Fang POV

"Hey Fang you still awake?"

I turned over to face the door where Iggy was standing

"No" I replied

"Listen. This is really important ok. I need you to do something for me"

I frowned. Ok what was so important that he waited until eleven o'clock at night to tell me? And why was he asking me? Why not Max? She was usually the advice giver

"What?" I asked

"I need you to read me something"

"Can't it wait till morning Ig?"

"No Fang this is really important"

"Ok then" I said sitting up finally sensing that Iggy defiantly wasn't going to let me sleep.

Iggy turned the lamp on and handed me a book. I wondered where the hell he'd got a book from. I mean it wasn't as if we ever had time to stop at book shops. Maybe he'd got it from the school library

I looked at the title. What the? Why did Iggy have this book?

21 Ways to Win Her Heart

Oh God

"I got it from the school library. How great is this?!" smiled Iggy

"Um.." I said

I didn't even want to think why he had this book. Nothing good could come of this. Nothing. With a capital N.

"So what are you waiting for? Open it and read it to me" said Iggy impatiently

Even though I felt that nothing good would come of this I felt the tiniest bit curious and that curiosity was there because of one word. Max.

So I opened the book and looked at the first page and began to read.

"You might want to open your mouth. It generally helps when you're reading out loud" said Iggy annoyed

"Oh yeah. Right. Errmm step one. Get yourself out there and let the world know you're available. Maybe the girl you're crushing on is crushing on you too, but thinks you're taken. Drop hints that you like her or just bluntly say so. Get involved in activities. Girls like guys that are doing things - especially sports. And on the plus side, if you join a school team, more girls will notice you so you have more options."

School the next day….

Ok so I was going to try out step one from Iggy's book. Just to prove to myself that well it didn't work and the whole thing was stupid. But I definatly needed to see if the techniques worked before I tried them on Max. Not that I was going to try them on Max because they would never work. But I suppose you could never be sure of anything so…..

All I needed now was a girl. Which to be honest wasn't exactly hard to find in a mixed school.

I was just walking over to one when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a red haired girl smiling at me

"Do you know where the dictionary is?" she asked

"What?" I said surprised that it was this easy to get a girl to talk to you. I mean did they normally just walk up and talk to you when you wanted them to? Perhaps they sensed it. They sensed easy prey and I was definatly easy prey.

Oh yeah Fang real smooth saying what like a prat.

"Our referance materials are over here" she went on "we have free study time, you can walk around and do homework. If you need to look up stuff, the computers and other references are over here."

"Oh Okay. Thanks" I managed to get out

God Fang since when were you so nervous around girls?

"I'm Lissa and you're Nick right?" she said

"Uh-huh" I said. Oh God I could barely get more than one word out at a time. Was uh-huh even a word? Well at least I could look that up now that 'Lissa' had told me where the dictionaries were.

"I'm glad you're in our class" she said

"What? Why?" I asked.

What type of shallow girl I had barely even said five words to would be glad I was in her class?

"Why do you think?" she said smiling at me weirdly

Ok this was getting waayyy to weird. I decided to try out the next step in the book 'Maybe the girl you're crushing on is crushing on you too, but thinks you're taken. Drop hints that you like her or just bluntly say so'

Seeing as i didn't know how to drop hints casually I decided to be 'blunt' like the book said.

"Errmm I'm single?" I said unsure if that was how the book meant I was supposed to tell her

I guessed it was seeing as her eyes widened the way a wolves would if it hadn't eaten for days and had just got handed easy prey. And this wolf was definatly half starved.

"Is that so" she smiled

"Um Yeah?" I said uncertainly. God I'd just said so hadn't I?

"Do you want to come and eat with me and my friends this lunch?" she asked

Did I? Well the book had said 'let the world know you're available.' I suppose sitting at a table with hormonal, single, teenage girls was a pretty good way of saying 'hey world I'm single'

"Err sure"

She smiled that weird smile again "Great I'll see you at lunch"

Who knew it was this easy to get a girl to like you? Max would be completely blown away with my new found skills

The book had definatly become my new best friend


Why is Fang sitting at a table with girls? I mean I know I'm a girl but I'm a girl he's known for more than five minutes. And anyway why would he be interested in girls? I mean me and Fang had a connection didn't we? He was my best friend wasn't he? Yet he'd dropped me for a girl he'd known for a couple of minutes? What did she have that I didn't?

"Someone seems a tiny bit jealous" said Angel

"Angel. Stop reading my mind" I snarled "And I am NOT jealous"

"Sure" said Angel shrugging

"Oooo what's Max jealous of Angel?" said Nudge

Angel glanced in Fang general direction

"Oh don't worry Max none of them girls are as pretty as you and I don't think Fang even likes girls yet. Well not them girls I mean he obviously likes you. Oh wow maybe you two could get together because you two together would be sooo cute and I thin-"

"Nudge me and Fang are not going to get together and I am defiantly NOT jealous"

"Not jealous of who?" asked Gazzy who had just joined our table

"Oh Max is jealous because Fang's sitting with them girls over there" said Angel

"I am NOT jealous because Fang happens to be eating with some stupid red haired wonder" I yelled standing up

Ok someone forgot to tell me we were in a crowded cafeteria. And you know how when you say something really loud in the middle of the cafeteria every single eye falls on you.

Well that was happening now.

And red haired wonder was practically burning holes in my skin with her evils and Fang was looking at me like I was the biggest embarrassment ever.

I did the only thing I could and sank under the table.

OK guy so this is my fun story. The one where I can just let lose and write down all the rubbish that comes into my head.

OK so get in suggestions for what you want the 2nd chapter of the book to be and I'll pick the one that I think is the best

Thanks for reading guys

Let's see if we can get 5 reviews before I carry on


I can't believe it. Fang. My Fang kissing Lissa.

Woah. Hold on a second. Did I just think MY Fang? I mean since when was he my Fang? Well he's virtually my brother I suppose. This wasn't such a big deal if Fang wanted to kiss some sluttly red head then it was his business wasn't it?

It didn't bother me at all. Not in the slightest.

I heard a knock at my door

"Max?" said Fang "can I come in?"

Get yourself out there and let the world know you're available! Maybe the girl you're crushing on is crushing on you too, but thinks you're taken. Drop hints that you like her or just bluntly say so. Get involved in activities. Girls like guys that are doing things - especially sports. And on the plus side, if you join a school team, more girls will notice you so you have more options.

Be bold. Girls always like confidence, so tell her what you have to say. There is always a time for subtleties later.

Humor is always a great way to win over girls. By doing this you make that special someone feel more comfortable around you. Try to avoid dirty jokes and such (ie, jokes that your guy friends would find funny), and mostly go on wit and quips.

Be romantic and sweet to her.

Never just come out and say do you want to go out with me because when you say that it ruins the mystery,tension ect. Just find another way to tell her.

Be yourself. Girls like boys who are themselves. And make sure you know the girl! While girls appreciate an honest boy, if who "you" are is not what the girl is into, you're not going to get very far...If she won't like you for who you truly are, she's not worth it.

Dig up any information you can find out about her. Search for her hobbies, interests, music she listens to, friends she likes, etc. Just understand her general style and adapt to it. The first thing a girl looks at is a guy's style.

Talk to her about stuff she is interested in - such as music she likes. Most importantly, try to get her to talk about herself, then build on that. People are naturally more comfortable talking about themselves anyway. Think of it as an opportunity to find out more about this girl so you can determine if you want to pursue her further. Also, if you are stuck on some conversation starters, remember the two starters that always seems to work: food and weather. Be funny and crack a joke every now and then or tell a girl an embarrassing story, but don't gossip! Most girls hate guys who gossip, but love guys who are funny.

Ask her to hang out. If you get to know each other better you may end up going out or you may end up realizing she wasn't the girl for you anyway.

Always be polite. Take into consideration the girl's feelings.

Be a gentleman. Open the door for her, pull out her chair before she sits down, don't interrupt, etc. Those things show a poised, graceful man, and girls like that. You can't act like you do around your male friends.

Compliment her. Just make sure that you are sincere, don't just make something up- if you look for something that really makes you like her, she'll know that you're interested in getting to know her better. Also, know the right ways to compliment. Some girls like it if you say "DAAAAMMMNNN!!" when they walk into the room, but some would be really offended. To be safe, be nice, cute, and above all, not creepy. Leering is a definite turn-off.

Don't be too clingy, Give her space.