I couldn't think. I tried to remember, I had even checked the calendar. Today was not a special day, it wasn't an anniversary for Edward and I, but somehow, I couldn't help shake the feeling that today was going to be different from every other day.

"Alice?" I asked, poking my head around the corner of her bedroom door.

She had heard me coming, and was sitting on the edge of her bed, reading a book, attempting to look relaxed, and nonchalant. "Yes?"

"Uh," something was off. "Where's Edward?" In fact, half of the family was missing. I knew Esme was in the kitchen, and Rosalie was in her room, but where were the boys?

She smiled, flashing her teeth. "You know, I am not sure." she smiled wider.

That gave her away. "I thought you knew where everyone was, at all times?"

Her smile slackened for half a second, but was back in place before I could blink. Maybe I had imagined it. "I could care less where Edward is, probably hunting," she stood. Setting her book on her night stand.

"Alright Alice, cut the charade. What's going on?" Her eyes darted to the door.

"I have no idea what you mean." she said, folding her arms around her chest.

She wasn't going to tell me. "Fine, whatever." I paused, "I need to get back to my house Alice, I mean, its been fun and all, but with Charlie at the police fund-raiser in Seattle, I will be able to catch up on my chores, and homework." I turned and took one step towards the door when I felt a sharp whoosh of cold air, and a loud bang, as Alice raced to the door and shut it with a snap.

She locked it, and showing me the key, and promptly dropping it down her shirt.

I realized my mouth was hanging open, and I shut it quickly. "W-what? You cant do that!"

She walked toward me, smiling. "Bella, Bella, Bella. Lets go in my bathroom, I'm bored, how about a make over."

I cringed away. "No, maybe some other time. I have things I need to do at home."

"Those can wait, really, its not often when Charlie goes out of town."

"The one time Edward isn't here." I mumbled under my breath. But Alice heard every word, and her smile widened.

"Please Bella? Don't deprive me of the human experiences that I never had."

Great, the guilt trip. "Fine, but make it quick. I really do have a ton of homework to do."


She was going to be so surprised! I had been anticipating this since Alice had a vision of Charlie going out of town. I had everything prepared. Bella's bags were packed, Alice had taken care of that, the term shop till you drop came to mind. Nearly three suitcases full. It was her excuse to buy Bella a new wardrobe.

Esme was preparing a hamper full of food, the kinds which most humans liked. Emmet and Jasper were up in the mountains doing the tasks I had assigned them, Carlisle was down at the sporting goods store, buying the necessary items needed to carry out my plan. Everything was going to be perfect! Now, all that was needed, was the guest of honor.

I drove quickly down Forks roads, in anticipation of seeing my Bella again. 'My Bella.' I smiled slightly at the sound. I was nearing the house when I heard Alice's thoughts.

Oh crap! Edwards here already! But I'm not finished yet. Hmm... I'll have Rosalie stall him. I sped up, wondering what Alice was doing.

"Edwards here!" she said to Bella, who I couldn't see because Alice was looking at the ceiling. "Oh no!" I heard through Alice's thoughts, "he cant see me like this, not now, I'm practically naked in this outfit, please Alice, pick something else!" I swallowed hard. Practically naked? Couldn't this car go any faster?


I looked in the mirror, horrified. My makeup was bold, and made my eyes large and doe-like. My already oversized lips emphasized by a dark, blood red lipstick. My hair fell in cascades of curls, framing my face.

My outfit was the worst. I wore a deep blue, skin tight top that covered only the bare essentials. My stomach and neck exposed. It was low cut. Very low cut. Over the top of it was a matching jacket, that had been zipped up, just below my navel, so you only glimpsed my white stomach. I had on a black skirt, that didn't reach my knees, and blue flats. I looked... hot, sure, but I couldn't let Edward see me like this.

I turned to see Alice smiling, and looking at the ceiling. "Edward's here!" she said happily. I gasped. No, no, no, this couldn't be happening! "He cant see me like this, not now, I'm practically naked in this outfit, please Alice, pick something else!" I practically screamed at her.

"Too late, he is walking in the front door right now." I made an attempt to dash to the bathroom where my school clothes lie, but Alice blocked me. She flipped me around and escorted me to the door. There was no point in struggling or arguing. She was stronger, and could see the future. Life is so unfair.


I could smell Bella the moment I walked through the door. And I could hear Emmet and Jasper's thoughts. They must have finished. They came through the back door, Emmet's booming laugh filling the house. "Yeah, I know, I wish I was going to be there Bella will be so surprised!"

I turned to the kitchen door just as I heard, "Surprise me?" we all turned to see Bella being escorted down the stairs by Alice. My mouth literally dropped.

She looked gorgeous! Her outfit was tight, showing off the curves she had always claimed not to have. I nearly moaned out loud. Her scent plus her body, was almost too much for me to handle. I would have taken her for my own then and there if it wasn't for Emmet.

He snickered loudly. His mouth is hanging open! I need a camera. He hasn't looked so shocked since he walked in on Rose and I! Ha!

I swallowed hard, my breathing coming in short gasps. I didn't need to breathe, but I wanted to smell as much of Bella as I could before I took her. Slowly I closed my mouth. Bella turned red, at my ogling eyes. I knew I was being rude, but I couldnt seem to take my eyes off this angelic creature.

I heard Jasper whisper to Emmet, loud enough for me to hear, "Edward's getting a little... hot."

Emmet's booming laugh filled the air, and Bella, not hearing the comment, turned even more red. She thought he was laughing at her. She turned even a darker shade of red, and turned to go back up the stairs.

Before I knew it, I had caught her up in my arms, and raced to Emmet's jeep, which had been loaded up with the food, baggage, and essentials. I set her in the passenger seat, and couldn't help myself, kissed her bellybutton, which was peeking over her jacket. I heard her gasp, and her heart beat speed up. I got in the driver's seat, and we were on our way.


I continued to ask him where we were headed, but every time I would casually spring the question, he would just give me this irritating smile, and not say a word. I decided to try my hand at persuasion.

"Edward," I sighed in his direction, then scooted closer to him.

He blinked, "yes?"

"I was thinking," I said, my finger lightly trailing from his hand up his arm in a slow motion.

"What about?" he said, watching the road.

"When we get to this- wherever it is we're going- do you think that you could," I paused, moving until my thigh was pressed up against his, and I whispered in his ear. "Help me with... something?" There was no way he was going to have all the fun surprising me, I needed to have a part in this too.

"B-bella, that is rather distracting you know." he said as I continued to run my innocent finger up and down his body.

I smiled, "I know."

"What would you like me to help you with." he said, squirming uncomfortably.

"You are quite adorable when you are nervous." I said, my finger running up his thigh.

"I'm not nervous." he said too quickly.

"If you say so."


We were almost there when Bella had scooted closer. Her warmth was unbelievable, and I had the sneaking suspicion that she was trying to seduce me. But I was determined not to give in.

Driving was impossible, if I hadn't been a vampire, I would have crashed. Her scent, her body, the way she held herself so close I could almost reach out and... No! I would not give in! Anyway, we were almost there, and I couldn't begin to loose control. Not when we haven't even arrived yet.

The drive was quiet, except for the constant, "where are we going?" "When will we get there?" and, "does everyone know what's going on except me?" but I stayed silent. I am proud to say I didn't give into her seducing, but I am ashamed to admit it took all of my self control.


Apparently I don't have the same effect on Edward, as he has on me. sigh. Ah the unfortunate aspects of being human.

"We're here." Edward said quietly, driving through bushes, then, into a clearing, pulling to a stop.

I looked around, there were trees, and wildlife everywhere. "The question is, where is here?" I asked reaching over to the buckle.

Before my fingers brushed it, however, Edward had undone it, and pulled me out of the car.

"Let me show you something." he whispered, dazzling me for a second.


He grasped my hand, and in wild anticipation fast walked, human speed, toward an opening in the trees.

I was curious, but had not forgotten my plans for the evening.


Human speed was much too slow for me, but I needed to be patient for my Bella.

"Close your eyes," I said as we neared the place I had been wanting to show her for ages.

She gave me a look that suggested that it was the last thing she would like to do, but obliged. I wrapped my arm around the small of her back, to make sure she wouldn't trip and hurt herself.

"Open them," I said finally, my heart leaping with joy.


"Open them," he said, his voice giddy and excited.

I did.

It was beautiful. A small lake with a long dock, bordered by a grove of trees, and off to the right was a cute cabin that had candles lining the windows.

I gasped, "oh, Edward. Its beautiful!"

"You like it?" he said, smiling hugely.

"Of course!"

He looked out across the lake, and in a moment of happiness, I grabbed his shirt, and pulled him down to my height where I kissed him.

He was taken by surprise, but then wrapped his arms around me, holding me closer to him, deepening the kiss.

But he pulled away as I went limp in his arms, nearing unconsciousness.

"Sorry," he said apologetically.

I just gasped for air, and gave him a wary smile. "No need to apologize, Edward. In fact, I wish you would do that more often."

He chuckled.

After catching my breath, I grabbed his hand, and ran down to the cabin, dragging him behind me.