Disclaimer: I do not own any Prince of Tennis characters.


"Promise me that we'll meet again, Kunimitsu-kun. Maybe I'll visit Tokyo and you can show me around and be my personal tour guide."

" Aa." His eyes softened at the sight of her tear-filled jade eyes and her gentle smile. She was obviously trying to withhold her tears and sadness of him leaving her.

Tezuka picked up his bags and turned to walk toward the gate when he suddenly felt a pair of arms encircling him, filling his nose with the smell of summer berries.

"I- I'll miss you. So much." He heard soft sniffles as she was trying to control her tears and appear strong.

He looked at her standing in front of him, trying to memorize her scent, her face, her voice. Anything and everything about her he loved and would miss.

"Until we meet again my angel…" It was what she was to him, and angel that brightened the dark and gloomy weather of Germany and a pillar that held him, the current Pillar of Seigaku, up when his cracks were being mended. Their relationship was a precious and close one to him, Probably deeper than even those with his teammates. It was only with her, that he let his guard down. It was only with her, that he felt complete. Only with his angel.

With one last stroke of her silky jet-black hair, he boarded the plane set to return to Japan. Her jade-eyes watched sadly as the plane flew off into the setting sun, wings glinting from the dying orange-red rays. On the plane, his dark brown orbs were closed as he thought of the girl that he left behind, and of the promise of seeing each other again.

"…I promise."


"Tezuka? You've been staring into the sky for the past 5 minutes. Anything…wrong?"


"Come now buchou, ever since you got back from that rehab center in Germany, you've been acting…out of it, and very melancholy," a sly soft voice spoke from his left.

Tezuka's eyes flashed in warning as he realized where the conversation was going.

"I wonder now…did you meet an exotic beautiful gir-?"

"FUJI. 50 laps NOW!"

"Hai hai, Tezuka-buchou." Fuji agreed, without any trace of worry. But before he ran, Tezuka saw the infamous sadistic smirk of Seigaku's tensai. "But don't worry, I -no, WE- will find out soon enough."

The only words to describe Tezuka's inward reaction are: "Oh" and "Crap". Now there was much more to worry about and to think about.

At least there were only a few minutes of practice left before he could get away and control his every-growing headache. Tezuka was apart from his teammates for so long that he even forgot how much they liked to stick their noses into other people's personal matters, even going as far as stalking. Usually when Inui called, he just hung up on him, never wanting to be part of the regulars' idea of "fun". And now that he was to be the focus…no, the victim, of their curiosity.

"I'd better bring a whole bottle of aspirin with me," he noted mentally.

Tezuka turned quickly as he felt like a dark ominous shadow rise up behind him.

"Probability of Fuji informing the others about his theory about he and a girl in Germany: 100" Inui's monotone voice informed. "Probability of Eiji overreacting and shouting: 100. Probability of-- Yes, Tezuka?"

"Inui, 20 laps."

Finally, only the sound of tapping feet was heard as the two regulars were completing their laps. Tezuka rubbed his temples in a circular fashion, and silently sighed, wary of the horrors and headaches to come as he finally got a few seconds of peace.


Thanks for reading and hopefully you liked it? Please review too, and no flames please. :D Hopefully I'll get a next chapter up and introduce my OC to you. Her name is . Exactly, I don't know what her first name should be, any suggestions would be appreciated.