The rain pounded down onto the earth as Kagome made her way up to her cousin's apartment. Since returning from the feudal era for the final time, Kagome's grades seemed to improve for the better, but all the absences she had throughout her school life during her trips to the past proved to be too much. As a result, the prestigious school she had attended transferred her to a school that didn't mind her absences. That school, Sarayashiki High, just so happened to be the school her cousin, Yusuke, attended. And since it was so far from the shine she was living at with her family, Kagome was forced to move in with her Aunt and Cousin.

She hadn't seen Yusuke since before she went to the past and was eager to meat him again. They were as close as brother and sister. Hopefully he would recognize her.

Each step Kagome took sloshed with the amount of water she had absorbed into her shoes. Her Raincoat sprinkled droplets of water onto the floor as she made her way closer to her cousin's apartment. Kagome picked up her pace, wanting to meet her cousin again and also because the breeze from the open walkway sent shivers down her spine.

Once she reached the apartment number her aunt had given in her letter, Kagome set down her luggage and knocked on the door. At first she assumed no one heard it because she could here people talking and sometimes shouting inside the apartment. But after a second, louder knock she heard someone coming to the door, stumbling along the way.

Kagome felt herself becoming somewhat nervous. It's been almost 4 years since she had last seen her cousin Yusuke, and she was around 12 years old then. She wondered how he would react to seeing her after all this time.

Kagome was broken from her thoughts by the sound of the door opening, and the gruff questioning of a "What do you want?" Once she got a good look at the person at the door, she saw that it was her cousin Yusuke. Apparently he couldn't recognize her, but she would fix that.

With a crossing of her arms and the pouting of her lips, Kagome glared at him from underneath the rain cap she was wearing.

"Now Yusuke, you can't honestly say you don't recognize you dear cousin? Or did you forget that I was coming today?"

Yusuke looked at her for a second and then realization donned on him. His cousin was coming today and she was currently standing in front of him in the cold weather. Yusuke stepped outside his door and pulled Kagome into a bone crushing hug. It's been forever since he had last seen her and he was glad she was back.

"Shit! I'm sorry Kagome! Here, come in and I'll get your luggage."

Kagome nodded her head in an affirmative giving him a kiss on the cheek and then walked into the hallway leading to the living room. It was much warmer in here, so Kagome started to undo her scarf and unzip her raincoat, at the same time walking into the living area. After she discarded of the outerwear, Kagome made it to the living room, but was surprised to find that Yusuke apparently had friends over. She guessed he really did forget that she was coming over today.

There were three men and one girl sitting in different spots in the living room. The one sitting in front of the TV playing video games was a big guy. He had a tuff yet soft, dare she say cuddly, demeanor about him. She couldn't see his face, but she could assume from his aura that he was a big softy who didn't have much in the looks department. But where he didn't have looks, he made up in character.

The second person she took notice of was a blue haired girl with a bubbly air to her. She was dressed in a kimono that seemed out of place in Yusuke's bachelor pad. She was the closest one to her at the moment.

There was a man sitting on the only couch in the house with long, silky crimson hair. She could make out from where she was at that he had green eyes. Based on the posture he was sitting in, she could assume that he was a polite man, a gentleman, but also had a mischievous side to him, what with the way his eyes would light up and his mouth would lift up into a light smirk.

The last one she saw was a man sitting on the windowsill near the kitchen area. He had spiky, gravity defying, black hair with bangs falling just before his eyes. The aura that surrounded him was a dangerous one, with a slight arrogance to it. But when he turned his eyes towards her, she dropped her coat and scarf, her eyes widened, and she froze.


It had been forever since she had the chance to relax in a hot spring, what with Inuyasha's constant slave driving. It was a luxury that she hardly ever got to indulge in.

Kagome took some shampoo she had brought with her and lathered it into her hair. After she rubbed it in for a while she ducked under the water and washed it out. Once she came back up, she went to grab for the conditioner, but a splash stopped her short.

Kagome looked around the water and spotted a demon boy about her age if not younger sink into the water. The only difference she noticed was that he wasn't coming back up. She knew for a fact that even demons couldn't last that long under water. They had to breathe sometime.

Kagome went under water and found to her surprise that the demon w as sinking even further, he must be unconscious!

So Kagome, being the saint she is, dived under the water, grabbed the demon, swam back to the surface, and brought him onto the side of the hot spring. Luckily for her he was still breathing. Kagome quickly got dressed and then went back to the unconscious demon. It was a good thing he was dressed, she didn't want to have to redress him. She blushed at the idea.

Kagome brought the demons arm around her shoulder and slowly started to bring him back to their camp.

"Kagome, you know it's dangerous to keep him here. He's a hybrid. Hybrids are forbidden and dangerous. You don't know what he'll do to you!"

"Sango! I know your only trying to protect me, but I can't just leave someone when they need help! And who cares if he's a hybrid. Inuyasha isn't all that different from one. He too is a mix of two different things, Demon and Human, but I don't see you telling me to watch out for him. Everyone deserves to be treated equally and he's no different."


Kagome really couldn't understand why she was so worried. So what if he was a hybrid. He deserved the same treatment as everyone else. And she was determined to help him wake up from whatever it is that's keeping him unconscious.

She had brought him to their camp the first day and, despite everyone else's warnings, took care of his wounds and cared for him. With some persuading from Kagome, everyone agreed that they would at least try to get along with him once he woke up.

She was currently in Keade's hut with him. He was still unconscious, but she sensed that he would wake up soon. He had been asleep for about two days now and she knew that his wounds were already healed.

Kagome went to replace his bandages, but before she could get a hold of them, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the mattress. When she opened her eyes she found blood red eyes with the warmth of fire in them staring back at her from above her.

"Who are you and where am I?"

"If you'd let me up I'd tell you."

He just hardened his glare.

"Alright, I'm Kagome and you're in a hut in Keade's village. A few days ago while I was bathing, you fell into the hot spring I was in unconscious. I brought you here so I could heal whatever wounds you had and provide shelter while you were unconscious. Now will you let go?"

He looked at me for a while with a glare and a questioning look in his eyes, but he let go. When he tried to stand up though, he fell back onto the mat.

"It's best not to walk around just yet. You had really bad wounds on your legs and you just about used up all your energy trying to heal yourself. You still need to rest some more."

He gave me a side glare, but stubbornly complied anyway.

"What's your name?"


"What? No name? Guess I'll just have to come up with one."

He glared at Kagome again, as if daring her to do such a thing, but Kagome just smiled at him mischievously.

"Hmm, I think Kuro-chan will do nicely."


Kagome giggled at his actions. Hiei just looked at her as if she was crazy.

"What are you doing?"

Kagome looked up from her homework at Hiei's question. Since she ran out of ink in her modern pens, Kagome had to result to using an ink brush that was provided by Miroku.

"I'm studying. Right now I'm writing a rough draft for the term paper I have to write for my English class."

Hiei looked at her as if saying "What the hell is a term paper, and what's a class?" Kagome giggled at her forgetfulness. Of course he didn't know what all this stuff is. She said it all in future jargon.

"Here, look."

She scooted closer to him and didn't notice the slight blush adorning his cheeks at their closeness.

"I'm writing a 5 paragraph essay on the Heian period of Japan."

"What's a paragraph?"

Kagome looked at him, startled that he'd ask such a question.

"You mean you don't know?"

Hiei turned his head away somewhat in anger and somewhat in embarrassment.

"No. I never learned how to read or write. Are you going to laugh at me now?"

He had such an accusing tone in his voice that Kagome flinched. He must have been ridiculed for that a lot in his past.

"No, I'm not going to laugh at you. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I can teach you if you want."

Hiei glanced at her, and then slowly nodded his head indicating that he'd go along with it.


With a smile, Kagome grabbed his hand and positioned it around the ink brush in the proper hold, keeping her hand in place over his. Bringing a paper onto the little table in front of them, Kagome didn't notice the blush that was on Hiei's cheeks. Kagome showed him how to write upper case and lower case "A" for a while, and then told him to try it on his own. After a few tries and still not getting it, Hiei started to get frustrated. His glare hardened and the pressure on the brush increased. After trying and failing again, Hiei gave up and flipped the table in his anger. Unfortunately, since the ink bottle was sitting on the table, it flew up into the air and landed on Hiei's head, spilling all of its contents on him.

Kagome tried holding her laughter in, honestly she did, but the sight of Hiei all covered in ink and pouting was just too much to take. Kagome burst out laughing.

Hiei turned his head and looked at her. He had to admit, she looked beautiful when she was laughing. And her voice was just as beautiful, but he wouldn't let her get away with laughing at his misery. So with a smirk on his face, he dabbed his hand into the ink on himself, reached over, and spread the ink all over Kagome's face. Kagome looked stunned. She should be.

"Oh no you didn't!"

With a battle cry, Kagome tackled Hiei to the ground and the fight to see who could get the most ink on the other begun.

Both Hiei and Kagome were at a lake cleaning off the ink that they had got so thoroughly covered in. Hiei was just wearing his pants and Kagome changed into her two piece bathing suit. Their wet, but cleaned clothes, were hanging on a branch off to the side of the lake.

Kagome decided to get back at him for the ink episode, swam up behind Hiei and splashed him in the head.

Hiei turned his head around slowly and glared at her with eyes that promised retribution.



With a giggle, Kagome swam away from him not stopping for a while, but noticed that she didn't hear any splashes behind her and started to get nervous. Kagome turned around and scanned her surroundings, not spotting Hiei anywhere.


Without warning, something grabbed Kagome's ankle and pulled her underwater. As soon as she looked around she found Hiei not far from her smirking as if he had won the greatest argument ever. Kagome narrowed her eyes at him, and as they both went up back to the surface, Kagome pushed him back under as soon as they broke the surface. Once Hiei got back up above the water, he grabbed Kagome around the waste to keep her from trying to dunk him under the water again.

Kagome was laughing her head off at the moment, but when she noticed that Hiei was holding her around the waist and was pushed up against his body, Kagome's laugh died down in her throat. When she looked at his face she noticed just how close theirs were. A little closer and they'd be kissing. Her face heated up at that thought.

Hiei noticed her face heat up and couldn't help think just how kissable her lips looked when wet. Without noticing himself, he started to move his face closer to hers until he could feel her breath on his lips. With one last look at her eyes, Hiei crashed his lips down on hers in a heated kiss.

Hiei's and Kagome's relationship had gotten more intimate after the kiss in the lake. Hiei had joined their group after some persuasion from Kagome, on both ends, and they traveled together looking for both the shards of the shikon jewel and for Naraku. Kagome and Hiei would both sneak off from time to time to be alone with each other.

After a while, the group collected all the shards and confronted Naraku in the final battle. They beat him and his minions with much effort, but not at the cost of anyone's life thankfully.

After the jewel was completed and Naraku was dead, the jewel rejoined with Kagome's body forever deeming her its guardian. With her task done in the feudal era, Kagome's body slowly started to disappear. Hiei promised that he'd look for her and that once he found her, she wouldn't be able to walk straight for a week.

With one last tear filled laugh, Kagome returned to her time, never to return to the feudal era again.

The occupants of the room turned their heads toward the source of the voice. One thing all went through their heads at the mention of Hiei's name from her lips.

How did she know him?

Before any of them could voice their questions though, a black blur sped past them, grabbed Kagome, went into an empty bedroom, and locked the door shut.

AN: LOL. New story woot woot. Just to let you know this isn't a one-shot, but I felt like that was a good spot to end it at. I'll be adding more chapters with some juicy smut between them so don't worry your pretty little heads off. But aren't you proud of me? I wrote a chapter more than 2000 words O: I know. I'm surprised to. So anyway, R&R.