AN: Yes, I'm still alive! And … ummmmm… could you at least pretend to be happy about it…?

AN2: Thank you for reading this and staying with it so far. I know I hadn't been keeping up my end of the bargain but there were so many distractions… Errrrrrrrr, yeah…

Anyway, thank you for the reviews! I love you guys! And gropes for the girls! -sounds of multiple slaps- Sorry, force of habit I guess… -scratches head- (Just as a side note, asterisks seem to disappear in the main story so I added the dashes, too.) Yup, definitely no asterisks...

Thanks also for the faves! -puckers lips for smooching- Hey! Come back here! Dang!

And finally, Thank you for the alerts! -group hug- Sexy ladies get a special one-on-one hug from me if you all just come into my room and… -another round of slaps- Where's everybody's sense of humor? Besides, YOU aren't even sexy so… -several more slaps- I'm shutting up now…

AN3: Thank you Jonz for the beta services! (She volunteered even though I was highly skeptical about her abilities. -grin-) Actually, I did add a lot more neck action here just for you. Me loves you! -sloppy kiss- Pssssst… she's not going to read this, is she?

(If you see any more mistakes, blame her! -smack- Ouch. Okay, it's my fault but… uh… as I keep telling my other friend Lily: Me no speak Eangleesh!)

AN4: Thank you Leebot for all the advice and tips! I doubt I would have kept writing if it wasn't for your encouragement. (Well, I managed to finish this chapter one week after talking to you even though I started it five months ago.)

AN5: There are plenty of other people to thank but… I can't seem to remember them all now… sorry… so… Thanks!?

Disclaimer: … -glare- … not mine.

Warning: This chapter seems lame in comparison… I don't know… It's probably why it took me longer to finish.

Warning: YES! Smex in this chapter! Though it probably doesn't even come close to the great works of some of the other authors around here… -sudden inferiority complex- But… I did do my best… in my very unoriginal and feeble way… -sniff sniff-

Warning: Some highly graphic material, in my opinion, for mature readers only.

Warning: For those below 18… -sigh- What am I going to do with you? -starts rapping heads-

I'm not adding another warning for Shoujo Ai content. If you've gotten this far you'd know already. Unless, there are actually people out there who only read this chapter…

Chapter Four: The Long Night

Shizuru's eyes traveled across the body of the woman she was currently sitting on. Now that she was no longer driven by her needs, she took her time to appreciate the beauty that lay underneath her.

She couldn't help but admire the other's proportions, from the toned abdomen and the swell of the breasts to the graceful arch of the neck. Shifting her gaze higher, eyes dwelled on the soft, sensual lips which, in her opinion, just begged to be kissed, the pert nose, the smooth, creamy cheeks that were quick to blush, and the … glowering green eyes?

"Ara, is my Natsuki dissatisfied with something?"

"I'm not your… never mind. If you're done staring would you mind getting off me?"

Shizuru moved to sit on the bed, keeping her eyes on the other woman. She was surprised, and a little hurt, with Natsuki's reaction.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way! It's just …" Natsuki sat up and wrapped her arms around her. "I'm … I'm sorry. I guess I'm more used to being in control."

Feeling relieved, Shizuru also placed her arms around the other. "It's alright. I was beginning to think you had never done this before." She teased.

"B-b-b-baka! Who do you think you're talking to?" Natsuki pulled away slightly to glare at her.

"My Natsuki … who is blushing like a tomato." She smiled.

"I'm not blushing!"

"So you admit you are my Natsuki?"

"Arrrrrgh! You're impossible."

Shizuru laughed, and the other soon joined her. Then she felt a hand on her cheek and she saw Natsuki watching her intently.

"You … Do you really want to do this? You don't have to, you know. There's no need to worry about me."

"I want to." And she did, so badly. She couldn't have explained it. It wasn't about her ego for letting the other take control of her earlier. She wasn't even sure she knew what to do or if it would be enough to satisfy the other woman.

She just … wanted Natsuki. That was the plain and simple truth of it. She wanted to run her hands across the other's body, to taste her skin with her tongue, to feel her warmth against her, to hear her moan as she …

"Okay, okay. I get it. Stop drooling."

She had been so lost in her thoughts of what she wanted to do with the other woman that she had forgotten to school her features. Being caught without her mask was bad enough but knowing the other had seen her lustful expression only made it worse. She blushed.

"I was NOT drooling." She spoke haughtily, raising her chin up to look at the other beneath her nose.

Natsuki was grinning. "You sure? You seem to have some drool there …" She pointed to the corner of Shizuru's mouth.

"I do not!" She resisted the urge to wipe her hand over the area.

"No, there is something …" Natsuki kept pointing, drawing her face nearer.

"There's nothing …" She was cut off as the other bent to kiss the side of her lips.

She couldn't help but smile. "I think I've seen that movie."

"What movie? I thought I was being original."

"Not likely."

"Maybe they got it from me."


"That's my name."

"On the bed. Now!"

"You were right the first time."


"You just called me 'Nao'. How could you even mistake me for that spider?"


"I am on the bed."

Quickly growing impatient, Shizuru grabbed hold of the woman and pulled her down onto the bed. Once she was sure Natsuki was securely in the middle, she got up to straddle her once again.

"You sure like to sit on people."

"Only on my Natsuki."

"Have you ever considered loosing a few pounds?"

Shizuru laughed, but she discreetly observed the other woman. She looks … nervous? But why? It's not like this would be her first time … would it? Did she answer my question earlier?

"I happen to have the right weight in proportion with my height, age and body structure."

"You could loose a few inches, too."

"Ara. Does my Natsuki not like looking up at me?" She smiled down at the other woman.

"Hmmmph! There's nothing I could do about your age but," Natsuki's gaze dropped and she leered at her, "you should definitely keep those."

Shizuru looked down at her partially covered breasts and blushed. Wait! I should be the one making her blush.

"My bra? Ikezu. My Natsuki doesn't want to see me naked."

This time it was the other's woman turn to blush. "That's not what I meant!"

"No?" Shizuru smiled as she began to slowly remove her own blouse. She watched as Natsuki's eyes seem to glow passionately as she did so. After she had taken it off, she quickly tossed it over the side. Then she began to slide the straps of her bra down her arms, keeping the main part over her chest. Once done, she playfully placed it on top of the other's eyes.

"Oi!" Natsuki picked it up carefully and placed it on the bed stand.

She looked on with amusement, and a raised eyebrow. The other noticed her expression and turned a shade pink.

"W-well, these things are delicate!"

"Of course." She tried to suppress a smile.



"Nothing... I hope you hand wash them." The other finally muttered.

It was too much for Shizuru. She couldn't hold back her laughter and let it ring across the room. She knew the other woman wasn't pleased and she did try to suppress it as much as she could. So after a while, and several deep breaths, she managed to control herself.

"You done?" For her part, Natsuki looked more resigned than upset.

"Yes, mostly. Is my Natsuki angry with me?"

"Baka. You're very beautiful when you laugh." Natsuki reached up and started pulling her down on top of her.

Shizuru allowed herself to be lowered so she could capture the other's lips. Those last few words Natsuki had uttered echoed inside her head and she was touched by them. Not because of their flattering aspects but the simple way in which they were said made her feel like the compliment was a genuine, honest statement coming from the other woman.

"My Natsuki probably says that to all the girls." She needed to know if she was right.

"No… Well, maybe. I might have said it to many others before." Natsuki made a rueful face. "But you … are the most beautiful woman I had ever met. And that I have never told anyone else."

Shizuru stared into the green pools for a moment, unwilling to believe the words until she saw the truth behind those eyes. She felt her heart melting, opening itself up to this beautiful stranger lying beneath her on the bed. She realized how foolish it was as she had barely met the woman and knew very little about her, and most of what she had heard didn't exactly inspire confidence.

As Natsuki's tongue grazed over her lips, she opened her mouth to suck on it. Shizuru began to consider what it was about this woman that so captivated her. She was beautiful. Sexy. Appealing. Had a killer smile. Really cute when she pouted. Blushed quite prettily, too. Stop focusing on her looks!

Scolding herself, Shizuru began to consider Natsuki's other aspects even as her tongue found its way inside the other's mouth. She seems responsible. Quite honorable. There's kindness in her eyes, though she puts out this tough exterior. Funny? I have certainly never laughed so much with anyone else.

As they broke apart for some air, she started to feel languorous and smiled at the sleepy expression on Natsuki's face. She brought her lips back down and continued their previous activity. Good kisser, she thought.

Then she began to remember what they had done earlier on the stairs. Amazing lover. As the memories started flooding through her mind, she realized they had been kissing for quite a long time now and broke apart to look accusingly at the other woman.

"Ara. Is my Natsuki trying to kiss me to sleep?"

"What? What are you talking about?" Natsuki's guilty expression however, spoke volumes.

Shizuru sat back up and regarded the other woman. After a few minutes where Natsuki wouldn't meet her eyes, she sighed. "Natsuki."

The emerald orbs finally looked back at her. The hesitation was clearly evident in those eyes so Shizuru decided to speak seriously with the other woman.

"Natsuki, if you don't want to do this you don't have to. Just tell me and we'll stop, alright?"

Natsuki gave a rueful laugh. "That's supposed to be my line." Taking a deep breath, she looked back at her. "I want to do this. Really. I guess I'm just a little bit … nervous." The last word was spoken softly but Shizuru heard it clearly.

She smiled. "Then let's get started." She quickly moved down the other's legs, unbuttoned Natsuki's pants and quickly unzipped it. Then she immediately began pulling it off.

"Hey, take it easy."

"If I don't hurry my Natsuki might change her mind." She kept tugging on the material.

"Oi … Whatever happened to 'tell me and we'll stop'?"

"That's why I need to hurry before Natsuki tells me to stop." She couldn't seem to get it off the woman no matter how hard she tried. All her efforts only managed to slide Natsuki lower on the bed, to the other's amusement.

She took a firm hold of the leather at either side of the hips and used her weight to pull it off. Natsuki only slid even lower, laughing. Feeling her temper rising, she braced herself on the edge of the bed and yanked on the accursed thing.

Then the material slipped off her grasp and she felt herself falling backwards, over the edge of the bed, her head hitting the floor.

"Shizuru! Are you alri…?"

She winced as her head made contact with the hard floor. After she lay there staring at the ceiling for a while in shock, she slowly lowered her eyes to see Natsuki sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her.

"That's a very … provocative sight." The other woman smiled as her eyes slid down her body.

Confused, Shizuru followed the other's line of sight to see her legs spread out, exposing herself to the woman's heated gaze. She screamed and sat up as gracefully as she could under the circumstances.

She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths while trying to muster up her dignity. She was grateful that the other woman had remained quiet during her embarrassing ordeal.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" Natsuki was lying on her side, holding her stomach.

Shizuru glared at the woman.

"I'm sorry." Then she started laughing again. Natsuki was almost breathless and had tears in the corner of her eyes. "Are you … are you alright?"

She slowly stood up and started heading towards her drawers.

"Shizuru? Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you. Shizuru? Where are you going?"

"Scissors." She had reached her drawers and opened one.

"Scissors? … Hey, wait a minute!" Natsuki jumped off the bed and placed her arms around her, planting kisses on her cheek and neck. Carefully closing the drawer, she led a resisting Shizuru back to the bed. "You don't need that. Look, I'll take it off, okay? There's a trick to it. You don't need to cut it off."

Shizuru reluctantly allowed herself to be led back and sat on the bed. "I'm waiting."

Natsuki had been standing in front of her, eyeing her carefully. "Uh … Yeah. Right." Hooking her thumbs on the sides of her pants, she started pulling it down. Seeing her watching, she blushed and turned around.

Shizuru's mood greatly improved as she watched Natsuki strip in front of her. She couldn't help but smile as the other woman began wiggling her hips trying to peel off the leather.

"So this is Natsuki's secret technique." Her excitement rose as more skin came into view and she felt heat spreading all over her body.

Natsuki turned her head around to look at her after she managed to get her pants down to her thighs. "Oi. Stop staring at my ass."

"But my Natsuki has a cute butt." She reached out to squeeze the delectable round flesh but the other woman jumped at her contact.

"Hey! Stop that!" Natsuki, trying to avoid her groping hand, lost her balance since her pants were still wrapped around her lower thighs. She landed on her knees with her face on the floor. "Oooof!"


The other woman turned her head around to glare at her. "Shizuru!"

Shizuru, on the other hand, paid no heed to either the glare or her name being called. Her eyes were riveted on the sight presented before her. Two firm, white, rounded pieces of flesh separated by a small strip of lacy, black cloth. As she stared, she felt a desperate need to see what lay beneath the black garment. And not just see, she wanted to touch, smell and taste its secrets. Her hand, of its own accord, began to reach out to remove the offensive material.

"Oi, Shizuru!" Natsuki, seeing the intense fire burning in Shizuru's eyes, rolled over until she was lying on her back. "You're drooling again."

"Hmmmm?" She finally glanced up at the other's face. "I do not drool." She smiled before lowering her sight back to the area between Natsuki's legs which was still visible beneath her bent knees.

"I could use some help here." Natsuki raised her arms hoping Shizuru would help her get back on her feet, and thereby stop her infernal staring.

"Of course." She replied, getting off the bed. But, instead of reaching for the other's arms, she bent down to take hold of her black lacy underwear and slid it down to her knees, joining the rest of what was left of Natsuki's clothing. Once past the hips, it became a simple matter to remove both items from the other woman and she did just that.

Standing back up, Shizuru could have spent a long time just admiring the view. She especially enjoyed seeing the full body blush currently decorating the magnificent work of art lying beneath her.

Unfortunately, said piece of art quickly scrambled up to her feet spluttering.


As her eyes continued to ravage the other's body, Shizuru felt a hand cup her chin to raise her head back up. Looking into the frowning face with the deep emerald eyes, she couldn't help but smile. Beautiful. And soon to be mine.

"You." The other woman began.

"Yes, Na-tsu-ki?" She drawled the other's name around her tongue, enjoying the feel of it before flashing a wide, toothy grin.

"Are. Impossible." Natsuki sighed before closing her eyes, then she raised her head up and, opening them again, seemed to be seeking some sort of divine guidance from above. When it became evident that none was forthcoming, she turned her attention back to Shizuru with a slight chuckle.

Shizuru drew closer to the other woman and wrapped her arms around her. "Natsuki?"

Natsuki slipped her hands behind Shizuru and began to kiss her along her neck. Shortly afterwards, Shizuru felt her skirt sliding down her legs while Natsuki's hands rested on her back. She looked down to see it wrapped around her feet and quickly kicked it aside. They were now both naked and Shizuru felt her excitement building once again inside her.

The other woman's lips made their way up her neck towards her ear. "Let's go to bed." Natsuki's voice sent shivers running down her spine. Then the other woman drew away and slapped her behind. "Hurry up."

Shizuru stepped back to glare at her but it probably wasn't very effective when she had a smile on her face. Natsuki merely grinned as she placed a hand on her waist to lead her back.

Once on the bed, Natsuki guided her towards the middle and was about to get on top of her but Shizuru pulled her down beneath her instead.

"My Natsuki seems to keep forgetting her promise."

"I never made that promise. But, if that's what you really want, then go ahead." Natsuki lay back on the bed, grabbed a pillow and made herself comfortable, pushing her hair out of the way. Resting her hands behind her head, she looked up at Shizuru and smiled. "Well? I'm waiting."

Shizuru, taken aback by the sudden change, took a moment to consider what course of action to take. Now what? It didn't take long however, as her eyes drifted down to take in the sight of other's body. She allowed her instincts to take over.

Feeling a surge of passion reawakening within her, she lay beside the woman and sought to capture her lips. She savored the softness of the other's lower lip, sucking it while her tongue familiarized itself with its smooth texture.

She laid her hand tentatively on the other's stomach then slowly let it run along its flat surface. Growing bolder, she started inching her way up, fingers tracing the lower ribs before reaching the lower slope of a breast. Her hand traced the gentle incline as her excitement rose.

Releasing the other's lips, she looked down to admire the soft curves before her hand reached up to cup one breast. She heard Natsuki gasp before one arm reached out behind her, drawing her close to the other woman as kisses rained down on her neck.

Her eyes were fixed on the other's breasts, watching them rise and fall as she breathed. The longer she stared the faster the movements became. She kept watching, fascinated.

"Are you just going to stare at them?" Natsuki breathed into her ear. "Or would you like me to give you some lessons?"

Shizuru turned her face back to find Natsuki smirking at her. She's definitely more confident now. More like the Natsuki I had met earlier. The player…

"Ara. I think I can manage somehow." She smiled before giving the other a deep long kiss. She followed it with several kisses down her neck leading down towards the rising peaks. There she paused, admiring her close up view of the two mounds.

Shizuru had never given much thought to other women's breasts before. She had met a lot of beautiful women but she had never had much interest in their physical attributes. The same applied to men. She had always known that her parents would pick a suitable husband for her so she had never bothered getting into a relationship which would prove fruitless in the end.

Since birth, her whole life has been mapped out. From her formative years, to school, work, marriage and having her own family, everything had been arranged. She only had to live it out, merely passing from one stage to the next. That she was expected to excel in all areas was left unsaid. She had no problems with that. It was a small price to pay.

She was blessed with a loving family. She had the best in education. She was, considering her age, at the top of her career. She had a respected and attentive fiancé. She had everything she could ever want. And yet she was … somewhat unsatisfied by it all.

She looked up at Natsuki's face seeing burning emerald eyes with a quirk of a smile gracing those delicious lips and she felt adrenaline rushing through her. She felt giddy and excited and all too alive.

Shizuru was aware of the risks she was taking but for the first time in her life she was doing something that wasn't a part of the plan of her so-called life. This was her choice. It may be foolish, it may ruin her life, she may never even see Natsuki again but she would face the consequences, whatever they may be.

She reflected that it was probably already a moot point after what had happened earlier. However, she had been too blinded by desire at the time so now she was merely reaffirming her decision. Not that her desires had abated but at least she could think a little clearer.

Tearing her gaze away from Natsuki's face, she decided it was time she acted upon them. Looking down at one pink erect nipple, she slowly slipped her tongue out to taste it. Hearing the other woman moan at the slight touch was all the encouragement she needed.

She started to tease the woman by kissing it and running her tongue around it before sucking it into her mouth. Judging from Natsuki's reactions, she knew she was doing it right.

As her tongue continued to play with the hardened nub inside her mouth, her hand was still busy massaging the other breast. She took her time familiarizing herself with the first breast, Natsuki's moans letting her know what pleased the other woman.

After a while, she glanced at the other one and decided she needed to claim that as well, so she released the captive breast and moved on to the next. She shifted her position so one hand could fill in the vacancy while the other moved along Natsuki's side down to her hip.

Sucking on the other breast, she kept her eyes on the Natsuki's face as her hand deliberately headed towards the center. Green eyes fluttered open once her fingers ruffled over the trimmed growth it found there.

Their eyes met only briefly as the other closed them again once she moved her hand lower. Yet in those few seconds she saw the need behind those emerald orbs, urging her to continue. As her fingers probed their way downwards, she could hear Natsuki's labored breathing.

Shizuru focused her senses on the other woman, reading her reactions. She delighted at the way Natsuki's hips jerked when her hand found her sensitive spot. She let her fingers linger in that location, rubbing and pressing until she got her desired result.

"God…!" Natsuki moaned loudly, opening her eyes and using her hand to draw Shizuru's head up.

Shizuru was a little reluctant releasing her prize but as Natsuki raised her own head up to meet hers, she gave in, albeit keeping the nipple in her mouth for as long as she could. As it popped out of her mouth, she quickly exchanged it for those luscious lips and wasted no time parting them with her tongue and meeting the other along the way.

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Natsuki drew back to smile at her.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" Shizuru already missed those lips. Then Natsuki squeezed her thighs together, reminding her. "Oh!" she had been so distracted that her hand had stopped moving.

"Honestly! You need to focus on the matter at hand!" Natsuki scolded her while turning her attention to Shizuru's neck, kissing and sucking on it.

"My apologies. Was it… this matter?" Shizuru asked as her hand started stroking the other's clit once again even as she shuddered at the attention her neck was getting. "It seems to be in my hand, at any rate."

"Yes. That matter precisely." Natsuki seemed to smile before running her tongue up Shizuru's neck to lick her ear. One hand cupped her breast and began massaging it while the other started caressing her back.

Shizuru couldn't stop a moan from escaping her lips. Her hand pressed down on the nub making the other's hips buck up. She could feel her arousal growing again, but so was the need to take the other woman to the same heights she had experienced so she continued her ministrations.

Concentrate! It was as her fingers continued stroking the other woman, delving lower and covering a larger area, that she first felt it. Wetness. She ran her fingers along the slick surface before raising her hand and looking down at it. Her fingers glistened with it. Oh my!


"What were you expecting? A dick?" Natsuki grinned at her.

"How crude!" Shizuru gave her a withering look but the other only laughed. She had to smile, though. "Let me see." She scrambled out of Natsuki's arms and squeezed herself between her legs. She lay on her stomach for the best vantage point.

"Wait a minute! Oi!" Natsuki tried grabbing her to no avail. "Get back up here."

"But I want to see…" Shizuru was too mesmerized by the spectacle presented before her.

"What am I supposed to do here all by myself?" Natsuki seemed to be whining.

Shizuru glanced up at the pouting woman and smiled. She's so cute! "Enjoy it?" She suggested, looking back down between the other's legs.

"Didn't your parents teach you not to stare at someone's pussy?"

"Ara. No. I suppose they might have been remiss in my education."

"Parents these days…" Natsuki sighed.

Shizuru giggled. But she kept her eyes glued to the delectable sight as her mind began to fill with ideas about all the things she wanted to do with it.

"Will you just stop staring and do something already? Geez."

Shizuru glanced up to find a blush covering the other's cheeks. "Awwww. Is my Natsuki shy?"

"It's not about shyness. There's only so much one can take, you know?"

"I can't help it. My Natsuki is just so beautiful."

"Shizuru!" The blush went several shades deeper.

"Red Natsuki is cute, too." She laughed.

"Oh shut up and get on with it." Natsuki was smiling, though.

"Ara, ara. My Natsuki is so impatient."

"Fine. You know what? I'll do it myself." Her hand reached between her legs but Shizuru slapped it away.

"No! It's mine! I'll do it" Shizuru spoke fiercely as she kept slapping the offending hand away while her other hand protectively covered the area.

"Alright. Alright already! Sheesh!" Natsuki raised both her hands back behind her head and looked at Shizuru with amusement.

"Natsuki ikezu!" Shizuru sniffed.

"Yes. Yes. I'm mean. Now can we get back to what we were doing?" She raised an eyebrow at her.

Shizuru brightened up. "Of course." She smiled, lying back on her stomach and continued… staring.


Still staring.

Shizuru hid her smile as she noticed Natsuki's reddening face along the periphery of her vision. Although she was enjoying the view, she was quite surprised that the other woman managed to hold back for almost two minutes before saying anything.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Shizuru had to laugh. "My Natsuki is fun to tease."

"And you say I'm mean."

"Kannin na. You seem to bring out the worst in me."

Natsuki grinned. "If this is your worst, I can't wait to see you at your best." The look she gave Shizuru was warm. And full of passion.

Shizuru could feel herself melting under that gaze. She crawled back up, maintaining eye and body contact, before capturing Natsuki's lips. She drew the other's lower lip inside her own, gently sucking and running her tongue over it while feeling the other do the same with her upper lip.

She could feel hands on her body, keeping her close, so she rested her full weight on the other woman and held on, as well. However, when she felt Natsuki moving, trying to shift their positions, she resisted, breaking off the kiss to give her a mild, accusatory glare.

Natsuki had the grace to look sheepish. "Ah… ha ha. Force of habit, I suppose."

"I am not like Natsuki's other… three hundred women." Shizuru stated with a frown.

"There weren't three hundred of them." Natsuki stated with a sigh. "And no. You aren't anything like them."

Shizuru blushed, pleased. She felt her heart start beating rapidly at those words.

"They would've been asleep by now. Possibly having erotic dreams about me."

Shizuru bit Natsuki's lower lip. Hard.

"Aahhh! It …urts! I w…s jokin…!"

She released her poor victim. "Is my Natsuki sorry?"

"No! Dammit! That hurt!" Natsuki raised her hand to run her fingers over the abused lip, turning her head to the side.

Shizuru noticed the slight swelling and felt guilty. She started kissing Natsuki's cheek, moving her way up to the ear she whispered, "Kannin na." She kissed the outer lobe before running her tongue inside.

When she felt the other woman shiver beneath her, she raised her hand to caress one breast, feeling the nipple harden at her touch. She let her tongue trail down along Natsuki's jaw, down to her chin.


Natsuki turned her face back towards her and kissed her before softly biting down on her lip. "There. We're even now, okay?"

Seeing the other woman's warm gaze made her smile. She's so gentle. Shizuru felt as if a barrier which had been wrapped around her heart had started crumbling. I think I'm falling for her

Shocked at her own thoughts, she buried her head into the other's neck, kissing the smooth skin as she tried not to dwell on her emotions. Don't be foolish! You just met her today! Feeling her heart protesting for the other woman's defense, she decided to stop thinking altogether and just concentrate on what she was doing.

Fortunately for her, Natsuki's creamy neck was a good distraction. She ran her tongue beneath the jaw line before continuing with kisses. She allowed her lips to continue grazing along the entire area, inhaling her sweet scent, as one hand fondled one breast while the other kept constant motion around the woman's hips and leg. Slowly, she began to dig her hips in between the other's legs.

When Natsuki arched her neck with a soft moan, Shizuru greedily latched onto the freshly exposed flesh until she felt a pulsing sensation along her lips. She decided to linger over the spot, feeling it with her lips and tongue. She let her fingers tease the other's nipples to erectness even as her hips managed to get between her legs.

Shizuru used her other hand to raise Natsuki's leg up behind her and felt the other leg move up on its own. Having both legs wrapped around her, she also felt arms encircling her shoulders to caress her back. She managed to press her pelvic bone between the other's legs, forcing the hips to buck at the contact.

She felt the other's pulse beneath her lips speed up in line with sharp intakes of air. She had to raise her head up just to look at Natsuki's face. Exquisite! The flushed cheeks, parted lips and sweat softly glistening along the temples made her even more beautiful. It nearly took her breath away. Then she realized how hard she, too, had been breathing when she had to take several deep breaths herself.

Natsuki opened her eyes to look down at her. "Hey. You ok?"

"Ara." She smiled. "My Natsuki is so red and breathing so hard I had to make sure she wasn't having a heart attack."

"Don't worry. If I die I'll make sure it happens post-coitus." Natsuki grinned back.

"Worried that it might ruin your reputation?"

"No. I'm afraid of what my family will put in my tombstone. Knowing them it'll something like 'She reached heaven before reaching heaven.' Or something like that." She laughed.

"So they think my Natsuki will be going to heaven, do they?" Shizuru teased.

"One way or the other…" Natsuki suddenly tightened her grip around her legs as she grinded herself against Shizuru.

Taking her cue, Shizuru used her hands to pull Natsuki's head down for a quick kiss. Their tongues did a little swordplay before she lowered herself to face the other's breasts.

Taking both in her hands, she ran her tongue over one, ending with a quick flick over the nipple before pulling it inside her mouth to suck on it while twirling her tongue around the hard nub.

When she felt Natsuki squirming and heard her moaning beneath her, she latched onto the other breast, giving it a similar treatment. Her hands then traveled down to grasp the other's hips, pulling them against herself. She could feel the other's wetness along her stomach which drove her to a frenzy.

When she felt that she had given both breasts their warranted attention, she used her tongue to travel down from the breast she had been sucking on to the valley in between, going down in a straight line, moving her body along with her.

She dallied when she reached the bellybutton. Kissing it and teasing it with her tongue. The way Natsuki jerked at the attention made her wonder if the other woman was ticklish.


Shizuru laughed softly knowing her guess was probably correct. She was now near her goal and it both excited and frightened her. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest so wildly she was almost surprised the other couldn't feel it.

She looked up once more to find Natsuki's eyes on her. They seemed to encourage her to go on while at the same time she sensed some anxiousness underneath the unhidden desire which blazed from those emerald orbs.

Realizing that the other woman was probably as nervous as she was, she gathered up her courage and, after taking a deep breath, continued her downward descent. Leaving trails of kisses this time, she managed to maintain eye contact as she got between the other's legs. She stopped just above the point where she assumed the other's clitoris would be, leaving her lips there.

"I hope this time you're planning to do a little more than simply staring. You should have had quite an eyeful already." Natsuki raised an eyebrow at her almost in challenge.

"My Natsuki is just so beautiful." Shizuru paused and looked down before smiling back up at the other woman. "Even down here." She couldn't help but laugh as she watched the other's face turn bright red.


Shizuru wanted to continue teasing the poor woman but somehow it seemed as if her instincts were overriding her. Her senses wanted to fill themselves with the other woman. To see her reactions, hear her moan, feel her writhe at her touch, to taste her… Already her nostrils were full of the other's scent, intoxicating her. A woman's scent. It was familiar yet exotic at the same time.

She wanted more, needed more, craved for more. So she turned back to her task, planting her lips at the same spot as before and looked up to watch the other woman.

"Do you need directions? Because that isn't exactly where… mmmmmmmmm!" Natsuki moaned, closing her eyes and arching back as Shizuru opened her mouth to dart her tongue downwards, probing the flesh underneath.

"Not here?" She asked coyly, raising her head. "Hmmmmm. Then perhaps I should look elsewhere." She turned slightly and began to kiss along the other's inner thighs.

Natsuki growled. "Get back to my clit and do some licking!" Her tone was almost commanding.

Shizuru complied with a short laugh. A demanding Natsuki is certainly a sexy Natsuki. She was surprised as she realized that giving pleasure also gave her pleasure. She could even feel her own arousal rising up a notch.

Looking down, she placed a light kiss over the hood before using her tongue to draw out the pink nub. She could feel Natsuki jerking her hips at her as she lightly traced her clit with small circles. When she started lapping at it with the tip of her tongue, Natsuki's continuous moans filled her ears.

Pausing to take a deep Natsuki-scented breath, she smiled knowing she couldn't resist temptation. "So, does my Natsuki still think I need directions?" Her smile turned to a smirk.

"Less talk, more tongue." The other retorted gruffly. "And you're doing pretty well, too. You sure you haven't done this before?"

"Ara. So my Natsuki thinks I'm good at this? Perhaps I should try it on three hundred other women."

"Don't even think about it. You're mine!"

Shizuru was flustered at Natsuki's possessive tone. While she was pleased to hear the other's words, she was keenly aware of her own lack of freedom. Perhaps she does not even mean it. "So my Natsuki is the jealous type? That makes me so happy." The only thing she could do was play along.

"I think it's only fair if you're going to keep calling me 'your Natsuki'."

"In that case, I will be your Shizuru." At least for this night. Even if it is just for this one night, you will belong to me. And I to you.

"Good. Now, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh? And what am I forgetting?" She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think of what the other woman might be referring to.

"To quit talking and give me a little service here." Natsuki wagged her legs at her, reminding her of where she was and what she had been doing.

"Of course. I suppose I had forgotten."

"Honestly. What did I tell you about focusing?"

"But my Natsuki keeps trying to distract me."

"Alright! I'll shut up now. Let's just get this over with."

"Such enthusiasm…" Shizuru began.

Natsuki groaned. "Aaaaargh! I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when you're done." She dramatically raised an arm over her head to cover her eyes.

"Natsuki?" Shizuru was concerned that she might actually have upset the other woman but she saw a flash of emerald from under the arm. Looking closer she noticed that Natsuki was peeking at her with a hint of mischief in her eyes. She relaxed.

She realized that they had been at this for hours now and the other's needs had not, as yet, been satisfied. She knew she was partly to blame, but she enjoyed talking with Natsuki. Just being with her was a simple pleasure in itself. Now that she had discovered the other, more sensual kind of pleasure, she naturally wanted to share them with her. She was at odds as to whether she wanted to make love to the other woman or to get to know her better.

Exaggeratedly loud snores started to erupt from a 'sleeping' Natsuki, making Shizuru smile. At least her choice is obvious.

"Ara. My Natsuki seems to have fallen asleep. I suppose I'll just have to molest her while she sleeps."

"That's more like it." A very awake Natsuki beamed at her and they both laughed.

So Shizuru ran her fingers up and down the other's thighs, watching her shiver in anticipation. Then she planted a kiss along the middle of her inner thigh before sticking her tongue out and leaving a wet trail up towards the center. Before reaching the spot, she went back to give the other thigh a similar experience, enjoying Natsuki's whimpers, and growing wetness.

From the other thigh, she slowly made her way back using her tongue again. This time she made it all the way to the middle, reaching down to lap up the wet spot before moving upwards for a last flick along the clitoris.

"Mmmmmmmm. Natsuki tastes so good." Shizuru sighed, looking up at the other woman while savoring her wetness with her tongue.

"Baka! Just get on with it." A blush delicately graced Natsuki's cheeks, much to Shizuru's delight.

She chuckled before spreading Natsuki's legs further apart. Then she propped her elbows underneath the other's thighs and made herself more comfortable. Placing both hands along the other's groin, she used her thumbs to pry open the delicate folds within. She noted the other's hitched breathing before she plunged in to take the quivering flesh in her mouth.

Shizuru would have smiled at Natsuki's rather loud moans and the way she eagerly thrust her hips at her but she contented herself by sucking on the other woman while her tongue began to get well acquainted with her clit.

She started with a few hard flicks on the throbbing nub before tracing circles around its edges then, using the tip of her tongue, just simply applying pressure to it.

"Aaaahhh! Harder!"

She, of course, complied. It surprised Shizuru how easy and natural it felt. And so delicious! She never thought that pleasing someone could be so satisfying in itself. Natsuki's reactions spurred her on and guided her.

As she continued rolling her tongue up, down and around Natsuki's clit, she could feel the other woman responding to her touch. Eventually, she felt the other's body tensing up for the upcoming release.

Natsuki seemed to know what she wanted and was very vocal about her desires. Ara. She's so bossy. It's cute in a way. She enjoyed hearing the other talk while she worked on satisfying her. The words consisted mostly of demands for 'More!', or 'Harder!' with some occasional slips of 'Yes!', 'There!', 'That's it!', and a lot of moans and groans but… 'To the left!'?

Shizuru paused as she considered the last request. She flicked her tongue in said direction before raising her head to look at the other woman, wondering if she was mocking her. She found Natsuki grinning down at her before chuckling at her expression.

"Just checking," she panted, "to see if you were listening."

"Natsuki ikezu."

Deciding to get even and torture the other woman, Shizuru continued her previous activity. She slipped her tongue out to poke the other's clit, feeling her hips buck at the contact, before moving lower to explore the hidden secrets of the various folds beneath.

Tilting her head slightly, Shizuru traced the slick lower lips before licking up the wetness, almost drinking it. She really does taste good! She probed the deep recesses until she found an opening and thrust her tongue inside as far as it could go. She kept it inside for a while, wiggling around to get better access and feel the walls surrounding her tongue. Then she started to drive her tongue in and out, using as much force as she could muster.

Natsuki's hips seemed to start jerking uncontrollably and she spread her legs wider, wrapping her ankles around Shizuru's neck, keeping her in place. "Shi-zuru… deeper! More!" She was also almost constantly moaning now.

Satisfied that she had the other woman under her complete control, and feeling her jaws start to ache from its newfound entertainment, Shizuru lifted her head to catch her breath and found Natsuki's hands clutching the bed sheets on one hand while grasping the metal frame above the bed in another. The sight gave birth to an image of a tied-up Natsuki on her bed, further arousing her. That could be… fun. She inwardly smiled at her own wicked thoughts.

"Only if my Natsuki begs me." She purred.

"Please!" The need in the blazing emerald eyes was unmistakable as Natsuki looked down to see why Shizuru had stopped just when she was getting ready to burst.

"Ara. It's no fun if my Natsuki starts begging so easily." She pouted.

"Please. Please. Please!?" There was an almost desperate tone in the other's voice. "And just so you know, I'm going to get back at you for this."

"Is that a promise?" Shizuru smiled as she slowly inserted her forefinger inside the other woman.

Natsuki wasn't able to answer as she could only gasp at the intrusion, arching her neck back before moaning in pleasure.

The first thing Shizuru's finger noticed was the heat. It's so hot. And tight. It's… simply amazing! She marveled at the experience for a while, moving her finger to feel the soft and slick inner walls then she tried bending it this way and that to feel its resiliency until Natsuki jerked her hips at her, seeming to demand something more.

Understanding the situation, she began thrusting her finger in and out, not bothering to be gentle as she sensed that the other wanted it fast and hard. Continuing her hand's motions, she slowly got up on her knees and, ensuring that her arm had enough room for movement, she braced herself on her other arm as she bent down to suck on the other's clit.

"Oh god!" Natsuki screamed at the combined attention, hips rising up from the bed as she planted her feet on Shizuru's back and wrapped her thighs around her head.

Ara. My Natsuki is praying. Shizuru idly thought in amusement as her finger and tongue kept jabbing at her most sensitive places. She could sense the other's growing buildup from the rising tension in her muscles. Realizing that Natsuki was getting closer to climax, she added her middle finger into the fray.

She heard Natsuki cry out in pleasure or pain, she couldn't tell which, but the other's body seemed to welcome the new addition with only mild resistance. In fact it seemed to tense up even further and suddenly the thrashing seemed to stop altogether as if the other was just waiting to reach her long-awaited release.

Shizuru barely had time to notice the friction being generated by her fingers when she felt it. The small lump in her mouth and under her tongue seemed to swell and pulsate as the muscles surrounding her fingers first clamped down then released them in a continuous powerful cycle. She rammed her fingers all the way inside, unheeding of the other's screams, just awed by the exquisite sensations she could feel from the other woman and experience for herself. This lasted for several moments until, as if reaching a certain peak, the spasms gradually slowed down and halted altogether.

After the last convulsion, Natsuki seemed to have lost all strength as she lay down with her eyes closed, gasping for breath. Her legs slowly slid down from around Shizuru's shoulders, plopping down with a soft thud on the bed.

Shizuru slowly sat up and just stared in wonder at the other woman. Then she slowly withdrew her fingers and looked down at their sodden state before raising her hand up to inhale their fragrance then finally putting them in her mouth. She smiled as she tasted the other woman on her fingers, licking them clean before moving down to lie beside her.

She rested her head on Natsuki's shoulder, kissing the sweat-dampened skin, before wrapping an arm and leg around her. She watched as the other woman's breathing returned to normal, or rather, she noticed how the rising and falling of Natsuki's enticing chest seemed to slow down to its regular pace. Then she felt the other shift to face her and suddenly arms wrapped around her, holding her in a tight embrace.

"Thank you." The words were softly spoken and seemed full of emotion. "That was… amazing."

"Natsuki…" She murmured. She too, felt choked with emotion. It is you who is amazing. She simply hugged the other back then leaned back to look at her face before capturing her lips for a sweet, slow kiss.

After their lips parted, they looked into each others' eyes, smiling. Then Natsuki seemed to close her eyes tiredly so Shizuru took her cue and closed hers as well, contented.

Within a few short minutes she was almost about to drift off to sleep when she felt the other move so she opened her eyes again to find Natsuki getting on top of her, wearing a rather naughty smile.

Natsuki now sat on her and, grabbing hold of her hands, pinned them high over her head. "Now," she smirked at her, "I seem to recall someone mention something about a promise so…" This time she was practically leering at her. "Are you ready for round three?"

Shizuru could only gape at the other's laughing face before breaking out into laughter herself.




In a bar called Shinzu somewhere…

Aoi: We seem to have been forgotten… Sad

Nao: That no-good pathetic stupid author! Fuming

Chie: Now Nao. At least she hasn't been cured of her Shiznat obsession yet. Voice of reason

Nao: I'll give her a cure! Claws suddenly appear on her hand

Aoi: Nao! How is that going to help anything? Trying to be reasonable despite her tears

Nao: Heh! Maybe I can convince her to be Naonat obsessed. Smirking

Chie: Or maybe even ChieAoi obsessed… Eyes sparkling in anticipation

Aoi: Looks at them disbelievingly. Sighs.

Lindred: Hey! What are you three still doing here? Your parts are over. Go home!

Nao: Stares. Glares. Lunges with claw extended


Lindred: That's Wolverine's trademark! You trying to make me add another stupid disclaimer? Notices claws piercing her body. Uh-oh… Dies…

Yeah, more ANs: The omake seems lame, too… and I wanted to add more but… my brain stopped functioning after I finally finished this chapter.

And don't even think about asking for details on Round 3 or 4 or even 5 for that matter. This took me long enough to finish. I also don't want to have to rename the title to 'One Endless Night'.

Beta: I wouldn't mind reading that actually :p gets hit by exhausted writer

It's July 21, 2008 here so, considering the way I've been updating this story, don't expect the next chapter until sometime in 2009. Cheers!

Reviews? You know you want to… You even get treats!