I finally decided to upload this. I've been writing it for over a year and couldn't stand waiting to upload it. I'm excited to see what you guys think….oh, and I won't be updating "Knowing Maureen" (if you knew what that was). That is, unless my RENT obsession comes back…

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except my OCs… Richard O'Brien owns everything else.

Chapter One: Bad News

Jane Majors was sitting at home watching mindless TV the day her life changed forever. Her parents, Brad and Janet Majors, had gone to visit their friend Dr. Everett Scott on the outskirts of Denton, and her older brother, Dick, was out somewhere doing god-knows what. Her parents had kicked him out after he had done something outrageous while she was at camp a few years ago. No one ever told her what he had done.

"There's never anything good on TV in the summer!" complained Jane, even though she knew that no one would hear her. The house was completely empty, and she only had the TV on because it was late at night and, without any background noise, the house was eerily quiet, even with the raging thunderstorm outside.

Jane turned the channel to the local station, DTV, and watched a commercial featuring children clamoring for a plastic, F-shaped box that contained a hamburger, french fries and a small toy. Macy Struthers, a local Denton celebrity, smiled and said the company slogan:

"Farley Flavors Fabulous Fast Food! Feeding and Fortifying Families for a Fabulous Future!"

"How many things does that guy own…" said Jane under her breath.

Farley Flavors, the head of DTV, was one of the most talked about, beloved people in Denton history. Personally, Jane despised him. Judging from the amount of places his plastered smile appeared, Farley was practically Denton's ruler.

After about an hour of flipping through the channels to see what was on (nothing but infomercials and reruns of old sitcoms), Jane decided to go to bed. She had just stood up from the sofa when the doorbell rang.

Jane was a little worried because, as any sensible person knows, people only ring your doorbell at midnight if something terrible has happened. And she was absolutely positive that this was the case.

Jane reluctantly opened the door and saw a police officer standing there, completely drenched from the rain.

"Are you related to Brad and Janet Majors?" he asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, I'm their daughter," said Jane, fully knowing and dreading what the officer would say next.

"Well, I am sorry to inform you that their car was in a terrible accident and set on fire about an hour ago. We did everything we could, but we couldn't save them. I'm terribly sorry, but your parents are dead, Miss Majors."

"What?!" screamed Jane. "But they can't be!"

"I'm sorry, miss," said the officer.

Jane broke down and started to cry. She couldn't believe her parents were gone.

Jane didn't get along with her parents too well. She thought they were way too straight-laced and overprotective, and they thought that they needed to prevent Jane from becoming what Dick was like at all costs. Right before they had left for Dr. Scott's, they had the biggest fight yet. And it was over something Jane thought was ridiculous.

"What does it matter what kind of music I listen to, Mom?!"

"It matters because that music is all about sex and drugs! I will NOT have my teenage daughter listening to music about things she shouldn't even be hearing!"

"Talk about things I shouldn't be hearing… I heard you and Dad pretty well last night!"

Janet blushed. "That's ENOUGH from you, Jane. Why can't you be more like the Hapschatt's daughter, Lila? She listens to clean music. Her mother tells me her favorite music is Christian rock!"

"Lila's a backstabbing slut who doesn't care about anything but her reputation!"

"Well, at least she dresses presentably," mumbled Janet.

Jane rolled her eyes, and Brad walked into the room.

"Ready to go, darling?" Brad said to Janet.

"Yes, dear, but I don't think Jane should be left alone tonight."

"You're exactly right, Janet. With all that dark clothing she wears, Jane MUST be suicidal!"

Jane couldn't take it. "I have had ENOUGH of this! I'm FINE, I'm NOT suicidal, and you could DIE for all I care!" she screamed and she ran up to her room.

Brad and Janet exchanged worried glances and left.

That was the last thing Jane had said to her parents.

Jane called her brother and told him the bad news. Then, as she waited for her brother to come home, she cried herself to sleep.