"Well, that was easy," I said as Lillian landed on her feet with Repunzel under her left arm frozen solid.

"So, what do we do with her?" Fiona wondered.

"We can break her into pieces," I suggested.

"No!!" Everyone told me as Snow White said, "If we did that, we'd go to jail, you imbecile!"

"Hey, don't call my friend an imbecile, you ignoramus!" Carley said.

"Uh, yeah! What she said!" I said, "Even though it doesn't bother me that much."

"But she called you an imbecile," Carley said.

"My brother and I call each other worse names, so being called that doesn't bug me that much unless someone I don't know calls me that."

"Oh. Okay, I guess."

"Anyway, you two, we still need to think of what to do with Repunzel here," Fiona told us.

"I……have no idea," I said as everyone sweat dropped to my answer.

"Any other ideas?" Fiona wondered as everyone began thinking and thinking with their hands on their chins.

We kept thinking for an hour until Cinderella exclaimed, "That's it!!"

"What's it?" Snow White asked.

"The perfect idea of what to do with Repunzel."

"We're listening," Fiona replied.


Back at Charming's headquarters, Charming was pacing back and forth waiting for Repunzel to come back with info on Fiona and the others.

"Where can she be? It doesn't take that long to gather information on those puny princesses and their new friends," He said as he heard someone knock on the door.

"Hey, I think that's Repunzel, Boss," The Cyclopes said as Charming answered the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Repunzel frozen in a fighting stance of fear not wearing her wig with a note attached to her face.

It read:


We know what you were trying to do. Nice try. But it didn't work.

You'll regret it once we kicked your asses on the baseball field!


The Terminators!!

After reading the letter, be tore up the letter, got on his knees and yelled, "Damn youuuuu!!"


At the castle, everyone was practicing again as Snow White was laughing at what Cinderella told them.

"Oh, my god! I can't believe your idea worked, Cindi! I'm still cracking up from Charming's face when he saw Repunzel!!" She laughed.

"Yeah! And when you left her there without her hair cracked me up even more!" I laughed.

"I never expected for you to think of something to so…..so…..evil, Cinderella. I mean, you're the kind that doesn't get your hands dirty like that," Fiona replied as Cinderella shrugged.

"I don't know. I just felt like doing something different," She said.

"I guess that's understandable, but still. Good work on the idea, Cinderella," I agreed as I laid on Carley's lap when we were done practicing for the day.

"Thanks, but what do we do now since Repunzel saw us playing undercover?" Cinderella asked.

"We just have to keep practicing until the day we compete with Charming. We just need to think of techniques to go with 'em," I replied.

"How do you even know that'll work?" Snow White questioned.

"Oh, it works. I know. It'll help us gain some strength. And plus, Charming won't know about it," I told Snow who was silent.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess," She said.

"Told ya!"

"But what do we do for new techniques? The completion's in two and a half weeks," Artie asked.

"I don't know. You guys can do whatever you want for a technique. I don't care what you guys do," I said.

"Oh, okay," Fiona said.

"That's cool," Carley said.

"I know a few I've seen on TV, too," Snow White said.

"Sweet. This is gonna be one hell of a baseball fight like on One Piece!" I cried out in joy.

"What episode was it?" Carley wondered.

"It's a One Piece Special."
