Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

"I want you," he panted into her ear.

"I want you," she moaned back. They were pushed up against the kitchen door. They had been arguing. Fighting really, glasses thrown. He shoved her, she slapped him. Then they were kissing, touching, exploring. His hands are around her upper arms, gripping her so tightly they are already bruising. She moans again as he plants another searing kiss on her mouth. She can taste the chocolate frog he was eating before they argued. He had been trapped in this house for weeks, order members coming and going. They performed missions while he watched like a caged animal at the zoo studying the tourists. And that's how he approached Hermione standing before him; like an animal. He didn't give her a chance to think and analyse, to decide that it was wrong and pull away. He licked, sucked, nipped at every piece of skin that was showing. In her skimpy pyjamas, there was a lot of skin. She sighed and buried her fingers in his hair, brining his face up to hers.

"Sirius," she breathed and brought her lips down on his. She clawed at his shirt, popping off buttons as she ripped it open, scratching his skin. He shrugged out of the shirt, his lips never leaving hers. He turned her around and walked her backwards until something hard hit her legs and she is pushed down onto the table. He tears her shirt open, leaving it in much the same state as his. He takes a moment to look at her; her hair is everywhere, her skin flushed, her breasts trapped in the blue lacy bra are heaving as she breathes heavily. She looks up at him questioningly. Hurt flashes across her face as she thinks he has pulled away, decided to stop. He growls and pounces on her; his prey willingly giving herself up for him.

"Morning Sirius," Hermione said the next morning from the kitchen table as Sirius entered the room. Mrs Weasley and Harry were also there having breakfast. Sirius glanced down at the table and back at Hermione, smirking.

"Sleep well Hermione?" he asked. "I thought I heard you up in the night."

She glared up at him, "I was up, yes. I needed a drink of water."

"It sounded like a bunch of elephants down here," he said riling her up.

"I dropped a glass," she explained calmly.

"I didn't hear a thing," Harry said.

They were soon joined by Ron, the twins and Lupin.

"Did anyone else hear strange noises in the night?" Fred asked sitting down next to Hermione.

"I was getting some water," she explained.

"No, it wasn't regular moving around noises, it sounded like there were people going at it," Fred said sitting next to Sirius. Sirius raised an eyebrow at her.

"Something you want to tell us Hermione?" he asked, playing dumb.

"Yes, I was secretly down here having wild passionate sex," she joked.

"That's what it sounded like," Fred said shrugging his shoulders.

"Enough, there will be no more sex talk at the table," Mrs Weasley said from the stove.

"Are you trying to ruin my life?" Hermione whispered furiously at Sirius an hour later. They were in the Black library. Hermione had asked him to remove some curses on a cabinet so she could get in to the books inside. "Really, I want to know. I mean you must be trying to, what other explanation would there be for you trying to announce at the breakfast table that we had sex last night?"

"I hardly announced it," he said frowning.

"If the twins had heard the earlier part of the conversation they would have known."

"Yeah but they didn't," he said walking towards her.

"What if they talk to Harry and put two and two together?"

"All I asked was if you slept well."

"Yeah, with that stupid smirk on your mouth," she said glancing down to said mouth, remembering it on her body the night before.

"I thought you liked my mouth," he said as if he was reading her mind. He had reached her and put his hand in her hair pulling her in for a kiss. She pushed him away and slapped him across the face.

"You want me, Sirius, you can have me. But I will not sneak around and let you use me like some cheap whore."

"Hermione, how can you even think that I would do that?"

"You did it pretty well last night!" she yelled and turned on her heal, walking out, slamming the door behind her.

"Padfoot, what do you think you are doing?" Lupin asked coming into the library after Hermione had stormed out.

"You were listening?" asked Sirius. "That's not like you Moony."

"Unlike the twins, when I heard the noises in the night I came to investigate and I saw you Sirius." Sirius stopped what he was doing and turned to look at his eldest living friend.

"You watched us?"

"No, I saw what you were doing and turned around and went back upstairs. You are lucky no one else saw you."

Sirius waited for him to continue.

"Well? Don't you have some opinion on the matter?"

"Of course I do but it's not like you would actually listen to it so why bother?"

Sirius laughed and turned back to the desk he had been searching.

"What are you looking for?" Lupin asked. He came and stood next to the desk, watching as Sirius opened one drawer after another.

"This," he said triumphantly holding up a book. "Hermione asked me about it weeks ago and I said I would look for it but I never did. I'm going to present as a peace offering."

"Good luck!" Lupin called as Sirius went off in search of Hermione. "You'll need it," he added to himself.

"Hermione?" Sirius called through her door. He had knocked and Hermione had opened the door, seen who it was and slammed it in his face. He knocked again.

"Hermione? I have something for you."

"Is it an apology?" she called out.

"No, better. I mean I am sorry but I have something better for you."

"What is it?"

"Open the door and find out." On the other side of the door Hermione hesitated with the hand on the doorknob. She opened it a crack to see Sirius standing right outside with a hangdog look on his face. He held up the book to show her and she let out a girly squeal of delight. She opened the door the rest of the way and let him in.

"Does that earn a kiss?" he asked trying to sound innocent.

"One kiss," she said, reluctantly putting the book down. He moved across to her quickly and devoured her mouth with his own. She stepped back surprised and fell back onto the bed. She let out a gasp but it was lost in Sirius as he fell with her, covering her body with his.

"Sirius, no!" she said rolling out from under him. They lay side by side on the bed. Hermione lay on her back staring up at the ceiling while Sirius lay on his side, one arm draped over her.

"I've wanted you for months," he whispered in her ear. "Ever since I saw you at the graduation dinner Molly threw for you. You looked beautiful and I knew I had to have you," he growled.

She turned to face him, "You can have me Sirius, but in front of everyone." She blushed realising how that had come out. Sirius' eyebrows shot up in question.

"You know what I mean, if we do this I want it to be a proper relationship that everyone knows about not some illicit affair that we have to hide."

"I don't know if I can do that Hermione," he sighed. She leaned forward and kissed him, running her tongue along his lip. He granted her access to his mouth and she took control, exploring him, tasting him. She pulled away and got off the bed.

"Think about it and let me know," she threw over her shoulder as she walked out of the room.