Chapter 4

Have you ever felt that you still dreaming when in reality you already awake? That was exactly what Raidou felt at that time. He was pretty sure that he already awake but what he saw in front of him put him in much doubt about that fact. Genma was bended on his knees beside his side of bed, looking at him with this strange expression that he had never seen before and... no senbon? For Raidou that had dated Genma for 2 years and then lived with him for 8 years, it must be very bizarre. But it was only the beginning.

"Raidou, my darling... you are the pulse in my veins, the beats of my heart, and the very air that I breathe... Please don't leave me or I'll die..."


Shit! He didn't hear! Ok, one more time... takes a deep breath...

"Raidou, my darling..."

"I heard you the first time, Genma... uh... darling... What the hell was THAT???"

Raidou clearly could not hide his shock and... chuckles.

"Some cheesy, disgusting line from Icha-Icha that Kakashi forced me to memorize. Is it working?"

Icha-Icha? Hahahaha... Oh, this is too much! I can't...

Raidou began to laugh crazily. It got louder and louder, it was almost hysterical. He actually rolled on the bed laughing, left Genma who was still on his knees feeling very dumb.

"Oh good... you laugh! I take that as a positive sign."

I'm going to kill Kakashi for this!

"No! I mean, what the hell was that of accusing me leaving you?"

Laughing time was obviously over. Raidou looked at Genma with a very stern face.

"So... you're not?"

"What for? And please stand up or sit somewhere, I don't like seeing you like that."

Genma chose to sit on the bed beside Raidou. That strange expression was back on his face.

"You know... you, Kakashi and beers really are a deadly combination... and stupid."

Genma just ignored the remark and blurting out his reasons instead.

"I forgot about the anniversary, and completely ruined the celebration that you had prepared."


"Are you telling me that you're not pissed?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just... a little disappointed."

"And you expect me to believe that after you... well you... you knew what happen."

Genma was not even looked at Raidou when saying all that. His pride hurt, alright. Suddenly Raidou was attacked by guilt. His face was not as stern as before nor his voice.

"I fell asleep. I'm so sorry... but I have a very good reason for that."

"You should. It scared me."

There came another shock for Raidou. Genma that he knew know no fear.

"It did?" he asked in wonder, still couldn't believe his hearing.


Raidou was slightly bending his head down, trying to catch Genma's eyes. But the younger man refused to look back. So, he went on with his explanation.

"I've got allergic reaction that day. That's why I took this anti histamine pill just before you went home. The Medic Nin who gave me the pill said it's a very strong one, and apparently as approved by two of us... it was."

There was a moment of silence between them. It was no more than 2 seconds but it seemed like eternity. Especially for Raidou who was waiting for Genma to gaze back at him.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"So... um... there's nothing wrong with my kisses, skills and techniques?"

Raidou almost laughed again but Genma looked so damn serious. Therefore, he gave that silly lover of his what he really needed to hear. A confirmation.


The impact of that word was incredible. It wiped the alien expression off of Genma's face and Raidou found himself face to face with his 'regular' Genma. It was all there... the cheeky face, the naughty eyes, the crooked smile, the senbon...

Now that the misunderstanding was cleared, the uneasiness between them was thinning out to non-existent. And it felt really nice. Raidou - he was being honest here - really wanted to put this all this behind but there was something that he just couldn't erase from his mind. In fact, he needed to let it all out.

"I can not believe that Jiraiya ever wrote such a line, I can not believe that Kakashi read those trash on daily basis, and I can not believe that you actually memorize it and recite them to me!"

"Trust me when I say... I can not believe myself!"

Raidou's laugh filled the room once again.

"I should videotape you. You look so ridiculous! Hahahaha!"

"Shit... you're not going to let me forget this, are you?"

"Never... ever..."

He was doomed for life! But Genma didn't really care. As long as Raidou stayed by his side, he can put up with everything. Suddenly, he had this urge to kiss his lover, to feel him. He moved closer toward Raidou, but the big guy was already rising from the bed and walking in to the bathroom.

"Move your ass here, Genma!" he called.

"Why? I've had a better idea. You're going to love it."

"I know what's on your mind, trust me, but you stink!"

Genma knew when he lost the fight, so he just followed his boyfriend's demand. And he was glad that he just did that! There... in front of him... there was Raidou, who was very much naked, kneeling beside the bathtub, testing the water.


Raidou who was felt Genma's lustful gaze at him, looking up.


"Nothing, but I thought you..."

"Only after I washed you. Now lift your arms!"

At that moment, Genma would do anything that Raidou asked him to. Therefore, he lifted his arms up, let Raidou undressing him.

"Get in the tub... darling..."

Raidou made fun of him, but he didn't care. What he cared was the fact that after he climb in to the tub, Raidou was tagging along. He sat behind Genma, spreading open his long legs to cage Genma's hips between them. Afterward, he took the washcloth and began to scrub Genma's back.

Again, the silence came upon them, but this time minus the awkwardness. Raidou's hand busy moved up and down, while Genma was enjoying every rub and every graze.

It was nice being pampered.

Done with the back side, Raidou pulled Genma's body backward, made him leaning on his chest, so he could have more access to wash the front side of Genma upper body.

Damn right... it was nice being pampered.

Raidou tried to reach as far as he could but he only managed to reach up to Genma's knee, hence he put the washcloth in Genma's hand.

"I think you should wash the rest yourself."

Genma straightened his body, and innocently - tried anyway - snuggling his ass backward. Raidou just smile knowingly. Genma didn't need to do any effort to turn him on. He already did.

"Are you saying something?" Genma asked while washing his own calves and feet.


"Hmmm... must be your little buddy down there."

Raidou chuckled.

"So typical..."

Without warning, Genma dropped the washcloth on the floor and then turning his body around so now they were chest to chest, abs to abs, and sex to sex. There was no plenty of room, but one little motion was more than enough to make Raidou gritting his teeth.

"You're saying...?" Genma moved a little bit more.

"AHH!" groaned Raidou.

"That's what I thought."

Raidou certainly would not let Genma had all the fun. So, he circled his legs around Genma's hips tightly before rocking his lower body leisurely, creating those delightful frictions. Now, it was Genma who was clenching his teeth and groaning hard for Raidou's satisfaction.

"Shit, Raidou!"

Afterward, the mood that engulfed them was changing very fast. The urgency was too, expression on both of their faces said it all.

"Raidou, I don't think I can..."

"I know... Just take me... now!"

Genma positioned himself and then in one swift motion thrush into Raidou. The sharp breath and the hard grip of Raidou's hands on his shoulders stopped Genma on his track. Slowly he lifted down his head to kiss Raidou's lips, trying to make him relax.

It was succeeding. The gripping on his shoulder was no longer hard. The kiss got deeper and deeper; all came from Raidou's part, like he was trying to tell Genma something. Genma took the hints and starting to move. Slow and gentle at first, but gradually getting faster and harder. The urgency was still very much there; not to mention both of them have these raw hungers that need fulfillment immediately.


Genma knew that he hit the right spot when he heard Raidou grunting and moaning frantically. So he kept stimulating that very same spot again and again and again... made Raidou starting to cry out and scream his name uncontrollably.

"Genma... oh... Genma... ah... GENMA!"

Raidou was not the only one who loose control, Genma did too. He was growling... he was moaning... he was thrusting even harder and harder... faster and faster... made them flying high on this one pleasurable journey... made them almost gone mad with the intensity of it.

Raidou let out one final sharp cry which was followed by Genma's merely second later. The younger jounin collapsed on top of Raidou's body while both of them trying to catch their breath.

"Raidou... damn... that was..."


"Yes... Amazing..."

"Oh... I could stay like this forever," said Genma as he leaning over to kiss Raidou's forehead.

"Hmmm... you can't... unless you want to drown me."

"I won't... just give me a moment to say this to you... Happy 10th anniversary, Raidou.

"Happy 10th anniversary PLUS two days too, Genma... darling."

"Ugh! I'm doomed!"