Starts on page 259 in New Moon when Bella gives Quil a ride.

Disclaimer: It's called 'Fan' fiction, not 'author' fiction. I don't own the charactors, Book, or anything, except my writting.


"Walking away along the left side of the road was a tall boy with a baseball cap.

My breath caught for just a moment, hopeful that luck was with me for once and I'd stumbled across Jacob without trying. But this bog was too wide and his hair was short under the hat. Even from behind I was sure it was Quil, though he looked bigger than the last time I'd seen him. What was with these Quileute boys? Were they feeding them experimental growth hormones?

I crossed over to the wrong side of the road to stop next to him. He looked up when the roar of my truck approached.

Quill's expression frightened me more than it surprised me. His face was bleak brooding his forehead creased with worry

"Oh, hey, Bella," he greeted me dully.

"Hi, Quil…Are you okay?"

He stared at me morosely." Fine."

"Can I give you a ride somewhere?" I offered.

"Sure I guess," he mumbled. He shuffled around the front of the truck and opened the passenger door to climb in.

"Where to?"

"My house is on the north side, back behind the store," he told me.

"Have you seen Jacob today?" the question burst from me almost before he was finished speaking.

I looked at Quil eagerly, waiting for his answer. He stared out the windshield for a second before he spoke.

"From a distance," he finally said.

"A distance?" I echoed.

"I was trying to follow them,- he was with Embry," he said, his voice was calm, but I could sense the anger behind it. "They went into the forest, so I went after them. But it was like they disappeared, I've been wandering the forest for hours trying to find them."

He had a sullen look on his face, but it changed to a mixture of hate and sadness when he sneered," Probably met up with Sam."

"Sam got to him?"

"Yeah," he said curtly, and then his face flashed with surprise, but only to turn back into frustration and anger." How did you know about Sam?"

"Jacob told me," I said sadly, then added," Before."

"Before," he agreed. "Before he joined Sam's… Sam's cult. It just makes me so angry, that the Elders don't seem to care!" He was shouting and shaking now, I was getting kind of scared. "And then when they look at you funny and you're scared you're next! I don't want to be next, Bella! I don't want to!"

He had his fists pressed to his temples, his whole frame rattled while he panted for breath. He was really upset, was he okay? I decided to ask him.

"Are you okay?"

"No! I feel out of control, I just can't….,"Tremors were rolling off him in violent waves, I was getting really worried, what was happening? "I just feel so out of control and I don't know what to do!"

That was the last sentence he got out before he exploded. Brown fur came out of him in all directions, and in the split second before he was completely gone I saw pure terror on his face. A chocolate colored wolf, too big to be normal, too big to fit in Quil, now filled my truck. Snarls were tearing from his throat, the big wolf snapped at me and shrank back.I barely managed to pull the truck over with the bit of windshield I could see out of.

I was hyperventilating from the shock. Quil, er, the wolf was still growling, but he wasn't glaring at me any more. The wolf Quil adjusted his back legs slightly, in the limited amount of space, and I heard the window break. Quil gave a bark of frustration, and then yelped at the shock of having a bark instead of words coming out of his mouth. I was still scared of the enormous wolf, but maybe he knew what was happening.

"Do you know what's going on?" I gasped.

He shook his huge head from side to side after a moment. As the shock started to die down, though it still was shocking, I felt some pain in my thighs. It was just a little at first but was quickly escalating.

"Oww!" I cried out as I felt the stabbing pain full force. I looked down to see Quil's massive paw on my lap, because he simply didn't have enough room to put it by his other paw in the small space. His long claws digging into my legs was causing the immense pain. Large amounts of blood gushed from the wounds; my jeans and the car interior around me were soaked. I began to feel light headed.

"Um...Quil?," I whispered, I didn't have the strength to say it any louder. "Could you move this leg" I touched his front leg with my hand, "please?"

His head tilted down and I could see the anger in his eyes be replaced a nauseated look. He quickly lifted his foot off. He looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose."

I opened the door and stumbled out, I needed some fresh air to clear my head. I looked both ways down the stretch of road, no cars, of course. I beckoned Quil with my hand to let him know it was okay to come out. Even if i was afraid of him, I didn't want anyone else going into shock because of this monstrous wolf.

His wide shoulders barely squeezed through the door frame making it groan in protest. Once he was out I could see how big he really was.

His head was a little higher than the top of my truck and a little narrower than it. I stood there for a moment in wonder and awe. How did this wolf fit in my truck? How did this wolf fit in Quil? Even though he was a pretty big kid it was still hard to believe.

After I was done gawking for the moment I limped over to a rock in the entrance of the forest. It would keep wolf Quil out of sight but it wasn't so far that I'd get lost. Quil followed at a slow gait inhaling deeply with each stride. He went a little past where I was, his head swiveling in different directions every few seconds. He was interesting to watch as a ...wolf.

My legs throbbed even though they had started to go numb with pain, and I felt like I was going to pass out. so I sat on the rock, my head in my hands, while my elbows applied pressure to the wounds slowing the blood flow some. I put my hood on, the light sprinkle was picking up, trying to cleanse the blood from my pants.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, taking deep breaths trying to stop the spinning. It wasn't helping, so I opened my eyes and found Quil right in front of me.

"Oh!" I gasped, I hadn't even heard him approach! His lips pulled back over his teeth, it looked like he was smiling. He looked at my injured legs and it turned into more of a grimace, his eyes were filled with sorrow and guilt.

"I know," I sighed, trying to be casual as not to make him feel worse. "I need to go to the ER," he bobbed his head in agreement, "But I'm waiting for the dizziness to pass. I don't want to crash my car."

He heaved a sigh. My thoughts were swirling from my light headedness and I couldn't concentrate. I closed my eyes again, the last thing I saw was the chocolate colored wolf's ears prick at an unknown sound, before I lost consciousness.


Okay there's the first chapter! Do you guys want a Quil POV of this chapter or another Bella POV chapter? Please review!!