A/N I know. It's been over a year. Link to my blog telling why, for those that care, in my profile. Stalk it.

As well, if you are going to disagree with me on my demand for reviews or the way I write, do not do so if you are not going to be leaving behind an email for me to contact you with. It shows that you are a coward. Moving on, I hope you enjoy the Chapter. I am a bit rusty, having not written anything since July of 2008. Do tell me if I have done something wrong.

Disclaimer: Do not own.

Dedication: To Shikon Kunoichi-Shikon Crystal and ihaveprobs, for their ideas I used in this chapter

"Kagome, what's that for?" Hikaru asked, pointing towards the miko's left hand.

"If we're going to be playing games, I need to know you two apart! There can't be time wasted trying to figure out who's who." Kagome replied stubbornly, grabbing Hikaru's left hand with her right, all the while opening the hot pink bottle of nail polish with her left. She began to color his nails, one by one, when Hikaru exclaimed.

"What the? Nail polish?" He was flailing about, but Kagome just rolled her eyes, held his hand still, and continued to apply the polish. Once done, she moved to the other hand.

"See, now that wasn't too bad," Kagome gave a cheeky grinned and let go of the hand she was holding. Turning to Kaoru she smirked, "You're turn! What color would you like?"

Hikaru turned around from the way he was headed and exclaimed, "Why does he get to pick his color?"

Kagome rolled her eyes, "He knew his fate before hand and didn't run away; he deserves SOME kind of reward."

Kaoru smiled, "Do you have green?"

"Of course," Kagome smiled back, ignoring Hikaru, and grabbed the color from her bag. "Now, stay still," Kaoru nodded as the girl before him held onto his left hand and applied the color, also staying still when she moved to his right.

"Okay, all done!" Kagome stood up from where she sat on the floor and put the two polishes back in her bag. "What do you guys want to do now?"

Hikaru, finally over his slump, came to stand next to his twin. "How about we play a trick on Tono?"

"I'm intrigued," Kagome giggled, "tell me more."

Both twins smirked and pulled Kagome close, telling of their plan. Once they were through Kagome laughed once more, "Only you guys could take such an innocent game and turn it into an evil scheme."

The two boys only smiled in response, pleased with how the night was folding out.

"Haruhi, come here real quick," Kagome called across the room to where Haruhi was being harassed by Tamaki once again.

"Thanks for getting me out of that," The honor student smiled in thanks once she was beside Kagome.

Waving her hand, Kagome replied, "Don't mention it; now, I called you over for a reason...the twins came up with a plan to freak Tamaki-senpai out," Haruhi nodded and listened as the other girl explained.

"Hunny-senpai! Mori-senpai!" Kaoru said in a hushed voice as he neared the two cousins. Despite how soft he spoke, their attention was caught.

"Hn?" Mori replied.

"Hikaru, Kagome, and myself have an idea...it'll make this night more, eventful," The two nodded as Kaoru continued on to explain their plan. When he was done Hunny grinned and nodded his head vigorously with Mori agreeing alongside his cousin.

"Yes, Hikaru?" Kyouya looked up from the folder he was going through when the one Hatachiin twin walked over.

"We have a plan, and would like you to partake," Hikaru explained the 'game' that they were going to be playing on Tamaki. Kyouya agreed nonchalantly, while inside his mind he was smirking, thinking of all the possible things that could come out of the night.

When Tamaki went to go get some more food, everyone else began plotting. "We should probably start now, while he's gone," Suggested Kaoru. The others all nodded in response.

"Who wants to be the first victim?" Kagome asked.

Kyouya pondered that, "It would make sense for Haruhi to be last, since Tamaki finds her to be very precious, which would cause him to loose it; so I suggest I be first." The others all nodded in agreement.

"And after him?" Hikaru asked, "In case we don't have another chance to talk, we should decide all of this now."

"Perhaps Mori?" Kaoru offered up. The senior in question nodded.

"I'll go after Mori!" Hunny spoke happily. "It'll be fun, right Takahashi?" The taller teen nodded in reply.

"Okay, then who?" Haruhi questioned.

"How about the two of you disappear at the same time?" Kagome offered up, motioning towards Hikaru and Kaoru. The two nodded simultaneously, agreeing with Kagome.

Kyouya nodded before speaking, "And how much time are we going to have before each 'abduction'?"

They all thought for a moment before Haruhi spoke, "Why don't we just play with it as it goes? When we come to think that too much time has passed, or when the perfect moment comes, that'll be when we leave." Again, everyone agreed.

"What about the staff?" Kagome asked, realizing that Tamaki might go running to his maids and such.

"I'll go talk to them," Kyouya replied, and added as an after thought, "By the kitchens there's a door leading to the basement. We'll meet up down there." As everyone nodded in understanding, Tamaki walked into the room with popcorn.

"Who's ready for some popcorn?" Tamaki exclaimed once he was in hearing range of the group.

Kyouya simply stood up and said that he was going to the restroom, only actually leaving to tell the help what was going on.

"How long does it take a guy to pee?" Tamaki burst out, exasperatedly.

"Is he just peeing?" Kagome offered up, helplessly. She knew she couldn't let anything of their plan slip, but keeping Tamaki out of the loop was becoming a bit tiring.

"I'll go check! Be right back!" And with that, the lavish third year went skipping off to search for the Shadow King.

"And so, the games have begun." Hikaru and Kaoru said at the same time, smirking.

"Kyouya!" Tamaki called out in a sing-song voice, reaching the bathroom. When no response came, he knocked on the door, "Kyouya! Did you fall in?"

Again, there was no response. Worried, Tamaki kicked the door down. Instead of finding his friend passed out on the toilet like he'd been half-expecting, he instead found an empty room. "Kyouya!" He called out. The blonde ran out of the room into the hallway, heading towards the other bathrooms in the house.

Again, after each door had been kicked open, there was no sight of Kyouya. "Where are you, Kyouya?!" Tamaki cried out.

Giving up, he headed back to his bedroom, where upon opening his door he cried out, "It seems that we have lost Kyouya! He is not in any of the bathrooms here, and none of the help knows where he is!"

Kagome had to try not to giggle. Everything was working out perfectly. With a cough she spoke, "Perhaps he got lost? Your house is quite big."

Tamaki shook the idea off, "He's been here numerous times! Kyouya knows the way around my house as well as I do!"

Kagome nodded helplessly. As soon as Tamaki gave his retort, however, the lights flickered, causing the Host Club President to let out a girlish cry of terror. "What's happening?" He exclaimed, as the light flicking came to a stop. A stop that led them to being off, rather than on.

"I'm sorry, Suoh-san, but it seems a couple transformers blew," A man in a suit spoke, holding multiple lanterns in the doorway to the bedroom.

Tamaki nodded, although still a bit jumpy; every time a noise was made he jumped. Walking over, he accepted the lanterns from the man. "Thank you," The man nodded and walked away.

There were enough lamps for everyone, minus Kyouya. Tamaki handed them out, but realized he had one left over. "Wha—" He looked around the group of people and realized another person was missing.

"Where's Mori?!" Tamaki exclaimed much like he had when he first walked into the room.

The rest of the group pretended to be shocked and worried, doing quite a good job. "T-Takahashi?" Hunny spoke in a small, scared, voice.

"There, there," Kagome said, hugging the upperclassman. "We'll find him, and Kyouya,"

Hunny sniffled and nodded, hugging Kagome back, "Thanks, Gome-chan,"

Everyone turned to see Tamaki pacing along his floor rapidly, muttering to himself. "First Kyouya...now Mori...and what about these lights? ...Did someone sneak into the building? ….Kidnap our friends?!....Perhaps this is some type of heist for ransom!....Is there any type of weird letter laying around?"

The twins shook their head, while Haruhi tried her luck at calming the teen. "Tamaki, why don't we sit around and tell ghost stories?"

Tamaki stopped mid-step and faced the second year, "S-sure...that'll get my mind off of this, for sure..."

Haruhi smiled and everyone sat down on the floor in a circle. "Okay, who wants to go first?" Haruhi questioned the group.

"We'll go first," The twins smirked, and began their tail of an old woman who 'supposedly' lived on the land the Suoh house was on many years before, a tale about her brutal and tragic death.

The tale left Kagome and Haruhi a bit amused, but Tamaki and Hunny on the other hand were quite scared and frightened.

Laughing a bit, Kagome stood up, stretching, "Tamaki-senpai, I didn't bring any hoodies with me, and it's kind of cold in here...do you think I could borrow one?"

Tamaki nodded and led Kagome to his closet. While the two were gone, Haruhi turned to Hunny and nodded at him. He understood what she meant and slowly got up and left the room.

Once Tamaki and Kagome came back—the latter now wearing a dark blue hoodie—and took their seats, Tamaki noticed the missing person. "Not Hunny too!" He turned to face the twins and Haruhi, "Where did he go?"

Haruhi shrugged helplessly, "He said he was going to grab a coat from his bag, saying he too was cold, but never returned..."

Tamaki did all but pull his hair art, thrashing and flailing in frustration. "What is happening?! Why is everyone disappearing?"

Hikaru and Kaoru both grabbed a lantern and put it underneath their chins, giving them a ghoul-y look. "It is the curse of the old woman," They spoke at the same time.

This only caused Tamaki to shiver uncontrollably out of fear. "W-What?" He stammered.

Kaoru gave a cackle while Hikaru replied, "Why yes, Tono; we warned you, did we not?"

In order to go with the act, Haruhi and Kagome too looked petrified, but on the inside, the two were laughing in hysterics.

"Haruhi! Kagome! I shall keep you two safe!" Tamaki exclaimed. As he did such, the twins cackled insanely, stepping back as they did so into the darkness. Without any of the others noticing, they too had disappeared.

Realizing what had happened, Tamaki let out another shout, "What is happening?! Kagome! Haruhi! Save me! I cannot possibly go missing or be killed! I am still so young!"

Haruhi rolled her eyes whilst Kagome laughed at his antics. "Senpai, let's go, we'll try and find them," Each grabbed an arm on Tamaki and dragged him out of his bedroom, despite his screaming.

"Hush, Tamaki, or you'll scare whatever it is away," Kagome teased.

"B-but, I want to scare whatever it is away!"

Haruhi sighed, "What if it did take the others? How will we find them if we scare whatever it was that took them away?"

Tamaki was silent, "That's...a valid point..."

The two girls sighed and let go of the older teen, for he was now agreeing to walk with them and search for their friends.

The set of three walked around the entire Suoh house without any luck. Tamaki was starting to freak out once again, while the girls dealt with it as best as they could.

During one of Tamaki's 'moments', Haruhi took the task of calming the man, leaving Kagome to stand off to the side. Smirking, she took the moment, and left the two. She smiled to herself; the little prank they were pulling was quite fun, and it also ended up giving Tamaki and Haruhi some alone time. Things couldn't have been better.

"Kagome? Gome-chan? Kagome?!" Tamaki cried out, realizing the newest member of their Club was missing. "Where'd you go?"

Haruhi sighed—she had just managed to get the man to clam down, as well. "Kagome! You said you'd help us find the others! How dare that evil old woman take you!"

With a roll of her eyes, Haruhi grabbed both of Tamaki's arms and stood in front of him, stopping him from any further movement. "Senpai, stop. If we are going to find them we need to think clearly!"

"I know..." Tamaki sulked and looked down at Haruhi, "but what else are we supposed to do?"

"For starters we can begin by asking the staff if they have any idea," Haruhi replied.

Tamaki nodded, and the two set off on a search for a worker. About a half an hour into the search they found no one. "Where are they all?" Tamaki cried out.

"I...have no idea," Haruhi supplied.

"Hikaru and Kaoru were right! That evil woman is coming to get us all!" Tamaki began to thrash about in the area they were, running towards the wall, hitting it, running to the other side of the hall, hitting that wall, and then back again, over and over. Haruhi decided she'd leave in that instant, not knowing if another opportunity would arise soon.

Minutes later Tamaki realized what happened and let out a frustrated and frightened scream.

From inside the basement, as Haruhi walked down the stairs, she could hear the rest of the Host Club and some of the workers laughing at Tamaki's cry.

"How long are we going to stay down here?" Kagome asked, turning to Kyouya.

Looking at his watch, Kyouya supplied an answer, "Just a bit longer." Everyone in the room nodded.

Hunny opened the door to Tamaki's room a tiny bit, peaking in. The man in question was sitting in a corner of the room, covered in tinfoil, holding a bat. Alongside him sat garlic, a metal knife, and a stereo with a Jonas Brothers CD inside of it.

The group had decided to send Hunny in first—if the Club President was angry, they knew he wouldn't be able to stay mad at the adorable senior for too long.

"Tamaki?" Hunny whispered as he opened the door farther.

Frightened by the sudden noise, Tamaki stood up, hitting play on the stereo as he did so, waving the garlic and bat around, shouting out that he also had a knife he wasn't afraid to use.

Kyouya walked past Hunny into the room and kicked the stereo, "Turn that racket off,"

"K-Kyouya!" Tamaki cried out, dropping the items he held, and lunged for his friend. "You're alive! The evil spirit let you go!"

Kyouya's one eyebrow raised up in question, but soon figured it to be something the twins came up with, and simply nodded. "Correct,"

As the two were conversing the rest of the club came into the room. Finally noticing this, Tamaki let out an enthusiastic cry of joy. He went about hugging the entire group, talking nonstop at an incredibly fast pace about how scared he was for each and every one of them. During this entire transaction the lights flickered back on, and everyone was finally able to see clearly once again.

"Takahashi, what happened?" Hunny looked to Mori, keeping up the act that they did not know what happened.

Mori shook his head, which told his cousin that he did not know.

"Gome-chan?" Hunny looked towards the girl for an answer.

"Same as Mori, Hunny-senpai," Kagome shrugged, "Sorry,"

Tamaki looked on at the conversation and realized he'd receive the same answers as well. He let out an exasperated shrug, "Thankfully you're all back, safe and sound! Let us move on to something else!"

Kagome smiled at how fast Tamaki's emotions changed, "I have something in my bag,"

The twins were intrigued, assuming it was what she refused to show them earlier, and made a motion as if to ask her to elaborate. "It's Truth or Dare; instead of us thinking up questions or dares, they're on cards. We each grab a card, one at a time. You pick what you want, truth or a dare, and someone else reads off the card what you have to do or answer, this way you can't look first and then choose what's least embarrassing nor waste time on coming up with something," The twins smiled at the notion; the night was far, far from over.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, Kagome took them as a 'yes', and went to go get the game from her bag.

A/N Okay. I stopped it here. Seeing as how I'm brain dead, I was hoping some of you lovely readers could review and tell me what type of Dares or Truths you wish to see? They can't be Ouran-Specific, since it IS from a 'game'. I'm just not creative enough to come with these all on my own. There is no limit to how many you can offer. You can direct them to one person, or, anyone. Does not matter.

Things are kind of sped up, it seems, and I'm sorry, but, I hope you all enjoyed it(:

Word Count (excluding Author Notes): 2,849