Thank you so much for those who reviewed, favourited, and/or put this story on their alerts! This chapter has the italics in Sora's POV, except for the italics in narrative form, which is a flashback. I'll probably be alternating them each chapter. And if the first chapter wasn't obvious enough, this is AU, and I completely gave Sora's personality a makeover, so yes, he's very different in this fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, or any of the characters involved.

Chapter Two

His Amusement, Her Frustration

Kairi, Kairi, Kairi...

Needless to say, I know she hates me. To be truthful, it's actually rather amusing. Toying with her seems to be the only thing that keeps me in class all day. Although, she could be a bit more delightful. Her resentment is almost offensive.


Just not quite.


"Can't you walk any faster?"


"We're going to miss the class entirely."

"Oh well."

She turned around with an irritated frown, and he paused not more than a foot behind her, his hands in his pockets and his head held low as his lips curled back into a smile. Although, these smiles of his weren't jovial, uplifting, or cheerful. They were smiles of pure amusement, nothing more than sarcastic. They were unwelcoming smirks if anything else. Which was why she was so confused to how they could captivate her oh so easily.

He quickly took notice to her increased frustration and rocked back on his heels, breaking their eye contact as he peered around her to look down the empty halls, then turned his head to look behind him.

"You could kill me silently here if you wanted. I promise I wouldn't make any noise."

"Oh shut up." she shot him a merciless glare and began her journey down the hallway once again.

He jogged before catching up with her again, resorting back to his leisurely walk with his hands back inside his jean pockets. His eyes wandered as he whistled a familiar melody and he took his chance to take a good look at the auburn-haired girl beside him.

She was sporting a pony-tail with loose strands of dark red hair dangling over her eyes, a white long-sleeved shirt with a black T-shirt layered over it, hip-hugger jeans, and black & white checkered converse.

His wandering eyes caught the note Ms. Trepe had written for them sticking out of her pocket, and he plucked it out, unfolding it as he continued following Kairi to their Geometry class. She stopped walking again, gritting her teeth as he folded the note back up and raised an eyebrow.

"We were supposed to be in class five minutes ago." he stated, holding the note out in between his pointer and middle fingers and Kairi quickly snatched it out of his hands, shoving it back into her pocket.

"I noticed."

"So touchy."

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, I disagree."


She fought the urge to rip every red strand of hair from her head, tightly pressing her lips together as she stopped in front of the Geometry classroom, her left eye twitching.

Sora smirked at her obvious dislike of the class as she took her lovely time opening the door.

"Why don't we just skip class?" he interjected.


"Why not?"


"You don't seem to have a liking to it, anyways--"

"No." she replied with more force this time, and it simply caused him to show off another amused smirk.

Her body jolted backwards when she caught sight of Mr. Strife's stoic stature frowning with annoyance. Sora shifted his weight to one side of his body, yawning loudly as his gaze wandered anywhere but toward the instructor.

"That took quite a bit longer than expected," he broke the once again awkward silence and snapped open the door.

Kairi stepped in, and Sora lazily followed, taking note that the instructor had a glare stabbing at the back of his head as he found his way to a seat in the back of the room.

"I assume you're the new student," Mr. Strife stated more than asked as he took a seat at his desk, glancing at his computer screen. "Sora Matthews?"

Sora nodded, turning his head to face a certain redhead three seats ahead of and one row away from him as he smiled, placing his hands behind his head, and she simply narrowed her eyes, fighting to ignore the butterflies in her stomach from erupting.


I think I had given her the wrong perception in the first few minutes we had met. Or maybe she just didn't enjoy my smile.

Either way, it was amusing.


"Kairi, you've got to tell me who that boy is who kept smiling at you during Geometry!" Selphie exclaimed with excitement as the trio made their way down the sidewalk.

"Oh." Kairi simply replied, gripping onto her backpack strap with her left hand. "He just enjoys irritating me."

"But he's only been here for...not even an entire day." Yuffie added, popping the sucker out of her mouth.

The gentle island breeze danced in the air as Kairi sulked, and Selphie was getting the hint that her redheaded friend wasn't content on discussing the topic any further. The brunette scuffed her feet on the ground as she searched for other things to talk about, but came up with nothing. Yuffie, however, seemed to save the day when she began ranting about the uneccessary dumptruck loads of homework they had for the night. At least they could all relate to that one.

"I mean, seriously, fifty-eight problems on our Geometry assignment? The junk we have to write in English isn't exactly worth while, either." she stated, clearly aggravated.

"Well, Mr. Strife is only trying to teach us properly,--"

"Selphie, don't even finish that sentence." Yuffie interrupted with a threatening tone.

Selphie bit her bottom lip, refraining from speaking of anything else that would make her friends feel uncomfortable and/or irritated. Kairi had already been tuned out of the conversation completely, focusing on her thoughts, which to her dismay, very much involved Sora Matthews.


"Are you finished unpacking?"


"I suggest you start before Dad uses your room for some sort of storage area."

Sora didn't reply to his brother, he simply closed his eyes as he relaxed on the couch.

"Did you hear anything I just said--"

"Roxas, can you just shut up for a moment, please?" Sora requested politely, his eyes remaining closed as he placed his hands behind his head and stifled a yawn.

"Whatever, if you want to daydream about that redhead you were with today, be my guest. I'm going upstairs, I have homework to do."

To this, Sora cracked open one eyelid and one side of his mouth angled itself upward into a crooked smile as he shook his head slowly. He honestly found his brother's assumption preposterous, and it interested him that he didn't seem bothered or insulted by Roxas' statement.

It made him think.


Kairi flopped onto her bed on her back and let out an exasperated sigh. She closed her eyes as she pushed her hair out of her eyes and contemplated actually sorting out her thoughts.



That one word chimed in her ears like a melody and she turned around to find just who she didn't want to see.

"...Hi..." she replied, turning around as she itched the back of her head out of nervous impulse.

His smile grew wider as he noticed her grimace and he was beginning to become addicted to harassing Kairi with simple words. Including greetings.

"Have a good evening."

And he was gone.

Kairi turned around to an empty hallway and was overly disappointed that she didn't feel relieved, she felt a bit alone. She hadn't wanted him to leave yet, and that seemingly frightened her a bit.


However, after sifting through the impossible maze known as her mind for a minute or so, she had decided to take the easy road and give up.

Yeah, easy road, okay then.


I didn't include a description of Sora's appearance yet, because well, I want to leave that to your imagination :).

Please, please, please review :D