
Ugh! It's only four thirty I thought to my self as the phone kept ringing. I quickly looked at the caller ID. It was Alice.

"What's wrong?" I practically yelled in to the phone.

"He knows Bella. Charlie knows Sue told him last night after he proposed."

"What!? Is he ok? Did he freak is he mad what, tell me WOMEN!!"

"Whoa Bella you need to calm down. He is shocked yes and he just started believing it when Seth showed him but he's fine. He is going to call you later today but I wanted to warn you because he knows about us too. Be prepared Bella I love you now go back to sleep I'm visiting soon."

"Alice one more thing I'm not sure if I heard you right but did you say Charlie proposed?"

"Yes. He did I was shocked to even more so when Sue said yes because of her just recently being widowed. Now go back to bed Bella."

The thing is I couldn't go back to bed. It was hard hearing that Charlie had actually proposed to someone and that he would be getting married. Charlie had never really gotten over Renee not to long ago he had pictures of their marriage up around the house. I also was scared that he knew because of how dangerous it is to know. I've been in that situation before and almost got killed I hope Charlie uses his head and keeps his mouth shut!

It seemed like hours before I managed to fall back asleep, but I did. I woke up and was not the least bit happy; in fact I almost considered calling Charlie myself but figured it would be best to let him adjust in his own time.

All morning I tried to get a hold of Mitchell but he wouldn't answer I wasn't worried just slightly curious. Renee was awake early complaining of a stomach ach I was concerned but she said not to worry. That's when it happened, Renee fell to the floor she was unconscious.

"Mom?!" I screamed in horror. "Mom get up!"

"Phil I need you to call 911 there's something wrong with mom." Phil was hardly dressed when he came jumping down the stairs but did as I instructed.

The ambulance arrived and Phil told me to ride with mom and he'd drive the car. The whole way up there was terrible and agonizing. Renee wouldn't wake up and the EMT that was working on her had to be extremely careful due to her being pregnant.

"What happened before this happened ma'am?" The EMT questioned as he hooked an IV up I tried no to pass out my self after seeing this.

"When I got up this morning she was complaining of a stomach ache but she waved it off like nothing was wrong."

"She may be having a miscarriage." We had just arrived to the emergency room and I sat there shocked and scared.

"You need to come with us ma'am and you'll have to wait in the waiting room after we take her back. I was shedding tears like never before I decided to call Mitchell and leave him a message of where I was and then I called Charlie.

"Ahh, Bella just the person I wanted to talk to." He said with a hint of agitation to his voice but then he heard me crying.

"Bella honey what's wrong?" I didn't mean to sound harsh a minute ago.

"Charlie, mom is in the hospital. She fell to the floor this morning unconscious and the doctors said she may be having a miscarriage."

"What?" He questioned "Is every one else all right?"

"I don't know dad I sure hope so, listen I know that you needed to talk about something but we will have to do it later I'll keep you updated though."

I hung up before Charlie could say anything else. I was so worried about my mom I hope her and the baby are ok.

Phil had just arrived after I hung up with Charlie He looked worse then I felt. He really loved Renee and he kept her young. This should be his first kid and he was a walking wreck. They called us in shortly after when Renee was conscious again.

"They said the baby is fine they also said that I need to stop eating really sugary food for awhile because it's not good for me. " Renee said this as we were walking in she has the saddest look on her face like she felt ashamed that she almost hurt the baby.

Mitchell chose this moment to call me and answered immediately.

"Bella are you ok? I'm coming up there right now ok?" He questioned.

"Hey I'm ok so is every one else we are in room 203 ok I'll see you when you get here."

"Hey Bella?" Mitchell said before he hung up. "I love you." Then the line went dead.

I can't believe he hung up on me before I could react. Then again maybe that was better.

He arrived and had a huge smile on his face.

"Sorry about hanging up on you I was nervous." About what I wondered.

"How are you feeling Renee?" Mitchell questioned.

"Quite fine now thanks for asking."

"Ok now before I lose my courage I have something to ask someone very special to me." A hot sweat broke out all over my forehead after I heard that.

"Bella We have been dating for a few months now and I love you. I also hope you feel the same. I really care about you and your family and I wanted to ask you something. Will you marry me?"

All at once Renee leaped with joy in her bed. That was not the reaction I was expecting from her. The Cullen's walked threw the door and heard everything and were smiling. I also fainted.

(Three hours later)

"You know Bella It's a good thing you were in a hospital already and that Dr. Cullen was here at the exact moment that happened."

"You know its funny how that works isn't it" I whispered with a low timid voice. Now I want everyone in here for this." I said with a light blush rising to my face.

"Mitchell, I'm so sorry I fainted. Well I really Love you too. I also except your proposal on one condition. That it's not huge…

"B-ellla." Alice whined. "Please oh please Bella can't I help just this once?"

"Alice you always want to help just once or just one more time. Do I have to let you?"

"Yes' as a matter of fact you do. Even if I didn't guilt trip you in to it I would force you anyways."

"I lied Mitchell there is no condition but I would like you to spend the day with the Cullen's to get to know them because they are my second family and I love them all. I want them to love you to."

"Of course I will, I would do anything for you." He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank you it means a lot."

"Alright guys I think it's time we get out of this place I have a very important phone call to make when I get home to a very concerned Charlie."

We all walked out of the room and Alice was the only one with a huge smile on her face. Stupid pixie, why do I have to like her so much?!

Thanks to Amber is a Jasper's girl for suggesting ideas for my chapter. Also check out her stories although I have not read them myself I'm sure there great! Thanks to my mom for betaing.