This is set after Elissa dies in season2, i know this happened ages ago but i have been watching reruns and i dont like what happened after. So, im gonna write how i wish it went :) This is my frst fic, so im a little nervous, but feel free to tell me all the negative stuff about my writting! If its bad and you hate it then tell me and i won't continue but if you like it i will continue so make sure you review. thanks!!

oh and its Lilly's POV

I'll Be Here

He opened the door slowly. No Hi, no smile, he just stood there motionless. His eyes were deep,
overcome with sadness. This wasn't the guy i knew, this wasn't my partner. I had never seen him like this, unshaved, hair a mess, he was so, so ... blank. I stood there looking at him, thinking about what to say. Maybe i should have thought about that before i knocked, but anyway too late now. He was staring back at me, directing those lifeless eyes into mine waiting for me to say something.

"Boss told me you'd be here." Not the greatest greeting, but it was something at least.
I waited for him to answer. Nothing. He opened the door completely and stepped aside guesting for me to come in, but still no words left his mouth.

I walked in and looked around. The curtains were shut, the TV was off, phone unplugged... He had cut himself off from the world.

"I'm really sorry Scotty," I said in a sympathetic voice.
"You didn't do anything." His words were quiet,drowned by pain, i knew how he felt. He lost someone who he loved, cared for,someone who meant the world to him. I could relate.
"I know, but you know what i mean. I know how you must be feeling, i really do." It was silent. All i could hear was him breathing.
"I can leave if you want me to," I said. I didn't really know why i had come in the first place, Boss had told me not to come, give him some time, some space. What did i think i could do?
Make him forget about Elissa, How the hell would i be able to do that?

I was just about ready to turn around and leave his apartment, but then i heard him speak.
"No, You can stay. I could use some company," his lips curved upwards. Wait, was this a smile?
Yes, it was! In the 5 minutes id been here this was the first change he had made in his face.
I smiled back, unsure of what to say.
"Boss know your here?" I shook my head.
"Is it too dark in here for you," he asked.
That question shocked me a bit, his girlfriend just died, he had pretty much closed himself away from the rest of the world, i come round to see how he is and one of the first things he asks me is if its light enough for me.
"A little, but its fine," i answered honestly.
He walked over to the curtains and pulled them open. He squinted as his eyes ajusted themselves to the light. As the sun light beamed its way through the glass windows the atmosphere of the apartment changed immediately. Somehow having the sun illuminate through the once dark room made it feel as though everything would get better... eventually.
"Perfect," I said softly as Scotty walked back over and sat down on the couch. I followed his lead and sat down. Neither of us spoke a word.
"Lil, i don't know what I'm going to do." The sorrow and pain had once again returned to his voice.
"It will get better," I said trying to comfort him.
"But thats the thing, i don't know what to do without her, I've known her my whole life and loved her equally as long. Things won't just get better." He choked out his words, his eyes welling with tears. He didn't blink, I could tell he was trying to pull them back.
"You got to have some hope, Scotty. Life is going to go on, no matter what happens, It will I promise you. But you also got to know that it's ok to cry, it's ok to feel like this, but just try to remember that everything gets better with time, trust me," i explained sitting closer and resting my arm around his shoulder, comforting him.
He looked up to the roof, shut his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions.
"I'll be here Scotty, whatever you need, I'll help, ok?" He nodded to me as I stood up.
"I'll give you some time, you know where to find me.." I walked to the door.
"Thanks Lil," He said, his voice almost a whisper as i left his apartment.