
" " speaking



Chapter 1

"Look me in the eye and say it, Vincent!" Yuffie shouted at the cloaked figure in front of her. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me!"

Vincent's heart clenched but he made sure his gaze was cold when he met her eyes. "I don't love you." You deserve so much more.

She gasped and her eyes widened as she reached out to touch him. "Vincent…" He backed away and refused to look at her face as tears fell from her eyes. "Farewell Yuffie." He turned from her and walked away as she fell to her knees in a fit of sobs. I am sorry Yuffie. I'm so sorry. But this is for the best. A tear rolled down his cheek as he walked out of her life.




2 years later

"You're really going after him?" Reeve questioned quietly, sitting next to Yuffie on the couch of Reeve's living room.

She nodded slowly.

"You know, there's a chance you'll never find him."

"I know, but I have to try. If he doesn't love me, then fine. But I'll be damned if he's not going to at least come see Lucas, at least just once."

Reeve said nothing in reply as a small gurgle was heard from the corner of the room. "Sounds like he's awake."

Yuffie stood from her seat and walked over to the small, portable cradle; smiling down into it before reaching in. the one-year-old, raven haired child was lifted into her arms and cradled against her chest. "Hey little guy, you have a nice nap?" The infant opened his eyes, one silver and the other a deep crimson, and stared up at his mother with intelligent eyes. He giggled and grabbed a lock of her shoulder length hair.

Reeve saw the shinobi's smile fade. "Yuffie?"

"He looks so much like him." She said softly. "I see Vincent every time I look at my son. And it hurts." The commissioner walked over and placed a gentle, comforting hand on her shoulder. "Even after everything he's done…," She continued. "I still love him."

"Love is a strong emotion, one not easily rid of." Reeve stated. "Perhaps if you find him, you'll be able to let him go."

She nodded. "Or perhaps I can convince him to come back."

Reeve sighed. "It is your choice of course." He smiled as Lucas reached out for him and Yuffie handed him over. "I still don't understand why he would leave you both. I don't understand how he was able to."

"He didn't know I was pregnant. I found out a month after he left. I can't help but wonder…if I had told him or if he had known…would he have stayed? Or would he have abandoned us anyway?"

"I'm sure he would have stayed Yuffie; he loved you."

She snorted. "Has a funny way of showing it."

Reeve thought it best to stay silent on the subject, instead, "Why don't you stay here for the night, Yuffie? It's getting late."

Yuffie was silent for a few moments, then she spoke, "Reeve…you know I can't return your feelings, don't you?"

Reeve nodded soberly. "Yes…I know. But just because you don't love me back doesn't mean I can't offer you a place to stay until morning."

Yuffie studied him then nodded. "Thanks Reeve." She leaned forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Don't worry; I'm sure you'll find someone perfect for you someday. I'm just not her. Hey, I hear Elena's still single!" She grinned but Reeve could tell it was forced. She rarely smiled fully anymore.

"Hmm somehow I doubt she'll go with someone like me."

"Aww don't think like that! You're a man with class! Sure you don't have very good fashion sense, but she'd still have to be stupid not to fall for ya!"

Reeve raised an eyebrow. "I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment." He looked down at the child in his arms and noticed his eyes start to droop. "I'll never understand how this baby can sleep so much. He just woke up and he's already falling asleep again."

Yuffie smiled sadly. "He gets it from his father. My little guy has always been calm and quiet, just like Vince. Scared the hell out of me when he first slept through the night. I kept running into his room, scared that he had stopped breathing." She took Lucas from Reeve's arms and her son's small hand clasped her shirt in little fists as his head fell heavily against her shoulder.

Reeve walked to the small cradle, getting ready to dismantle it.

"You don't have to do that Reeve, he can sleep with me; he's old enough."

"You're sure?"

She nodded.

"Well alright." He motioned for her to follow him. He led her to the second floor of his home and stopped outside an oak door. "This is the guest room." He opened the door for her. It was a simple green painted room, with off white carpet, a dresser, a bed, a night stand, and a closet. A small window was right over the bed.

"I am right down the hall. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Yuffie nodded. "Right, thanks Reeve." Reeve only nodded and bid her a goodnight.

Yuffie shut the door and walked over to the bed, placing her drowsy son upon it. She pulled her pants off before climbing into bed, pulling Lucas to her. The infant clasped her shirt in his fists once more and Yuffie placed a light, loving kiss on his forehead, pulling the covers over him and running a hand through his short raven locks.

"You're going to look just like your father aren't you?" Lucas, of course, stayed silent.

As she lay there, she remembered.





"You really shouldn't have worried." Vincent said as he dismounted from his Chocobo. The instant his feet touched the ground something crashed into his back, two arms coming around his waist. Shelke wisely said nothing and walked into Seventh Heaven. Vincent looked down at the ninja's arms in surprise before grasping them gently and loosening her hold, turning to look at her.

"I was worried." Yuffie said softly, backing away from him. "When Omega returned to the planet and the lifestream returned to normal, you weren't there. I actually thought you had died for a minute, silly huh?" She grinned but the tear that glistened her eye gave away how worried she'd truly been. She bowed her head to hide it.

Vincent watched her, hesitating, then he reached out. His gloved human hand hooked under her chin, tilting her head up. Her silver eyes met his crimson as his hand rested on her cheek, wiping away the tear that had finally fallen. He leaned forward, their lips less than a breath apart. Vincent watched her reaction and was surprised when she closed her eyes and leaned closer. He captured her lips with his and she clasped his shirt in her fists.

They broke apart and Vincent stared down at her. "I'm sorry, for making you worry." Then he kissed her again, running his tongue along her bottom lip, asking permission. Yuffie gladly allowed him entrance and wrapped her arms around his neck as his human hand rested on the back of her neck, pulling her closer as his claw wrapped around her waist.

Among the many thoughts going through his head at that moment, one stood out; this was definitely the best welcome home he'd ever received.




"Vincent…" She gasped before he captured her lips once more. He settled his weight on his elbows as he laced their hands together, moving his lips to the hollow of her throat.

"Vincent…please…" He took his lips away and stared down at her. "What is it that you want, Yuffie?"

"You." She said in a breathless whisper. "All of you." He kissed her again, moving his lips up her jawline before stopping at her ear. "Are you sure?" He whispered. "We shouldn't. Your father. Your home and title." Yuffie shook her head. "I don't care. Take me Vincent. I want you to. Only with you do I want to." His eyes softened and he placed his human hand under her back and pulled her closer to him. Yuffie braced herself and Vincent took her lips with his, drowning out her cry as they became one.




"I love you." Yuffie said softly as she lay spent against him, head resting on his bare chest. She drifted into sleep and didn't feel him tense at her words. He looked down at her sleeping face and closed his eyes in pain. This couldn't happen. What they had done shouldn't have happened. He sighed. How could he give into his emotions like that? He had tainted her, someone so happy and bright. Another sin.

He moved out from under her, resting her head on the pillow and completely covering her exposed body. He grabbed his clothes and got dressed before heading for the door. He stopped and looked back, then walked to the bed. He leaned down and placed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry Yuffie." The age gap was too large. His three remaining demons, too dangerous. He gently brushed hair from her face before turning. He knew she would find him tomorrow and demand why he had left. But right now he just needed to leave. He opened the door and was gone with a swish of his cloak. He didn't notice the single tear that rolled down the ninja's cheek.





Tears rolled down her face as she remembered. She looked down and noticed Lucas was staring up at her with crimson and silver eyes, eyes that reminded Yuffie so much of his father and everything she'd given up for the gunman.

Lucas moved his arm and gave her cheek a pat, as if trying to get her to stop frowning. Yuffie gave a small, watery smile and kissed his small hand. "Thanks baby. Mommy needed that. Now let's go to sleep, alright?" she kissed his forehead. "I promise baby; I'll bring your daddy back. He'll see you at least once." With that she snuggled under the covers with her son and drifted into sleep.

A/N: Ok just so ya know, Lucas is one year and three months old, okey dokey? Anyway, review and tell me what ya think ok, I just finished a yuffentine recently so now i'm moving on to this one. I dedicate this story to all my loyal reviewers who read and reviewed "Kidnapped" if you haven't read it please do, you may like it. Now it might be a while before I get this updated, I have two schools and a part time job to deal with, but I'll do my best alright:) R&R please!