Disclaimer: I do not own Narnia, Edmund, Peter or anything that's C.S. Lewis's.

It was quite some time later when Peter awoke to find a familiar face beside his own. After having endured weeks (months?) of the dreadful quiet, there was his brother, asleep in a chair beside the bed. How Edmund had managed it he had no clue, but all the same he was glad.

Closing his eyes, he listened to the gentle sound of his brother's breathing, more precious to him than the sound of soft wind and birds under bright sunshine.

It was then he heard familiar voices in the room, unlike the general noise of nurse and doctors consulting out in the hallway. He shook himself mentally. Come on, wake up. You're dreaming. But the voices continued.

"Should we wake them?"

"No, let them sleep. They probably need it."

"I suppose we'll have to leave without seeing them, then. I doubt Mum and Dad will want me to come back out here very often."

Motion beside him alerted him to his brother shifting beside him, then he heard his brother call out groggily, "Eustace? Jill?" Suddenly alert, Peter blinked open his own eyes. "Well, this a is surprise!"

"Hello, Peter. Edmund," Eustace drawled nervously

"We thought you were sleeping and didn't want to disturb you," Jill interjected.

Running a hand through his tousled hair as he straightened, Edmund mumbled, "Sorry about that. I was waiting for this thing to wake up" tapping his brother's shoulder. Peter smiled in amusement

"How are they treating you here?" queried Eustace.

Edmund mused, "Quite well, I suppose. What would you say, Peter?"

"Yes, I'd say rather well. But they won't let me get out of bed yet," Peter sighed, taking a moment to assess the two.

"It's been rather boring actually," the younger Pevensie mused, a devious smile on his face "So I've been sneaking in here."

"I'm glad you're both alright, though on the other hand I thank Aslan we're both alive too. We weren't so sure about that at first. "

"Where's Lu? And Susan? Are they all right too?"

"Lucy has been staying at Susan's flat I believe. Sometimes Susan brings her to visit us, sometimes she walks. Susan is most likely at her job. After the crash . . .After the crash, she decided that someone needed to look after the family expenses. Since the three of us were laid up, and Lucy with her broken arm, none of us were fit to go to work. "So. . ." Peter paused. "She decided to take it on herself."

"But what of you, two? " asked Edmund. "Did you ever get to Narnia? Or do you still need the rings?"

"Perhaps we'd better wait for Lucy."

Just then a nurse appeared in the doorway, with a frown on her face. "Visiting hours are over now. These two patients need their rest."

Edmund's eyes flashed but he kept quiet. Peter's smile drooped.

"Goodbye Peter, Goodbye Ed."

"Until next time, Jill, Eustace. Thank you for coming."

"We're glad to see you and glad you're both alright."

Frowning, the nurse repeated, "I said visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow."

With a final wave, both left. As soon as they were out the door the nurse humphed, turning on her sights on the darker haired of the two. "You at it again? Hmm? I thought we made it abundantly clear that no one was to disturb him while he's healing. Can't you read the sign on the door?"

"Well he is my brother ma'am. You didn't honestlyexpect me to stay away from him did you?"

"I suppose you don't mind if your own injuries don't heal right? Hmph, well don't blame me cause I won't have this good hospital bear the shame because some young…"

Inching an arm around his brother as best as he could, Peter smiled up at the nurse. "Thank for you good care ma'am. . . Its just… it's been days weeks since I've seen him I've missed him terribly. I feel a much better already with him here. Might he be able to stay a little while? He won't be bothering me."

Muttering and grumbling to herself, she left the room with a hmpth.