Disclaimer: Don't own. Simple enough?

A/n: This is the Pre-qual to Clones. I actually like this pairing alot. But as I've said in my previous story, I am highly convinced that one or both or the Membrane children are clones of their same gendered parent. In this set of stories, they are both clones and their mother died in an accendent, while trying to merge her DNA with that of our dearly beloved Professor's to create a child. If you don't agree, great, good for you. I don't care and I don't want to hear it, write a story and maybe I'll read it. That's all I hope for with mine. Please enjoy. -Bow-


They were perfect, they were beautiful. They met in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nothing, and kissed where everyone could see.

No words.

No before.

No after.

They kissed and it was perfect. It was beautiful. It was everything. It was nothing.


I stared blankly at the book. Our teacher had wanted us to read the novel, but I saw no point in it. The story was about a romance of mistakes. It was stupid. I read the first four chapters and rolled my eyes at the last paragraph of the fourth chapter.

He wanted nothing more then to hold her close to his side and kiss her deeply. She stood over the casket, crying. Her body racked with sobs and her blond hair covering her face. He walked slowly to her side and did just as he had intended. She cried into his shoulder and begged him not to leave her. He sealed the promise with a soft kiss.

The bell rang, "Remember! I want a reading log for each chapter, a five page report on the whole story and! You will pick one character from this story to write an essay on." I glared at the teacher. I didn't want to read this shit! I waited for the room to clear, before I started packing up. I could feel her watching me. I looked at her with pure malice, "You know, Gaz. You remind me of Adeline, the main female. She's also very cold and dark. You may take a lesson from her about love. Even if it's her brother she loves." my head shot up and the teacher smiled at me.

"Your making us read a book about incest? What kinda teach-"

"No, Gaz. Love. Love fallows no rules. Besides. No one in the class will pick up on the fact that Derrick and Adeline are siblings. I didn't even know until I spoke with the author. My mother." I looked at the book then at my teacher.

"You're a freak." I left without another word. School had ended and I'd becoming back to this very same teacher for my eight grade class. I noticed Dib waiting. His eyes watching his class mates get into their parents cars and receive a kiss or hug in greeting. I wrinkled my nose and pulled on the scythe-like part of his hair, "Lets go."

He watched me for a moment before shrugging and fallowing. I heard something drop and ignored it. Dib would pick it up, like he always did. He didn't keep walking, "Love's end? Your reading this?" I snapped around.

"It's a class project!" I noticed he was looking at it with that 'why do you keep coming back' look, "You've read it?" he nodded, "Would you do the work for me?" he shook his head, "What's wrong with you?" he met my gaze and smiled.

"You do know this is a story about incest, right?" I rolled my eyes, "Miss Bitters was surprised when I put that in my report about Derrick. She hasn't been as mean to me since. Although I do wonder why she had us read it. It's a funny little story. Messed up romance." I looked at him in shock.

I found my voice, "Why Derrick?" he raised an eyebrow, "Why did you do your report on him?" Dib shrugged.

"Don't know. Guess I knew how he felt. I mean. Adeline locked herself away and stopped talking and didn't leave the houseā€¦ I just thought about what would happen if you did that. I could see how he felt. The guy just wanted his sister back, but he fell in love instead." I looked at Dib. He smiled and handed me the book. I let myself look at the cover before fallowing Dib home.


a/n: This isn't my favorite chapter, but that book is a big part of this story. It kicks off a lot of the romance between the 'siblings'. Please, tell me what you think. -bow-