Rise of the Alters

Alter users in the Lylat start a new war


Many years ago on the planet Corneria, a great upheaval of the ground has occurred and the cause is unknown. After a few years, the land was considered inhabitable and residents began to move there. However, a new breed of life forms began to emerge. They were known as alter users. After many attacks in the area caused by alter users, the cities built large barriers around them. This would not prepare them for what happened a few years later. Most of the cities built were annihilated and afterwards came a large explosion that seemed to not affect alter users at all. The one responsible for the attack is still unknown. In response to the attack, the government formed a special military unit composed of alter users called HOLY. The leader was Anthony Avalon.


Three years ago…

Andross' remaining army still posed as a threat as well as the growing number of problems dealing with alter users. So General Pepper gave a ferret named Eiji Musen, total control over the alter crisis. However, Eiji was secretly apart of Andross' army and all the captured alter users were used in experiments for the Venomian cause. There were two that were the greatest threat to him, a red fox and an artic wolf…


A claw of a giant metallic green bug-like creature strikes the ground trying to take out the fox and wolf alter users. The creature was Eiji, but his body was mutated with pure power to the point beyond recognition.

"Give up! You can't defeat me! Not with all this power I've obtained!" Exclaimed Eiji.

"Give up? That's a laugh." Replied the fox alter user in orange armor.

"I'll destroy you!"

The giant creature fires a barrage of lasers from the open ports on its shoulders at the fox, however every shot deflects off of the vulpine.

"I have all this power and you're just a kid, there's no way you can defeat me!"

"We'll just see about that!"

The fox alter user lunged toward Eiji and with one powerful punch to the forehead, the creature began to fall to pieces.
"How can this be!? I can't possibly be defeated by you pitiful beings!" The creature howled out as it was sent into oblivion.

"Took you long enough." Said the wolf.

"Hey, just trying to have a little fun."


After the two defeated Musen and stopped his plans of taking over the planet but the cost was high and many sacrifices were made. And also the unit, HOLY, was no more. The duo then went their was to destroy the army of refined alter users still hunting them down. General Pepper, however, had caught on to what was going on and ended the project of refining alter users and had all parties involved arrested. Yet, there still were many already refined soldiers sent out.


A year later, the incident on planet Sauria occurred, but at the location of an old space base belonging to Andross, things were livelier than they seemed. Inside the base's storage area, a small carrier ship was preparing to land from its mission. A male leopard was in the room waiting for them to land, he was dressed in a black uniform garb with white in the front with four black buttons aligned on the edges of the white over the chest area, black boots and white arm guards that covered his wrist to his elbow in a light armor. He waited with a group of soldiers in Venomian type uniforms. Once the ship had finally landed, the leopard walked over as the cargo bay hatch opened and soldiers began going inside and a short while later, began pulling out a bunch on mechanical blue pods, each one glowing an eerie blue light. The recovery team walked out helping as well, but they were still in their contaminations suits, most had the headgear removed.

"Jetters, we've successfully recovered all the capsules." Informed a canine soldier.

"Good, go inform the commander." The leopard ordered and the soldier was on his way.

"Jetters, I'm so glad you came by to greet us." Said an orangutan still wearing his contamination suit without the helmet.

"How are the new arrivals?" Jetters asked.

"Their vitals are doing very good for being put to sleep for who knows how long. Yet, most of them seem to be nothing more than average soldiers."

"That's not too surprising…" The leopard scoffed.

"But I did notice a group with different energy signatures, and even their appearances." The orange haired soldier said.

"Show me."


A small office with a white furred liger with black stripes sat at his desk browsing through his computer over certain files. He then shut it off then eyes closed and his hands folded while his elbows rested on the table. The liger wore the same type of uniform the leopard, Jetters, was wearing. The half-breed was waiting for something to happen, and soon enough, a simian soldier in a Venomian uniform rushes in. "Commander!"

The liger looks up at the exhausted monkey soldier. "What is it, you'd better not waste my time."

"Commander Thomas, sir. There's been sightings on Andross over the dinosaur planet!"

"Andross? Are you sure?" The commander said with a level tone as showing no real interest.

"I'm positive. But…I'm sorry to inform you that shortly after his revival, he was destroyed again by McCloud."

"I see, any word on the capsule recovery team?"

"I'm sorry sir, but no word as of yet."

"What did I tell you specifically about barging into my office and it has nothing to deal with those capsules?" the liger said as he rose from his seat.
"B-but commander!" the soldier stammered taking a step back, "This information is important, Andross is-"

"Dead!" the commander interrupted, "What good does it do to tell me about a dead ape?"

"But, it's Andross! Our Emperor!" The scared soldier said backing towards the door.

"And? He just returned to the living only to die again. And you just wasted my time, a mistake you won't ever make again." Thomas said slowly lifting his right arm with his finger pointed at the monkey. The soldier knew he was in trouble as he glanced back at the door, which was only a few feet away and decided to run while he could. The moment he tensed his muscles in his legs about to start running, the lights dimmed flickering only for a second then the soldier fell over backwards dead with a small burn hole in his chest. The liger had his arms back to his side and looked at the soldier's body with a dull stare before giving a small sigh. Soon enough, another soldier, this one being a canine breed, entered the room.

"Commander Thomas, I bring news of the capsule recovery mission." The mixed bred husky-doberman said while saluting.

"What did you find?"

"There were dozens of capsules recovered. We already unloaded several for you to look at and we are currently bringing in the rest of them."

At hearing this, the liger grinned, "You've done very good soldier. I see a promotion in your future."

"Thank you sir!" The canine saluted noticing the dead body, "Would you like for me to arrange the disposal of this body?"

"Yes, that would be helpful." Thomas said as he walked around towards the door and past the soldier. The half-breed could only think and wonder to himself about how good a catch the recovery group had discovered. Once he had reached the storage area, which the strange capsules were being kept, he found several soldiers of various species in white contamination suits, but some had their helmets removed figuring the capsules weren't radioactive. Thomas entered the room and glanced around seeing the large room almost filled with capsules pods laying all on the ground, and more soldiers were bringing them in using mechs and other lifting machinery.

"Commander Thomas sir," The orangutan in a helmet-less suit greeted, "I'm glad you could be here."

"I see you've had quite a handful." Thomas said with a grin.

"Yes, we've managed to collect over sixty of these capsules and we're still unloading plenty more!"

"Sixty? It's a start." The liger said.

"Commander Thomas!" A leopard called out.

"What is it Jetters?"

"I found some pods you might want to look at." Jetters said as he pointed to some capsule pods separate from the main group. Thomas looked at his second in command with a slightly puzzled look on his face, but that turned into a look of surprise after being shown what was inside one of the pods.

"These are…" The commander began to say placing a paw over the glowing blue glass of the pod with some kind of snake sleeping inside.

"Their minds are still intact for the most part from their outer appearance. They were probably kept in storage for safe keeping." Jetters continued, "And there are several more here as well." Thomas' face turned to a pleased look.

"Yes, these will do."

"So we'll wake them up?" Jetters asked impatiently.

"Not yet, we need to see if their stable or not."

"But I can easily take care of them if they are."

"Don't be too hasty Jetters, the time for battle will come soon enough." Thomas said as he started walking off, "And who knows, one of them may even be stronger than you."

The leopard watched as Thomas walked out of the storage area. "Stronger than me? What a joke!" Jetters thought to himself looking back down at one of the pods.


Thomas was back in his office looking at some information on his computer. Thomas noticed the canine had removed the dead monkey soldier's body, even had the area cleaned. He scanned through the files and learned the contents inside the pods that his second in command showed him. The liger grinned with delight with his findings. "Looks like I've found my new recruits, now it's time for them to awaken..."