Now everybody, this is my second story. But for those of you that have read my first story "the reunion",don't worry, that story is not done yet! I just have not gotten the time to update. I haven't really thought about the title. But for now, i think i'm gonna call it Hugs and Kisses. Or the Evil ways of love. You pick the title or according to the story, you can send me a new title for this story! I'm not so sure to include Xana in this. You decide!

Chapter 1

Yumi's POV

I can't freakin believe my parents are sending me to a boarding school! I mean, first, Japan, then America and now France! Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea! I mean, i have all my friends here. Let's just hope everything turns out good!

Kadic High...

"Hey brother from another mother!"

"Odd, when are you just going to give up! YOU'RE NOT FUNNY!"

"Hey, hey, hey! I'll let you know, alot of women like me!"

"Yes and thats why they end up dumping you the next day!"

"What can i say, they can't handle me!"

"Whats up my dudes!"

"Hey Theo, whats up."

"So Ulrich, you hooking up with any hot babes!"

"NA! I really haven't seen any good looking women. I mean, there all the same!"

"Hey guys!"

"Hey aelita! Where's Jeremy?"

"Why the heck should i know!"

"Cause, you're like with him 24/7!"


Yumi's POV

Oh my god, i'm here, this school better not look trashy! I hate my parents for making me go to this shithole! Well, here i go; i'm stepping out of the freaking car! Take a deep breath yumi, you can do this! Here i go...

Yumi stepped out of the car. She heard this group of girls talking about, what else, sex and boys. Yumi was wearing these short brown capris with a pink strapless shirt and some black flats(if you know what that is). She had wavy,curly hair that she had pinned up with a clip and left her bang down. She also had light blonde streaks.

"Hey guys, i'll catch up with you later, i have to go talk with Emily"

Ulrich POV

So i went to go talk with Emily. I really needed a date for this friday night. We are gonna go clubbing. Besides, Emily is the only one that has a killer body and cute face. We belong together. I was walking to the dorms when i spotted a girl. A very, sexy girl! 'Who is she?'



"So you must be new?"

"Yep, i just moved from America."

"You're from America! Cool"

Yumi giggled. "No,no,no,no,no, i'm from Japan then i moved from Japan to America then to France. Get me"

"I think so,hehehe, so do you want me to help you with something?"

"Oh no, its ok. Really!"

"Oh c'mon, it's just a nice guy that trying to help a very beautiful girl!" Yumi blushed at the comment. "Thanks"

At the dorms...

"So here we are what your dorm number?"

"Um...314"(go along with me)

"Hey that over there, near mine!"

Emily was walking through the hallways...

"Hey Ulrich!"

'Oh man!' Ulrich thought.

"Hey Emily!"

"Who's this?"

"Um Emily this is yumi, yumi Emily."



"Um, Emily, i'm gonna help yumi unpack her stuff ok"

"Um, Ok. Bye"

"Oh so your name is Ulrich?"

"Yep, so you want me to help you?"

"It's ok, you can go. I'll see you later Ok!"


"Hehehehe,Yes, i promise."

"See ya!"


'I think i'm gonna like this school!' yumi thought.

At Lunch...

"So Ulrich, did you talk to Emily!" said odd.


"Well why not?" said odd getting mad.

"Well because i met this super hot girl. Her name is yumi!"

"Well where is she?"

"She's upstairs. Damn i just can't wait to see her again! She's just the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I mean i never saw somebody like that ever!"

"Hey buddy, calm down, you're making me jealous and i haven't even seen this so called yumi"

"Hi Ulrich dear!!"

"Oh no, here comes bridezilla!"

"Sissy, why don't you go just go away before i go blind!"

"Well hunny, why would you turn blind?"

"Well, i rather be blind than look at you!"

Yumi had changed her shirt into a tank top and ran to the cafeteria...

"Hey yumi!"

"Oh, hey Ulrich!"

"Yumi, well, we have not met! I'm sissy!"

"Um Ok"

"Hey sissy, why don't you do us all a favor and leave us alone!"

"Hey, i just wanted to talk to yumi! Besides, Yumi looks like she could use a tour! Don't you think?"

"Wait, don't i have a say in this!"

"Yumi i'm just trying to be a good person!"

"A good person,a minute ago you were acting like queen bitch!"

"You know what, i'm otta here!"

"Wait yumi...i!UGH! See what you do sissy!"

"Hey, Hey, calm down, ulrich you are mine, not nobody else's!"

"Sissy, why can't you just realize i don't like you!" Ulrich ran out of the cafeteria.

"Hey Yumi!"

"Sorry about that, sissy is just too much, she never gives up!"

"Wow one day already and i see drama!"

"Hey Ulrich! you ok?"

"Yeah odd"

"So you must be yumi uh?"

"Yeah! That me"


"Hey odd, ulrich!"

"Hey aelita"

"Hey, you must be yumi!"

"Yes, that's me! I'm gonna go to my room, i'm tired. See ya!"

"Bye yumi!" said Ulrich before yumi went upstairs.

That's Chapter 1! I have not made up my mind about the title. I also need more ideas. Tell me how Ulrich should act...

a) Seductive or b) sweet and nice

Tell me how yumi should act...

a) Hard to get or b)very, very flirty

You Pick and be sure to read my other story the reunion!

Chapter 2 is coming!!!!!