Chapter 14

Me: Hello all and welcome to the next chapter of Axel's Apprentice!

Marly: -sarcastically- Yes, because we are all so excited for it.

Me: Hey! I thought we sacrificed you to my muse!

Marly: She returned me…Free of charge!

Axel: You probably just bugged the hell out of her…

So who all is ready for another exciting chapter? I know I am! So let's get started!


"Ah, Lerexia, Zixyz, it is so nice to see my two daughters again after so many months," their father said, a slightly sadistic smile crossing his face.

"Unfortunately I can't say the same about you," Lex replied, her stare going cold.

The man laughed, "Still as rebellious as ever hmm? I hope that you haven't forgotten our deal."

Zix's eyes widened and she glanced at her sister, confusion flitting across her face.

"How could I?" Lex said through gritted teeth.

"Deal? What deal? What's going on Lex?" Zix asked looking intently at her sister.

"Yes, why don't you tell her my dear?" their father replied.

Lex paused for a moment before turning so she was facing away from her sister.

"He asked me to keep an eye on the Organization."

"You mean spy?"

Lex nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister, I have a right to know!"

"Zix, I couldn't! He threatened-" Lex started, spinning around before Zix interrupted her.

"No, don't even start. I understand completely. You obviously don't trust me, your sister. I just can't believe you would betray our friends like this. I can't even believe you're my sister," Zix stated before turning and walking away.

Lex looked after her forlornly, a hurt and guilty expression overtaking her face.

Her father began clapping slowly, "Well done sweetie, I couldn't have put it better myself."

Lex turned and glared at him before she began walking away. He chuckled and walked in the other direction. Marek watched him for a moment before turning and running after Lex.

"Lex, wait!" he called, catching her arm.

Lex whirled around, tears glistening in her eyes. "Not right now Marek. I just need to be alone for a while," she choked out.

He looked at her closely before letting go and watching as she walked away.


A portal of darkness wisped open and a young boy with blond hair walked out with another, older boy with darker blond hair right behind him. The younger one looked around as if in search of something. Catching sight of Marek, Roxas walked towards him, Demyx following close behind.

"Where are they?" Roxas questioned suddenly causing Marek to wheel around in surprise.

After taking a few seconds to get over his shock he replied, "Zix is at the park with Seleana and Avery right now but we're not sure where Lex is."

"What do you mean you don't know where Lex is?" Demyx inquired.

"Well, they kind of got in a little fight and Lex went off to be alone."

Roxas looked at him, confusion flitting across his face, "A fight? That doesn't sound like them."

Marek smiled grimly, "It isn't."

"Would you happen to have any ideas where Lex could be?"

"Well, the most likely place would be hers and Zix's old house, the mall-though I doubt that in this situation-or the graveyard."

"The graveyard?" Demyx implored, rubbing the back of his head in confusion.

"Yeah, they lost their mother a few years ago and sometimes she goes there to think."

Roxas nodded, "Demyx, I'm going to go see how Zix is doing. I want you to find Lex and see if you can get her to come back with us."

"Roger that captain," Demyx replied, saluting him before opening a portal and disappearing through it.


Roxas walked into the park and saw Zix sitting with Seleana and Avery discussing something in hushed whispers. He came up behind them and cleared his throat softly causing all three to turn around.

"Zix, can I talk to you?" he asked, looking at her pointedly.

She nodded, getting up slowly and following him to a bench.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Zix looked at him and smiled bitterly, "Lex hid something from me. I got mad just like any sibling would when she finds out she isn't trusted by her older sibling."

Roxas was silent for a moment as he allowed the vehemence in Zix's voice to sink in.

"I understand, but, could you answer me this? Would you still be willing to come back to the Castle That Never Was, even if your sister came back as well? Or would you rather stay here for a while and kind let things cool down between you two?"

"I feel it would be best if I stayed here for now, the fact is, I don't think I could hold myself back if I were anywhere near my sister right now," Zix replied coolly.

"I see. Well, when you're ready to come back just give me a call, okay?" Roxas said, pulling a slip of paper from his pocket along with a pen and writing down a number before handing it to her.

"I'll be sure to."


After checking the mall and the girls' house Demyx finally opened a portal leading to the graveyard near the edge of town. He glanced around quickly and immediately found Lex sitting in front of one of the graves, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head leaning against them. He looked up at the sky, which had turned a dark, ominous gray, before walking towards her.

"Lex?" he questioned softly, squatting down beside her, "You okay?"

Silence enveloped the two. After a while Demyx gave up hope on getting an answer of any kind and was about to ask again when Lex looked straight ahead, her face tear streaked.

"How could I have been so stupid?" she said barely above a whisper.

Demyx thought for a minute before saying, "I don't know what happened but you weren't stupid. Whatever it is you did I know you had a good reason for it otherwise you wouldn't have done it."

She smiled wryly, "You don't know that."

Demyx reached his arm around her and pulled her against him, "I do know that. I also know that you and your sister will make up in no time. You just need a little time apart to sort things out."

Lex looked up at him, "M-maybe you're right…"

Demyx nodded as a dark portal deposited Roxas beside them.

"How'd it go?" Demyx asked.

Roxas shook his head, "Zix wants to stay here for right now."

Lex sniffled a little, "I knew she would, she probably doesn't want to see me…"

Demyx hugged her tighter and Lex buried her head in his chest, sobbing softly.


So, um, hi, long time no see huh? Sorry about the delay, bad case of writer's block. The good news is that I started another story! It's a 100 theme challenge for Demyx! Yay! It's updated much more frequently than this story is (everday usually!) so you should go check it out and drop a review!

Reviews and con-crit are welcome!