Winter Wonderland: 2

Yumi looked up at the time, was it really ten in the morning or was the clock just lying? She rolled over to see small little pieces of snow silently fall from the sky. Yumi rolled over on her back and looked at the ceiling of her apartment. Yumi closed her eyes, "O Ulrich's it's beautiful, of course I will!" As one single tear flowed down her check Yumi slumped back into the mist of slumber. "Ulrich dear get up!" Ulrich rolled over to suddenly have the urge to hide his face in the pillow that enveloped his head. Ulrich slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, "What Sissi?" Sissi turned to look at Ulrich, she smiled yet again she wasn't dreaming, she really was married to him. When their senior year of school came around Sissi saw her chance. For some reason Ulrich and Yumi had split up and Ulrich was in a depressed slum for weeks. When Sissi finally caught him alone in the hall she grabbed her chance. Seeing Ulrich so vulnerable and depressed only made Sissi smile, it would be easier this way. From the minute that Ulrich agreed to go out with her, Sissi didn't let Ulrich out of her sights. Ulrich in the other hand hadn't meant for it to go this far, it was only supposed to be a small thing to make Yumi jealous, not make her back off any more. When Yumi suddenly told him she didn't want to see him anymore Ulrich's soul had cracked. All his hopes and dreams seemed to have died with Yumi leaving him. Now that Ulrich was with Sissi, there wasn't one day that went by that he didn't ask himself why, why did she leave him, why did she never talk to him again, why was he with Sissi? Ulrich often thought about this, even though Sissi annoyed him in the past she really wasn't that bad of a person, just a love struck schoolgirl that craved attention. "Ulrich!!!" Sissi screamed in Ulrich's ear. Ulrich jumped about a mile high in the bed, "What Sissi!" Ulrich stopped for a minute he couldn't honestly blame her; she just caught him dozing off again. "O I was just wondering if you were still awake, so since you are, would you go downstairs and make me a cappuccino?" Ulrich rolled over to look at Sissi who was at the closet picking out clothes that she was packing into a small suitcase. That day they were leaving to go to Kadic Academy's Reunion. Ulrich didn't actually feel like going to the reunion, but Sissi insisted on it so she could see the girls that she used to hang out with. Ulrich almost dreaded even going, when Yumi and he split up there was great tension between the group, and when Ulrich started to see Sissi that's when it all ended. Ulrich didn't even know what happened with the fight against X.A.N.A. or what happened to Jeremy or Aelita, he figured that they went to some super smart college and got married. Odd he didn't know about, he had kept in contact with him all the way up to Ulrich's first year of college. As expected Odd dropped out and was probably playing in a garage band somewhere. As for Yumi, Ulrich didn't even like thinking about the situation. Whenever when he did think about her he started to ask the same questions he still wondered about when he was in high school. Questions like what if I apologized or what if I wasn't with Sissi. Although when Ulrich would think about that sort of thing tension would grow between him and Sissi, then Ulrich would quit the fighting by buying Sissi some expensive gift and she would forget about everything. "Well I don't think anything is wrong with your legs you can walk a couple of stairs." Before he was even done with his sentence Ulrich new he had stepped into the lion pit, "What did you say?" Sissi said as she whirled around to face Ulrich, her eyes spitting fire. Ulrich sighed, he hated it when Sissi was in a bad mood, "Forget I said anything." Sissi instantly smiled and continued with her packing, "Thought so." God I hate it that she can control me so well! Ulrich thought to himself as he pulled on a grey t-shirt as he rolled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.