Disclaimer: I don't own CSI:Miami or it's characters. I'm just borrowing them and will return them good as new. I do lay claim to Sasha Pappas aka Stormy, Mattie Shaw and any other OC's I've forgotten about.

Warning: Major spoilers for Nailed and Urban Hellraisers.

This is the sequal to Dream Job. I'm sorry about the title of this one. It's really bad. I tried my hardest to follow the two episodes as much as I could and some of the dialogue is straight out of the episode. I made changes obiviously to accommodate Stormy and my other OCs. This first chapter is from Nailed and the rest of the story is from Urban Hellraisers. Oh yeah the name in the middle signifies that the following section is from that person's point of view. I hope it's not too confusing. Enjoy and please remember to review.

Good Can Come From Bad


I tugged off the Gucci heels and tossed them towards the assistant who was packing stuff up after the photo shoot. I gratefully slipped on my white tennis shoes and hunted through the pile of designer clothes to find my purse. The one of a kind Dior bag had been a gift. I may model the big names but I don't usually wear them when I'm not in front of a camera. An Oscar de la Renta evening gown isn't really practical for a veterinarian.

My cell phone rang the moment I turned it on. It was my boyfriend, Ryan Wolfe.

"Hey, honey," I cooed. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" We had a strict rule. He didn't call while he was working and I didn't call while I was working. Ryan was a CSI and needed to focus on his job. As a veterinarian I needed to do the same. I could count on one hand the number times we'd broken that rule and it'd only been for major emergencies.

Ryan sighed. I sensed bad news. We'd been dating for almost two years after nearly five years as friends. I knew Ryan well enough to tell the difference between a tired sigh and an I-don't-want-to-tell-you-this sigh. Ryan had definitely used the I-don't-want-to-tell-you-this sigh.

"Ry, what's going on?" I asked as gently as I could.


I flinched at the tone of my girlfriends voice. It was her I'm-not-going-to-panic-or-get-mad-just-please-tell-me voice. Sasha Pappas knew me too well. And if I hadn't been pumped full of pain drugs, I would have taken a moment to appreciate it instead of plowing ahead stupidly.

"Stormy, honey, there was an incident yesterday," I said as quickly as I could. Stormy, as I call Sasha, was not going to be happy. "I got a nail shot into my eye. I'm OK. The doctors don't think there was any damage. Um, I can't drive though and was wondering if you could come pick me up."

I waited for her response. Very heavy breathing was all I could hear.

Finally she managed to choke out, "Ry, where are you?"

I could tell she was crying. I tried to not feel bad about making her cry but I couldn't.

"I'm at Miami General. Can you meet me at the ER entrance?" I requested quietly.

A sniff and then, "Yes. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

We hung up.

I filled out the necessary paperwork and, bag in hand, went out the Emergency Room doors, the same one's I'd been wheeled through yesterday.

With some surprise I saw Eric leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

I walked slowly towards him, my bag swinging in my hand. I wished Stormy would hurry up and get here. I sensed an awkward conversation ahead.

Eric shifted so he was facing me. "I heard they were letting you out," he stated.

"Well I promised I wouldn't drive," I said a little too quickly. Where was Stormy?

"I know. That's why I, uh, came by, to give you a lift," Eric sounded a bit hesitate.

"Thanks," I said, looking at the floor, wishing this conversation wasn't taking place.

"Look, I'm going by your place anyway," Eric pressed.

"It's cool. I got a ride," I assured him, wishing once more that Stormy would hurry up.

I started to walk away only to be stopped by Eric.

"Listen, I know this is my fault," Eric said.

Stormy choose that moment to come running up, looking as beautiful as ever, even with her tear streaked makeup.

"Ry!" she called, picking up the pace.

I gave her a smile and asked Eric, "What is?"

"Your eye," he stated, watching Stormy curiously.

"What are you talking about?" I asked just as Stormy reached us. She skidded to a halt beside me, her eyes darting between Eric and me. I'd never introduced her to any of my co-workers.

"I'm talking about it… it was my call. K, no matter what's going on in my life I shoulda, I shoulda rolled," Eric stuttered through his attempt at saying sorry.

"And take a nail in your eye?" I asked incredulously, a half smile on my face.

Stormy waited quietly beside me. She seemed to sense that I needed this talk as much as Eric did, even if neither one of us liked it.

"I don't think so," I continued. "Look, Eric, I went in there without any back up. I went in there without my gun drawn. This is my fault." Eric seemed at a loss for words so I plowed on. "Uh, thank you very much for driving me to the ER. That was some crazy driving."

Eric smiled and half laughed. "It was no problem. So who's this young lady?"

I looked over at Stormy. She was impatiently shifting her weight from one tennis shoe covered foot to the other. The white tennis shoes looked odd next to her designer clothes. She hadn't changed after the shoot.

"Delko, meet Sasha Pappas. Stormy, meet Eric Delko," I introduced the two.

"It's," she paused to search for the right word, "nice to meet you." Her tone was I'm-happy-but-I'm-not-happy.

"Likewise. So how do you know Wolfe?" Eric asked.

Stormy smiled. "We met in college." She looked up at me with concern. "Honey, don't you think I should get you home?"


Wolfe had a girlfriend?! I nearly fell over in shock. He hadn't so much as hinted that he was dating anyone in the year we'd been working together.

The two of them started to walk towards the outside entrance. I fell into step beside Wolfe.

I felt the need to tell him, "Look, you ever mention anything about Delko time again, you're going to need to rent a room in this place."

Stormy burst out laughing as Wolfe replied, "Fair enough."

"Ry, you're going to explain that one," Stormy said once her laughter had died down.

Wolfe grinned at her, "I think I have time for that."

To be continued...

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