang was revealed.

Sango couldn't help but chuckle, "Okay, but let's at least get a meal out of this." Kagome shrugged and the two feasted on the still warm blood.

After they were done, Kagome and Sango began making their way back to their manor just beyond the bounds of Paris.

"Let's fly home. It's almost morning, and I don't feel like having to call for a ride home for you," suggested Kagome as she transformed into a slightly too large to be natural bat. Although Sango was only a second generation vampire, she couldn't stay out in the sunlight. Kagome, one of the original vampires, could stay out in sunlight and had little to stop her from acting like a normal human.

After a few minutes of flying, Sango and Kagome arrived at the house just as the sky was turning gray. Sango quickly made her way into the manor. Kagome, however, didn't move from the steps of the large mansion.

"Are you coming in?" asked Sango from the doorway.

Kagome shook her head and answered, "I want to watch the sunrise…"

"Kagome…" whispered Sango, seeing the sadness in her friend's eyes, "It's been so long, just let him go…"

"Go inside Sango, the sun is rising." Her voice was cold with command and Sango had to give in and go inside. Once she was alone, Kagome began walking through the forest around the estate. "Kaemon…" she whispered to the trees, without being able to stop herself, tears began to flow down her cheeks.


"Inuyasha, Inuyasha! What are you doing?" cried Kagome as she chased a black-haired man through the woods.

"I'm leaving," snapped Inuyasha, turning to look at her. His purple eyes were angry as they bore into hers. "What are you?"

"I don't know. Inuyasha, I don't know what is happening to me. Please, help me," Kagome pleaded, moving towards him, but he just stepped away from her.

"Stop saying my name," he growled, "You aren't Kagome anymore."

"I am though," she cried, tears running down her cheeks. "I am Kagome." She pleaded.

"No, you're a monster. I just found you with your teeth in a dead man. Why did you do this?" shouted Inuyasha.

"I wanted to be stronger. I wanted to be able to bear children for you. I knew it was my sickness which kept us from conceiving, and this was the only way I could see to fix it. I needed to be stronger."

"Now you are nothing. You are evil. Burn in hell Kagome," snapped Inuyasha before walking away.

"Inuyasha, don't do this. I love you!"

He moved quickly, drawing his sword and laying it against her throat, "If you ever come near me for the rest of my life, I will kill you. Do you understand?" Kagome could only nod through the tears in her eyes.

End Flashback

The sound of a twig snapping brought Kagome back to her senses. She had wandered much farther into the woods than she had thought, and the sun had crawled well into the sky. Kagome could hear a nearby stream and decided to rinse her face in the cold water before returning to the manor. She found the stream in a shady part of the forest, but the water was clear and there were rocks to sit on along the edge. She found a sunny, warm rock and sat down, relaxing in the sounds and smells of the fresh water.

Just as Kagome was dipping her hands in the water, another twig snapped. She sat straight up and looked around her. Although her eyesight was better than a human's, the dense forest allowed for little visibility.

"Show yourself," she commanded. For a moment, the forest was still and Kagome felt very foolish, but, then, a man began to walk from the trees. He was tall and moved with a sort of animalistic grace. Although he had silver hair, he looked to be in his early twenties. He had two scar marks on his cheeks, but they seemed more like a accent to his beauty, not a deterrent.

"You are in no position to be commanding me, woman," he stated coldly. Kagome, feeling the threat in his voice, stood. Although she was a good half a foot shorter than him, she squared her shoulders and let her jacket fall to the ground, showing off her well-tones arms.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I believe I am the one with the right to ask that question."

"You have no right here. This is my land." The man quirked an eyebrow at Kagome, and, then, he moved toward her. It was a quick, precise movement, and, before Kagome could react, she was being held by her neck against a tree. "Let me go," she commanded, anger in her blue eyes.

His gold eyes hardened, "Do no command this Sesshoumaru. Especially not from the position you are currently in." Kagome assessed the situation and smirked as she thought up a plan. Her lips twisted into a sexy smile and her tongue darted out to run across them. Sesshoumaru's eyes flicked down to her lips, and Kagome could feel his heartbeat increase through his hand around his neck. Slowly, Kagome wrapped her legs around Sesshoumaru's waist. Sesshoumaru growled lightly as arousal infiltrated her scent. Kagome moved her hands up his chest and to the back of his neck where she traced lazy circles over his pulse points. Sesshoumaru shivered slightly, growling with both annoyance and pleasure. When her hands dipped into his white, silk, button-down shirt, he slammed her against the tree.

"What wrong Sesshy? Not one for women?" teased Kagome. Sesshoumaru, annoyed at her comment, threw her to the ground, but he was surprised when she turned into smoke and reappeared behind him, her arms wrapped securely around his waist. "Bad decision." She chuckled before pressing her teeth to his neck.

Sesshoumaru dropped down onto his knees, and tackled Kagome onto her back. He bared his fangs at her, and she just smiled. "You are an infuriating woman." Kagome just chuckled and ran her fingers through his hair. Sesshoumaru's claws dug into her leather-clad hips as his growls grew louder.

Suddenly, his head snapped up, and he jumped off of her. "I will see you in New York," he stated shortly before disappearing into the woods.

"Why did he leave?" thought Kagome as she pulled herself off the forest floor. It was then she heard a voice calling her.

"Kagome, there you are!" called Sango. She was wearing a full leather body suit with gloves under a trench coat with a hood.

"Sango. You shouldn't be in the sunlight. You know that," scolded Kagome as she began to walk back to the manor.

" I know but it was getting late and you weren't home. I was worried," reasoned Sango as she followed Kagome back to the house. "Oh, and you got a letter. I didn't open it, but it looked important. It was addressed to you… but by your name not your position." Now that was odd, all the mail Kagome received was addressed to Dracula, the name most people thought was her true name.

It was just odd enough to catch Kagome's attention, and she sped up her steps to the house. The mansion was huge with three floors and over a hundred rooms. The top floor was Kagome's. Because she was the original vampire and the queen of them, she was treated as such.

"Where is the letter?" she asked as she strode into the foyer. The whole house was lighted with deep red lighting, like that of a dark room, in order to protect the vampires within it.

"I put it in your room. I wanted to make sure no one else would open it." Kagome nodded and leapt up the grand staircase, landing on the balcony between the two sets of curving stairs.

"What are you waiting for? I thought you said you were interesting in this thing?" called Kagome down to Sango. Before laughing and taking the leap up to her level of the mansion. Sango chuckled and jumped up to meet Kagome in her personal foyer.

Sango pulled a small envelope off of a side-table and handed it to Kagome. "Well," Sango suggested, "let's open it."

Kagome nodded and did just that. It opened into a short invitation with words written in bronze letters. The note read:

Dearest Kagome,

You and your closest kin are invited to this years Magical Ball. It will be held in New York City within the Swan Lake Hotel. You have been given the 2nd to top level for your family and your belongings.

Once you arrive, you will be given more details on the ball. Your wardrobe will be designed for you in order to allow your species to be more easily identified. We hope to see you there this year.


The Magic Council

"Wow," said Sango from over Kagome's shoulder, "why haven't we gone before?"

Kagome shrugged, "the werewolves always go. I never really wanted to before." She trailed off as she thought of what Sesshoumaru had said… Would he be in New York?

"Well let's go this year. It could be a lot of fun. Plus, we haven't been to New York since the 1920s," pleaded Sango. Kagome just nodded, and Sango squealed, "I'm gunna go pack!" Sango ran down the stairs to her own room, and Kagome continued into her bedroom. The room was huge with a King sized, four-post, canopy bed. The bed was situated up four steps on plush, midnight-blue carpet. The main floor of the room was black marble and contained a full theater.

Kagome made her way into her walk-in closet. Without thinking, she hit the intercom button to call her personal assistant, a human named Ayume. As far as Ayume knew, Kagome was just a very specific, rich heiress.

"Ayume speaking."

"Ayume, hello, it's Kagome. I would like to book a private jet for a red-eye trip to New York City," instructed Kagome as she began to pick out clothing to back, "oh, yes, and send up my full set of suitcases with my symbol on them."

"Yes ma'am. I'll send them up to you." Kagome nodded as she flicked off the intercom. Kagome pulled out a pair of black jeans and a deep blue top. The top was silk with a three-quarter sleeve and only had a few buttons so it showed a decent amount of cleavage. The black jeans were tight all the way down Kagome's legs allowing her to wear a pair of high heeled boots over them. She pulled her hair into a high pony tail and tied it there with an enchanted, black ribbon which would hide her cat-like pupils and fangs. Satisfied, Kagome pulled her symbolic necklace out of her jewelry box. The necklace had a braided, leather chain and a solid, white gold charm underneath. The charm was a teardrop with a black K inscribed on it. Within a few hours, Kagome was completely packed and dressed.

Confidently, she strode out onto the balcony on the back of the house. It overlooked the elegant lawn and garden, which seemed glow in the dying light. With a heavy sigh, Kagome leaned forward, resting her elbows against the cold stone of the balcony banister. To New York, she thought, Away from the memories of Inuyasha… away from the suspicion. Without suspecting it, Kagome found herself excited to go, Sesshoumaru's words singing in the back of her head.