So here is my next story. Yes, I know what is wrong with me, I just submitted my last story, I have to wait another 6 months or so before I submit another story. Well, guess what my muse whack me on the head with this story and how could I not oblige that fairy. Warning: if you read my bio, you know that I don't like submitting a story without getting it all the way done. I broke my rule I'm not done with this story but I have feeling I might get done with it over the Thanksgiving holiday. I have slow internet where I am going (they have dial-up) and yeah, I tend to be able to get things done there. So anyway, this is my second 1st person point of view story, but bewarn it switches points of view every so often. (You'll see who the narrators will be, I'll make sure of it .)

Final words, if you don't like the semipairing of Sasusaku, deal with it. There is also NaruHina in here too. As for other couples I am not revealing, you can assume.

Disclaimer: ummm, Naruto isn't mine. Though one of the characters in this story might be.

Anyway, enjoy the story.

Sakura's POV

I shouldn't have done it. Looking back at it, I shouldn't have done it. Not that I would trade any of the end results but I still shouldn't have done it. My heart ached and I gave in, I gave into that need, that fangirl part of me. I gave into that part that had lain dormant since the time I was 13. I saw him and my heart ached.

It happened when I was 18. I was assisting the Godaime. She was going to have a meeting with the kages of the lands. He was there. I hadn't seen him for a couple years then, not since that time that Naruto and I had gone after him. He shouldn't have been in this meeting, his title as Otokage is not officially recognized, but he came anyway. I saw him, he saw me. His eyes were still the saddened ink black eyes that I had always remember him having since that day so very long ago. I knew that he saw me but he ignored me all the same. I did the same, I ignored him. I went over to Tsunade-sama and handed the papers and sat by her side throughout the meeting. The meeting was relatively boring, I'll admit it. But then again, I have never been too interested in the workings of politics.

After the meeting was concluded, I went out with some of my friends. Naruto was there, of course. But he was distant and weirdly enough, quiet. Being his team-mate long enough, I knew what the cause of this was. It was Sasuke being in town because of the meeting of kages. He left with Hinata as one of the first people to leave. Hinata had always a way with Naruto of cheering him up. She was his comforter, his rock, as he was hers. I looked on at this and sighed. Why couldn't I have a relationship like this? The guys I had gone out with weren't like this. They weren't my rock, my support. They didn't know my emotions and respond to them accordingly. It always seemed to me that Hinata and Naruto knew and adapted to each other's emotions.

The party soon ended and I left to go back to my apartment that I shared with Ino. Ino would not be home tonight. She had been at the party and had gone home with Chouji. She wouldn't be back until morning. I was settling down with a blanket draped across my body on the couch reading a book when there suddenly came a knock at the door. Who could it be at this time at night? I look through the peep hole and then open the door a little bit. The face on the other side of the door intrigued me. Why was he here?

"Yes, Sasuke-san. Why are you here?" I ask.

"I just wanted to talk. Can I come in?" he said sounding bored.

I open the door and let him in. We talk for awhile about really nothing. Then he kissed me, unexpectedly. This was out of character for him, at least in my book. But his kiss was so gentle and so soft that I couldn't resist. I couldn't hate him for abandoning me. I kiss him back. We are like this for awhile. We slowly make our way to my bedroom, all the while luring each other with our eyes. What we did in my bedroom, I will not say except that when we woke up the next morning that our clothes had been flung in every direction imaginable. I look at the clock and realize that Ino would be home any minute. Sasuke seemed to sense this and was walking over to where some of his clothes had been flung. I stayed in bed for a moment longer after he had gotten out of bed. I admired his naked body. He was still lean but had, like Naruto, become more sculpted as he grown from boy into man.

I heard the door to the apartment open. I hear Ino call from the entrance that she was home. I look over to where Sasuke had been and realize that all of his clothes were gone and he had left through a window. I gathered my clothes from around the room, put on my bathrobe and went over to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out of the shower and had changed into my clothes for the day, I was greeted by Ino in our kitchen area. She was having HoneyNut Ring cereal and had put some strawberries and was pouring the milk into it when I entered the area.

She looked at me. "Had a rough night?" She said looking at the lantern that had its shade crooked. Looking around, I would say Sasuke and I had barely touched this room in our actions. Maybe a lantern or two had almost fallen to the floor but that was about it.

"You don't want to know," I said turning a light shade of red, very close to matching my pink hair.

Ino just looked at me and smiled, "Don't worry about it, just don't completely trash the apartment when you have this guy over. You should have seen some of the times what has happened to the rooms that Chouji and I are in when we start going at each other. Big guy, very potent lover."

I turn really bright almost reddish pink. "Woah, stop, too much information that I don't need to know. Besides, this was probably a one night stand with this guy. He won't be coming back."

And you know what, I was right. It was a one night stand, he never did come back. There had been one more meeting of the kages that day. I saw him at the meeting. He didn't make eye contact with me. He left that evening after the meeting had come to a conclusion. I haven't seen him since.

It was a month after that event that I learned that I was pregnant. Our little one-night stand had ended with me being pregnant. I call that irony. It was 8 months later that I gave birth to my little baby girl, Satsuki. Once I looked into her eyes, I knew that no matter what she would be mine. I remember cursing Sasuke during labor but looking at this child's ink black eyes, I vowed never to allow this child the hurt that driven her father's eyes to be cold.


Well, what can I say about this at the end of this chapter, umm yeah, hoped you enjoy this chapter, (there is more, it's not a onesy that I like doing). You hopefully know what to do, read, review, it makes us authors happy. I'll see you when I'll see you.