Hopefully you'll like this better than the last chapter. I haven't really written any Twilight fiction in a while so if it seems a little rusty, I apologize. But, uh, enjoy the very last bit to this story.

A pale woman sat in an elegant rocking chair softly crooning a baby in her arms. She smiled down at the child her dark brown hair sliding down off her face to touch the baby's cheek. A seventeen year old with tousled bronze hair approached her from behind and leaned over her shoulder.

A soft knock, un-audible to human ears, but quite hear-able to vampires, rang out in the silent mansion.

"I'll get it Isabelle," he told her quietly going to the large oak door. Opening it he saw a tall Quileute man with short cropped hair looking uncomfortable, as usual, would he ever get used to these visits? Next to him was a petite lady with dark chocolate hair to her shoulders, shorter than usual, sporting a smile. And clutching both of their hands was a boy, a mix of both of their skin tones.

"Bella, Jacob, come in," The pale teen spoke softly. They came in, wiping their shoes on the mat, when a young girl emerged at the top of the stairs, rubbing her eyes. Dirty blonde hair was sticking up in all directions. "Delilah, you're up. I was wondering if you'd ever wake up, sleepy head. Payton's here to play."

"Payton's here, daddy?" she asked yawing. She stretched for a second, before sitting on her butt and scooting down the stairs. "Come on, Payton. I wanna show you something."

The little Quileute boy obediently followed her to the play room. Bella and Jacob took a seat on the couch by Isabelle once they saw Payton was busy.

"So, Edward, Isabelle," Bella began starting a conversation. "How is the baby you adopted doing?"

"Very well," the dark haired woman said, sitting up the baby. The baby had bright blue eyes and swirls of curly red hair on her scalp. "The thirst isn't as nearly as bad the second time, I think we might adopt more children later."

"That's wonderful," Bella replied buoyantly, smiling largely. "What did you name her?"

"Elizabeth," Isabelle said her Italian accent heavy on the syllables. Edward didn't miss the subtle gesture when Bella took Jacobs hand. "Her full name is Elizabeth Esme Cullen."

"That's a lovely name," Bella said forcing a smile, gently releasing the grip on Jacob's hand.

"You've heard the story how Edward and I met, in Voltera," she started handing the curly red head to Edward. "But I've never heard the story of how Edward and you guys met. I mean it's not every day werewolves and vampires are friends. Would you tell it to me?"

"It's a long story," Bella said biting her lip thinking. She looked at Jacob; he shrugged his shoulder, sure why not? "But I think you'd like it."

Thanks for reading! Hope you like it, I tried to make an ending you guys would like. Please review to tell me if the Epilouge wraped things up better!