Author's Note: Omg, I almost thought I would never finish this one. Rereading over it made me cringe! It was AWFUL! Why did I ever think it was a good idea to use Japanese, like I knew better!? D: Oye! The writing was horrible and man, I just thought to myself, "This is trash! D:" However, it's still one of my fics, one of which I needed to finish, and so I did. Strange though, that I stopped on the very last chapter. Quite honestly, I wasn't all that happy with how this fic turned out. Even so, I've ended it for you guys. Sorry it took so long... ~.~ Especially since this is one of my oldest... Sorry! X( Anyways, enjoy... if you still remember this fic...

P.S. Sorry, but... I didn't have any energy to read through it again to edit it... Sorry...

The Transcending

Chapter 8: Five Beli Coin

Slowly, Luffy opened his eyes and stared blankly up at the ceiling. He could hear the gentle groans as the ship rocked to and fro, but barely felt it. The room he was in was completely silent. Was he alone? What had happened? His body hurt, and yet, he couldn't remember why. After awhile, he took in a breath and released it shakily with a wince.

"Ah, Luffy?"

Blinking his eyes slowly, Luffy turned his head to see Chopper, sitting at his desk. "Chopper?"

"Luffy, how are you feeling?" Chopper asked, sliding off his chair to make his way to Luffy.

"Hurts," Luffy husked, licking his dry lips, and then he said, "Thirsty."

"Ah, hold on," Chopper said, rushing over to pour Luffy some water and then taking it to him. "Here you go."

"What happened?" Luffy asked, sitting up with Chopper's help and greedily drinking the cool liquid.

"You don't remember?" Chopper asked, staring at Luffy with big eyes.

"Remember what? It's hard to know if I don't remember, when I don't remember anything to remember," Luffy said, but then made a face, clearly confused by his own words.

"We defeated Torobo and his men. You were hurt pretty bad," Chopper explained, but then Luffy suddenly gasped and bolted up into a sitting position, despite his pain.

"Nami!" he cried, looking alarmed. "Is she okay!?"

"Aa, Nami's fine. She recovered before you did," Chopper replied with a smile.

"A-And Mikan and Niku?" Luffy asked, starting to calm down.

"They're both fine. They stay by Nami as much as possible and come to check on you a couple of times a day," Chopper replied with a smile.

"Good," Luffy whispered as he relaxed back onto the bed. He was satisfied to know they were safe. "I take it then, that the others are fine as well?"

"Of course," Chopper replied with a bigger grin.

"Good," Luffy repeated as he sighed, content that all was well. "Torobo?"

"Sent back to the future with Yoku, who also took word back to your future selves about Mikan and Niku staying until they were sure you and Nami were okay," Chopper said with a soft giggle.

"Ah, okay," Luffy replied, but then chuckled himself. However, he suddenly sagged and muttered, "Hungry…"

"I'll go and ask Sanji to make you something to eat. I'll bring it to you here," Chopper said, but Luffy shook his head.

"No, I want to go out and see everyone," Luffy said, sitting up once again, but winced to the pain his body was still in.

"Ah, but Luffy, you're not fully recovered yet!" Chopper exclaimed, coming to him quickly.

"I'll be okay, I'll be okay," Luffy said with a snicker as he grinned and stood up shakily. "I want to see everyone," he repeated as he moved for the door slowly.

"Yeah, all right, let me help you though," Chopper said as he grew bigger to let Luffy lean on him as they walked.

Once they made it to the deck, everyone turned to look up at them. "Otou-chan!" Mikan cried as she ran up the stairs to glomp her father.

"Ah, ow, ow," Luffy said, but grinned, snickered and hugged her back.

"Luffy-san," Niku called with a grin as he walked up to the railing. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Luffy said, grinning down to Niku.

Clearing her throat quietly, Nami looked away and rubbed over her arm. She couldn't meet his eyes. She still felt so strange and awkward about everything, even if she knew the truth was right in front of her. It was inevitable. Despite knowing all of it, it didn't make it easier for her to be comfortable with it. How was she supposed to act with Luffy? Did that mean they would start a relationship now? She didn't think she was ready for that, and actually, she doubted he was ready for it either. Even so, he did so much for her. He had used his own body to protect her.

Closing her eyes quickly, she blocked out the tears wanting to come. It wasn't that she didn't care about him-It really wasn't. It was just strange the way it came about. It would have been better not knowing, and then the day just came. Most likely, it would have come once their adventures were done. She would have been ready then, and she was sure he would have been too. However, she couldn't blame them for this. Their lives had been in danger, and so they had to do something about it.

But still…

"Is everyone all right then?" Luffy asked, looking to both Niku and Mikan before looking down at Nami, but she wasn't looking at him. Losing his smile, he stared at her for a moment, but then he asked, "Nami, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied with a nod, but she didn't look at him still.

"Okay," he replied quietly, but then he smiled again and looked to Sanji. "Sanji, I'm hungry!"

"Me too!" Mikan exclaimed with a bright grin.

"Hai, hai~!" Sanji exclaimed as he climbed the stairs and went to the kitchen.

Niku kept his gaze in his parents with an anxious frown on his face. Would everything really be all right? However, in thinking that, he made a face. Of course everything was all right. After all, he and his sister were still there. There was also the fact that he knew neither would chance neither of them being born. However, he hoped it would not put a strain on their relationship. Everything would happen as it should. He had faith in that. He had to have faith in that.

x x x x

"I'm... going... to... miss... you!" Mikan cried between hiccups as she hugged Luffy tightly.

Luffy chuckled softly, hugging her back as well, and then he said, "But you're going to see me soon!" However, he had tears within his eyes. It was he, who was going to miss her, because he would not be seeing her for a very long time.

"But you're different!" she wailed as she cried, almost refusing to let him go.

Luffy smiled softly and whispered, "But I'm still your father."

She gave a sniffle and pulled back to look at him. She sniffled again and said, "Thank you, Otou-chan, for everything. Thank you for playing with me!"

"Shishishi, you're welcome! It was fun! I'm gonna miss you too!" he said, still smiling to her.

She smiled to him as well and nodded hard. "Un!" She then turned to Nami and threw herself onto her to hug. "I'll miss you too, Nami-chan!"

Nami smiled softly and said, "I'll miss you too, Mikan."

Niku smiled warmly to them both, and then he went to hug them both at the same time. "I'll miss you too, Nami-san. Thank you for everything... It seems there's still some things I can learn from you."

Nami chuckled, wrapping her other arm around him as well. "Of course there is, but I learned from you too. You have a good mother," she said and just laughed.

Niku and Mikan both laughed at this, but then Niku pulled back to look at Luffy. "Thank you too, Luffy-san," he said softly and held his hand out to him.

Luffy smiled widely, and took his hand to shake. "You don't have to thank me, Niku," he said and chuckled softly.

Niku's lips formed a thin line, and then he moved in to hug Luffy. "But I want to anyway," he said tightly.

"Shishishi! Then, you're welcome, Niku," Luffy replied quietly as he hugged him back.

Caro chuckled softly and said, "It's time then." He turned and opened up a portal back to their time.

"Good bye, Otou-chan... and Okaa-chan," Mikan whispered softly and sadly, but then she smiled.

Nami huffed out, but smiled to the girl and nodded to her, as if to say it was all right for her to have called her that. "Good bye, Mikan... Niku," she said and also looked to the boy.

"Good bye," Niku said with a smile, but then added, softly, "Okaa-san... and Otou-san."

Luffy smiled softly to them both, his eyes glistening with his tears. "I will see you soon, Niku, Mikan," he said and there was a strong conviction to his voice.

Both Niku and Mikan grinned to this and nodded, but Nami's cheeks flamed with color. She cleared her throat softly and looked down, feeling that awkwardness seeping in. However, Mikan took in a breath and turned towards the portal. She took her brother's hand in hers and both stepped into the portal. Nami's heart actually froze, knowing they would be gone.

Caro chuckled as he looked back to Luffy and Nami and said, "Thank you so much for the sake of those children. Everything you have done for them, I know meant everything to them."

"Of course, because it meant everything to me too," Luffy said and smiled to the man.

Caro smiled as well and nodded as he turned back to the portal, but paused. Nami gasped loudly, gaping at the image before. Seeing their children again, both parents had come running to hug them, glad to see both were okay.

"Whoa..." Zoro said, his mouth dropping open to seeing the future Nami and Luffy.

Luffy's jaw slowly dropped, seeing his future self. He really did look so different, and he even had a beard, which framed around his mouth, much like his grandfather. Nami, somehow, looked ten times more beautiful with her long, wavy orange hair all down her back. The only part of her, which looked aged, were the lines along her mouth, which showed how much she always smiled.

Just then, both happy parents looked up, gazing back at their younger selves, and their smiles faded.

"Holy shit," Nami replied, though breathless. She felt as if she could not breathe.

Mikan suddenly turned within the image, still seeing them there. Then she pointed back at them and turned to speak to her parents. They could not hear their words, since they were years ahead of them. Both parents looked down to their daughter before smiling and looking back up at them again. Then the future Nami mouthed the words, "Thank you." The future Luffy merely smiled softly to them and nodded his head slowly.

Luffy slowly began to grin and held up his thumb to them. "Shishishi!" he exclaimed, his grin growing bigger. This made the future Luffy's smile brighten, and then he held up his thumb. The future Nami just laughed, but then she hugged her children to her tighter, listening as both seemed to talk at the same time to her.

Caro chuckled softly as he looked back to Luffy and Nami and away from his king and queen. "See you in the future, my king and queen," he said with a bow, and then he stepped into the portal. He was greeted by his king and queen with smiles, and then the image was gone.

"Whoa," Zoro said, still staring at where the portal had been. "What a mind fuck..."

"No shit," Sanji muttered as he stuffed a cigarette within his mouth, and with shaking hands, he tried to light it.

"That was amazing!" Usopp and Chopper both cried at the same time with stars in their eyes.

"Shishishi! Wasn't it!?" Luffy exclaimed as he joined his friends.

Nami, however, remained frozen on the spot, still staring at where the image had been. They were really gone, and she had seen it for herself, what they would be like. Why did she still feel so strange and awkward? Without warning, she suddenly turned on her heel and headed straight for the women's quarters, shutting the door behind her.

"Eh?" Usopp and Chopper questioned as they watched after her. Luffy, on the other hand, kept his face expressionless, just as he always did.

x x x x

Only two days later, and they found themselves at the next island, which had a huge city built on it. Each left the ship to go out and explore as well as check into a place to stay. During those three days, Nami had again avoided Luffy, but now mostly because she had no idea how to act around him anymore, which was silly. She knew Luffy was just Luffy, and so would not expect her to act any other way, but as herself. Regardless, she was not ready and so just remained away from him, only speaking to him if necessary. She would like to say the rubber captain was not bothered by her silence, but she knew better now, after what Niku had told her. It did kind of bother her as well, but she could not help her silence as well as distance.

Sighing deeply from where she sat within the lobby of the hotel, sipping her hot chocolate and reading one of her books. At least it was peaceful, and it was nice to get off the ship every now and then. She glanced over to Robin, sitting in a chair opposite her, also reading a book. It was so nice to have a friend, like Robin, who was content in remaining in her company as both women read their books. She smiled softly, and then she looked back town at her book.

x x x x

Luffy walked up to the shore behind the hotel they were staying at and stopped near a street lamp. His face was downcast and he was deep in thought. How was he supposed to tell her? He knew she knew it would happen sooner or late, but it had to be special. He had to make that moment memorable somehow. Lifting up his head towards the gently swaying waves of the shore and into the shallow part, which lapped at the sand.

A sparkle in the water caught his eye. Once the water receded and came back into shore, he saw the reflecting sparkle again. Stretching out his arm, he grabbed the sand around the sparkle and then retracted his arm. He cleared away the murky sand and looked at what was in the palm of his hand. It was a five belli coin.

He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the coin, and then he walked closer to the shore line, dropping the coin into the shallow end before stepping back. The street lamp made it reflect and wink back at him. Grinning, he knelt down to retrieve the coin, and then took off running in search of someone to help him do what he wanted to do.

He walked quickly back into the hotel, entering from the back, and noticed Usopp coming down the stairs. "Oi, Usopp!" he called in a loud whisper to the sharpshooter, knowing Nami was about somewhere.

Usopp turned to the person calling him. "Oh, what's up Luffy?"

Luffy motioned for him to come to him and whispered, "I need your help with something."

"Oh, okay…" Usopp replied with a raised brow. Luffy grabbed his arm and began dragging him along behind him. "O-Oi, Luffy, I can walk on my own!"

Luffy released his arm, but continued running as he led Usopp back to the ship. "What are we doing here, Luffy?"

"I want you to help me do something," he replied, grinning widely. Once inside, he retrieved a sack of beli from within their treasure room.

"Oi, oi, oi!" Usopp called, his jaw dropping. "Is this really okay? Nami will know it's missing!"

"I know, and she will know I took it. Come on!" Luffy said and headed back off the ship, dragging Usopp behind him.

"What do you mean, she'll know!" Usopp screeched, looking terrified.

"Just follow me!"

Luffy led Usopp back to where he had been earlier, took the sack of coins and then began walking out into the water. "Oi, Luffy! What are you doing?!" Usopp yelled, worried for his friend.

Luffy stopped as the water almost reached his knees, and then he began placing the coins in the order he needed them to be.

Usopp walked in behind him with furrowed brows. "Here, help me place these coins in the order I need," Luffy said as he was already placing the coins where they needed to be. He then grinned, and told his friend, what it needed to say, which made Usopp's jaw drop.

After about thirty minutes, Luffy began to sweat and sway on his feet. "Oi, Luffy you really should get out of the water. I can handle this. You're fine as long as you don't come into contact with the water for too long, but it's been about thirty minutes …"

"No! I have to do this. I just needed your help," Luffy replied with determination in his voice and on his face.

Usopp furrowed his brows at his friend, but didn't say anything again. Each time Luffy would become weak and almost fall into the water, Usopp would grab and steady him. Finally, they were finished after about an hour. Luffy stood over their work and smiled. Then he turned to Usopp, who helped him back onto shore.

Luffy sat down hard on the sand and was breathing hard. "I wanted to get her myself, but… can you get her for me, Usopp?" he asked, trying to regain his strength.

"Of course, Luffy, I'll be right back!" Usopp called as he took off running.

Usopp ran into the hotel, pretty sure where to find Nami at this time of night. He went to the quietest part of the lobby, and sure enough, there she was, sitting in a chair, reading one of her navigation books and drinking a hot beverage.

Usopp approached her quietly and called, "Nami?"

She looked up at him and blinked. "Usopp… What is it?" He walked up, grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Wha-What the…?! Usopp, where are you taking me?!" she asked loudly as he began to drag her out of the hotel.

"Just follow me!" he called over his shoulder as he ran. They continued until they neared the shore, and then Usopp raised an arm and pointed. "Over there."

Nami looked at him questionably, but did as she was told. She began walking toward the shore, but then she saw him. Luffy was sitting alone in the sand, facing the sea. She stopped walking, staring at him for awhile, and then she turned towards where Usopp was. He was gone. Turning back towards Luffy, she felt herself becoming nervous, but then continued to walk towards him with a sigh. As she approached, he slowly turned toward her and then smiled, which made her feel even more nervous.

"Luffy… what's going on?" she asked quietly as she tried to hide the nervousness from her voice.

"I wanted to show you something," he said in a low voice.

"All right, what did you want to show me?" she asked as he slowly got up, but then he almost fell over. "Luffy, are you all right?" she cried as she ran to him and helped him stand.

He only laughed to this. "I'm okay," he replied and slowly walked over to the lamp post nearby.

Stretching out his arm, he pulled off his shirt that he placed over it to dim the light. Then he slipped it back on, but didn't button it back up. Nami raised a brow at this as the shore became brighter. Then he turned toward her and only stared at her. "Well… what did you want to show me, Luffy?" she asked as calmly as she could muster.

He smiled warmly at her. Inhaling sharply at the warmth of his smile, she felt her heart race, and her knees start to turn to jelly. Then he slowly turned towards the shoreline and stared at it. She decided to follow his gaze and then gasped. There in the water, a lot of golden sparkles were illuminating the ocean floor and the sparkles read, 'Nami you are the best navigator ever.' She stared at the simple words and a warm smile spread through her lips. Then she turned to look at Luffy.

"Luffy, that's really sweet," she said softly. He only smiled warmer as he looked at her, which surprised her and made her cheeks flush, but then he began walking towards the shoreline and into the ocean. "Luffy, what are you doing?" she cried as she ran after him.

He knelt down and began brushing aside the sand at the bottom half of the sparkles. She ran up beside him and knelt to help him up, but then stopped as she looked down at what he was doing. More words were revealed, and they read, 'I love you.' She stared at those three little words, and her brain failed her, but her heart about melted. Luffy lost his balance after swaying and landed on his ass in the water. She stared at those words, and then slowly sat in the water with him. He turned and looked over at her with a soft look on his scarred face, even though he was breathing heavily.

"Luffy…" she whispered as she gaped at those small words.

She really did not know what to say other than that. There were times she had suspected that he might have felt something for her, and that she may have hurt his feelings a few times, but she had never really expected this. Since when had he loved her this much? Her expression softened as she stared at those words, and they seemed to touch her very soul. She was sure in that moment… that she loved him too. Suddenly, her lips slowly curved up into a soft smile as she turned to look at him.

Luffy lost his own smile as he gazed upon hers, but then his soft smile returned. It made him feel warm inside. Then she reached out her hand and gently brought it to his face, beginning to lean forward. Her lips touched his, and he felt like his whole body was on fire. Slowly closing his eyes, he leaned into her and kissed her back. Her arms came up around his neck as she leaned into his, and he pulled her close with all the strength he had. However, it was not enough strength, so they both fell over backwards. She came up gasping for air, and then quickly lifted him out of the water. He began to cough up water as he gasped for air.

"Are you all right?!"

"Yeah, shishishi!" he replied with a nervous smile and chuckle, completely soaked.

Quiet laughter bubbled out of her, which soon turned to louder, joyous laughter. Luffy stared at her for awhile before his lips twitched on one side, and he too began to laugh with her. After she finally stopped laughter, she looked at him and smiled softly again. "Thank you, Luffy, she said and then turned her gaze back to the golden sparkles, but then she gasped. "Are those… Are those beli?" she whispered almost too quietly.

Luffy looked over at what was indeed beli and became nervous, but then looked back at her with his nervousness. "M-Mostly five beli coins. You-You aren't mad... are you?"

Nami could not believe what she was seeing. Niku said Luffy would place a five beli coin in her hand, and then everything would be okay. She had been curious as to why a five beli coin would make her happy, and now she knew. Tears came to her eyes as her expression and smile completely softened. Everything really would be all right, and it was happening just as it should. She knew both would wait before having children. Children as something that had to wait, until both had accomplished their goals, but everything would still be okay. However, she wondered what it was he would whisper to her each time he would give her that five beli coin, but then she looked back down at those three little words, 'I love you', and then she knew.

Seeing her smile, Luffy blink and gape at her, though mostly in confusion. Reaching up, she wiped at the tears, threatening to spill as she smiled wider. "No… no, I'm not mad. Luffy?" she suddenly called, but softly.

"Yeah?" Luffy asked and looked over to her.

"I love you too," she whispered very quietly.

His jaw dropped, not sure he heard right, but then he grinned widely, looking very happy and snickered, "Shishishi!"

"Come on, let's get you out of this water," she said as she turned to him with a warm smile on her beautiful face as she got up to help him up as well.

He was confused by her tears, but knew they could not be tears of sadness with a smile like that, and thus just allowed her to help him up. After recollecting the coins to put back into the sack, they made their way to the shore slowly. Luffy fell to the sand and rolled over. His breathing was hard from losing his strength. Nami slowly sat down next to him, dropping the coins back into the sack and closing it. She tossed it to beside her and then stared up at the stars in the sky.

"Everything really is going to be okay, isn't it?" she whisper and smiled.

He chuckled softly, still panting heavily and whispered, "Yeah... it will be. I'll make sure it is, Nami."

She chuckled as well and said, "I know you will, Luffy. S'kind of a bummer though, huh? Knowing we'll accomplish our goals."

He pouted his lips with a frown and said, "Yeah... kinda takes away the fun." However, he suddenly grinned and snickered, "Shishishi! But we still don't know how it will get done! So, there's still an adventure to look forward to. I will be Pirate king! That I always knew!"

Laughing softly to this, she nodded her head, the soft smile returning.

"Yes, and I will be your Queen."

The End...

Author's Note: Welp, that's it folks... I actually finished it, and I must say... I'm kind of proud of myself. I almost gave up on this fic and was about to tell you guys I wasn't going to finish it... but I did... That leaves only one more, that I've not completed, which is What The World Needs. I do not intend on finishing A Dream Amidst a Nightmare, however, since that was mostly an OC fic. I also may not ever write that epilogue to The Blood of My Enemy either... Sorry for that, guys, but I just decided against the epilogue. It just wasn't needed, really... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this... but somehow, I doubt it... HAHAHA! Until next time. :)