A/N: What if Edward didn't attend Forks High School? What if Alice was the only one of the Cullens who attended and she and Bella were best friends.
One day, Alice convices Bella to go on a blind date with her brother, Edward and reluctantly, Bella agrees. To keep the story short, I won't go into too much detail since you already know the characters. This is just fluff.

Bella's POV:

It had been a month since I exiled myself to Forks, Washington. So far, I had made a handful of friends, but one in particular was more enjoyable than the others. Her name is Alice Cullen. My first day at Forks High Shool was slightly stressful, starting a new school and all. When I had walked into the cafeteria that first day, I noticed a petite girl, with ultra pale skin and spiky black hair eating alone. I approached her and asked her if she would mind if I sat with her. This simple request had made the little firecracker come to life. She talked non-stop, but not in the way Jessica Stanley did, another junior here at school. Alice talked a lot, but she also cared about what I had to say too.

Anyway, that was a month ago, and it is now, on a Saturday evening, that Alice is sitting in my room, going through a ton of make-up and accessories she brought over to make me wear. I'm not really into dating, but she convinced me to go on a date with her brother, Edward Cullen, who attended a private college in Port Angeles as a freshman. I had caught a glimpse of him one time, when he came to my house to pick Alice up and I think ever since then, she started plotting this night out.

Edward is gorgeous. He looks like he could be a model, which is why I'm so surprised he would even want to go out with ordinary and common me. The night I had first seen him, two weeks ago, he had come to my front door to see if Alice was ready and he took my breath away. Literally. I was so embarrassed by my visible reaction and I was also intimidated because he looked angry when he saw me. I offered to let him come inside while Alice finished her conversation with my dad, Charlie, but he politely declined, his tone dripping with anger. This is another reason why I'm nervous for tonight. I was under the impression that he disliked me for some reason, but Alice assured me that he doesn't.

"Bella, I really think you should wear the black high heels I brought over for you instead of those flats" Alice told me in her sing-song voice.

"Alice, high heels and me are a bad equation. That would equal a disaster." I replied.

"Well fine, but I insist that you let me finish your make-up and hair!" I didn't know Alice for very long, but I knew enough not to take offense by her insistance. For some reason, she was obsessed with playing "dress up" with me as if I were a Barbie doll. I think it's just because she's already so naturally beautiful and her hair is to short to play around with much. I sat back and let her add the finishing touches. "There, you look perfect!"

The door bell rang at exactly 7:00 PM. I was glad that Charlie was at his friend, Harry Clearwater's house to watch the big game. I wouldn't have to suffer through that embarassment at least. I felt my knees become a little shaky as I decended the stairs and I was probably blushing like mad, but I sucked in one last breath and I opened the door.


Edward's POV:

"I bet I can beat you at chess three times in a row!" Alice declared.

"Yeah, sure you can. What are the stakes?" I asked. I almost always beat Alice at chess.

"You have to owe me one huge favor." I raised my eyebrows as she said this. She was disguising her real thoughts by reciting the declaration of independence word for word. I knew something was up.

"Like what?"

"Like, you have to do whatever I want for one night, no objections." I thought about this for a moment. It seemed like an odd request, but it is Alice we're talking about here. I thought about it and figured that she cared about me enough to not make me do anything too outlandish.

"Okay, as long as it doesn't involve embarrassment, I'll do it." I agreed, confident that I would win regardless.

"Done!" She exclaimed. "Jasper, Emmett, you're witnesses, okay?"

"Okay," they agreed in unision. We played chess next and to my displeasure, she kept her thoughts well hidden through all four games that we played. She won the first and second, and with anger, I won the third, but she won the last. Alice had beaten me at three games of chess!

"Yes!" She jumped up and down doing a celebration dance.

"So what is it?" I was worried now.

"I would like you to go on a blind date with my friend, Bella" she announced. It wasn't exactly a blind date if you already met the person, but instead of arguing that point, I launched into another.

"Oh no, not Bella" I argued. "Alice, I spent one minute with her and had to go to Alaska for three days. She drives me wild with her scent and what if I hurt her?" I asked angrily.

"Oh Edward, calm down. I've seen the future and everything will be fine." We talked back and forth like this for several minutes, but Jasper and Emmett jumped on her side and in the end, I gave in. It wasn't that I didn't want to take Bella out, it was more like I was scared that I wouldn't be able to control my desire to drink her blood. I had never felt this stongly about another human in my life and truth be told, as much as I didn't want to go out with her, I wanted to just as much. What a dilema.

That was earlier this week, and now, at 7:00 PM on Saturday, I stood on Bella's door step. I gave myself a quick pep talk, reminding myself that I hunted yesterday and this morning and I can overcome this intense desire. Finally, I rang the door bell and waited.