Ok. So here's my new story. This one's not going to be a thriller like the last one (sorry) it's going to be a more family-drama, but hopefully it'll be good. :)

Thanx to my beta-reader, Steph. Without whom Mimi would be having a Mad of Honor instead of a Maid of Honor at her wedding. :p

Disclaimer: I still don't own Rent. :( And unless the tour schedule changes, it looks like I won't even be owning tickets to see Rent this year. :(( le sigh

Enjoy. :)

"So, Mark is going to be the best man, obviously, And you want Maureen, Joanne, and Jodie to be bridesmaids. But who are you going to have as the maid of honor?"

Roger was sitting at the metal table, scribbling wedding plans down in a notebook. He and Mimi had been engaged for two and a half months and didn't have anything planned, so the two sat down and decided they were going to get something official by the end of the day. Only, Mimi wasn't paying attention. At all. She was sitting on the window seat, staring off into space.

Roger was slightly worried about her. The thing with Todd had happened over two weeks ago. Roger didn't think that was enough time to get over something so traumatizing, but then again, it was Mimi. Traumatizing things seemed to happen on a regular basis throughout her life. But she had insisted she was fine and had no problems jumping back into being the perky, lovable Mimi he had always known. Except recently. Over the past few days she had become withdrawn. She didn't talk or socialize like normal and she was constantly having moments where she would just completely zone out and not pay any attention at all to her surroundings. Like now.

"Mimi? Are you listening?" he asked her for lack of a better way to bring her back to Earth. He already knew she wasn't listening to him. It was obvious.

"Huh?" she asked, her head snapping up from the spot on the window where she had been tracing invisible shapes with her finger. Roger sighed.

"Mimi, are you ok? You've been a little out of it the past few days."

"I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"You're always tired, too. Are you ok? Did something happened when you hit your head?"

"Roger, I'm fine," Mimi said, slightly exasperated. Roger had gotten incredibly over-protective the past few weeks. He kept thinking there was something wrong with Mimi, but there wasn't. It was just a bump on the head and it had mostly healed by now. She would definitely have a scar, but once the bandage came off she would be fine. As for mentally, she had been through worse. Two weeks ago was practically a walk in the park compared to everything else.

"Then why do you keep acting like this?"

"Like what?" Damn. He had noticed. Mimi had been thinking way too much lately. And it was probably all for nothing. She was probably just over-reacting.

"Like just now. Every time someone talks to you, you stare off and act like they aren't even there."

"Awww, are you feeling neglected?" she asked playfully.

"No, just worried."

She got up from her spot by the window and walked over to the table to sit in his lap.

"I'm fine. I've just got a lot on my mind."


"Like the fact that we're engaged and getting married," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Then why is it when I finally sit down with you to plan it out your mind disappears?"
Mimi didn't have an answer to that, so she stayed quiet. Truth be told, she was not thinking about the wedding. He had caught her. Of course. She had to get out of the apartment before he pushed her further and she told him her fear. She probably wasn't even right anyway and was just making a big deal over nothing.

"I forgot," she said, jumping up and heading to grab her coat, "I have to go get something from the store."

"What?" Roger asked her, wary. He had the feeling she was avoiding him. He didn't like the feeling. Had he done something wrong?

"Girl stuff." There. That will stop him from pestering her about it. And it wasn't exactly a lie.

"Ok. Hurry back, everyone's coming over for dinner tonight. Jodie wanted to try out some new recipe she found in one of her mom's magazines."

Shit. Mimi did not want all of her friends over when she finally decided to discuss this with Roger. They could always talk later.

"Ok. Bye. I love you."

"Love you too." Roger stared after her before closing the notebook and setting it on the counter. Something was up with Mimi, and when she came back he was going to talk to her about it.

Mimi wondered around nervously thinking. It wasn't dark out yet, so she wasn't worried about walking aimlessly through the streets of New York without concentrating. She had been walking for a while before she realized her feet had carried her to a day care center. Perfect. Now she had to face it.

Was she pregnant? She couldn't be. She was on the pill. Which works 97 of the time… But still. She thought over the past few weeks. She had missed her period and was feeling nauseous in the morning, but she assumed that was post-traumatic stress. But then she thought back to before then. The week before she had been sick every morning. But that was just stress, wasn't it? (A/N: Heehee, am I sneaky or what:p) Then she tried to remember if she had had her period last month. She couldn't remember. She had had way too much else on her mind.

She was probably blowing this all out of proportion. There was no way she could be pregnant. And if she was, what would she do? She had HIV, most likely the baby would too. Would she do that to her child? But, then again, wouldn't it be better to give the kid a chance at least instead of killing it right off the bat? And how would Roger react? Mimi was sure he would make a great father if he tried, but he was always so pessimistic about the disease, would he want them to take a chance?

"Here to pick up your kid?" a voice asked, pulling Mimi out of her reverie. She hadn't even noticed that, while thinking, she had been staring into the day care center, watching the little kids run around playing.

Mimi turned to the person who had spoken and saw a woman with red hair standing next to her, looking as if she had been watching the children play as well.

"No, I don't have any kids. Just thinking. I kind of wasn't paying attention." Great. Now this woman thought Mimi was some freaky kidnapper or something. "I might be having one, though." She added, not entirely sure why she said that. "You?"

"I don't have any kids. I'm here to pick up my nephew."


The woman stood there for a little longer, still staring into the day care center. She looked miserable. Like she wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment and hated anything and everything around her life. Mimi had been there before. She wanted to ask the woman what was wrong, but she got distracted by watching the kids. For real this time. There were two little girls sitting on one of the mats dressing up some Barbie dolls; some boys were chasing each other around the little indoor jungle gym; one little girl was struggling to get away from one of the workers, who was trying to get her hair up into a pony tail; and one little boy was sitting in a corner by himself, looking at a book. Mimi wanted one. She knew that seemed very childish and made it seem like she regarded kids as pets, but she couldn't help it. She wanted one. She wanted a kid. And she didn't care what anyone else said, she was keeping this baby.

"Hello, Mrs. Davis," another cheerful voice said behind her, making her jump. Mimi turned to see Jodie walking down the street, laden with shopping bags and accompanied by Tricia, her teenage sister who, likewise, had shopping bags. Tricia was the one who had addressed Mimi as "Mrs. Davis".

"Hey, Tricia. And it's not 'Mrs. Davis'. Not yet, anyway."

"Oh, so you're going to make Roger take your last name? 'Roger Marquez.' Ok, nowthat sounds weird." Mimi couldn't help but laugh. Tricia had that quality of being able to make feel better no matter what kind of a mood you were in, and usually without the knowledge of what she had done.

"Yeah, it does. Ok, so I'll take his last name. But what I meant was we're not married yet."
"So? You live together and do pretty much everything else together, as far as I'm concerned, you're married. You just don't have a piece of paper telling you so." She was also very concise, but with that meant she had one hell of a mouth on her and so she spent most of her time grounded. Which was why she knew the tenants of her building so well.

"Ok, Tricia. Whatever you say. So, what's with all the shopping bags?"

"Can you believe Jodie needs all this shit to make whatever the hell she's making for dinner?"
"Tricia!" Jodie scolded her. See? "You're lucky Mom and Emil didn't hear you speaking like that or you would have another week." Tricia made a face, but stayed quiet.

"So, what are you doing out here?" Jodie continued to Mimi.
"Oh, I have to stop by the drug store for something."

"We'll come along. It's on the way back to the loft."
"No, you guys don't have to, that's fine."

"Why? Are you hiding something from us?" Tricia was also very paranoid, she always thought some conspiracy was up. Then she gasped. "Are you pregnant?"

"Tricia! You know, I don't have to take you with me everywhere. I choose to because you are my sister and I love you. But if you don't learn when to talk and when not to I can change that." Jodie and Tricia both stared each other down and Mimi couldn't help but laughs lightly. You could definitely tell the two were related. They held the exact same stance as they stared at each other, right down to their facial expressions.

"Ok, let's go." Mimi said, walking past them and grabbing their arms to make them move. Hopefully the pregnancy topic wouldn't come up again. "See you," she said, turning to say good-bye to the woman who was still standing outside the day care center. She had a peculiar look on her face, like she was thinking about something and didn't take any notice of Mimi leaving.

"We'll wait outside," Jodie said and Mimi headed into the drug store to buy a pregnancy test. She knew it was paranoia, but she swore the lady standing behind the counter was glaring at her. Another slut come into her store to find out if she had messed up.

"So, what did you buy?" Tricia asked immediately after Mimi left the store.

"Nothing. Just girl stuff."

"I'm a girl."

"Well, it's nothing you have to worry about."

They walked home and Jodie stared at Mimi the whole time that made Mimi think she knew. Paranoia again.

"Tricia, go help Mom out with Lizzie and Preston. I'll come down when dinner's ready." Tricia looked like she wanted to protest being sent away, but then thought better of it. Getting close to the end of a one month grounding tends to make you judge your situations more. She passed her bags to Mimi and then went inside.

"So, are you?" Jodie asked when they got right outside Mimi's apartment.
"Am I… what?" Mimi asked, trying to play dumb. Damn. So she did know. Jodie was way to observant.

"Pregnant. I saw you're face when Tricia mentioned it and then you stopped by a drug store on the way here. And you haven't been paying attention to anyone for, like, three days. And Roger said you've been sick in the mornings. I went through this three times with my mom."

"I don't know. I might be."
"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," She lied. She wanted to see Roger's reaction first. It wasn't going to affect her own decision, but she wanted to know what he thought without her own opinion being thrown in. "I guess I'll just have to talk to Roger about it."

"How do you think he'll take it?"

"I have no idea. I'm really scared." That part wasn't a lie. What if Roger got angry? What if he hated her for this? Even as she thought it Mimi knew that was ridiculous. It was impossible to make Roger hate her.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to go see," Jodie said and she turned to enter the loft.

Carla sat on the subway in a daze. Had those girls been talking about Roger Davis? It sounded like they had. But it probably wasn't even the same one. But what if it was? That made Carla angry. Here he was, living in New York City about to get married to some Mexican whore he had knocked up.

Carla immediately felt guilty for thinking that. It wasn't the girl's fault. She probably didn't even know. And she had seemed very nice. No, Carla was mad at Roger. But… Now that she knew he lived here. Now that she knew where he lived… She could finally get rid of the problem that had been haunting her for three years.

So there was chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to get chapter two up soon.