
Emiline was a lucky girl. She had a whole family of werewolves, and Vampires to look after her. Rose and Esme raised her like she was their own.

Jasper had a difficult time at first, having a human infant living in their house, but when she learned to say 'Jazz,' he fell in love with her just like the rest of us.

Rosalie bought her the latest fashion, straight from gap. Originals of course. Emiline was the most fashionable baby in all of Forks, to be sure. Rosalie loved her like the daughter she never got the chance to have, and she adored me for giving her another chance at being a mother.

Esme couldn't take her eyes off of her, watching her all hours of the day and night, never once letting her out of her sight. She loved her so much. Emiline was so beautiful, with her little blonde curls, her big blue eyes, and rosy cheeks, she looked like an angel.

Emmett was very protective of Emiline, saying that she was practically named after him. One day, we all came home to find Emmett in Emiline's room, wearing what looked like one of Rosalie's dresses, and hosting a tea party. Emiline seemed to find it all wildly funny, and bust up laughing, her little tinkling laugh being very contagious, we joined in laughing till we were rolling on the ground, practically crying we were laughing so hard. Emiline thought of herself as the family comedian.

Edward played around on the piano for her, playing weird notes, and making funny faces when he thought we weren't looking. She always found it very funny. Emmett taught Emiline to call Edward, 'Uncle Ed,' because everyone knew how much he dislike his name being shortened. But Edward got him back when he taught Emiline to call him 'Auntie Em.'

Carlisle loved Emiline just as much as Esme did. He was as happy as if Emiline was his real daughter. Emiline took to calling him, 'daddy,' and his face lit up every time she called him that.

Alice was overexcited, everyone always complained how Alice would hog little Emiline. I didn't mind. Alice had told me once how she regretted not having any children in her former life, because she would have loved them with all of her soul. I was happy for her.

Emiline would most definitely be a spoiled child.

The werewolves came over to visit at least once a week. Emmett turned out to be quite the BBQer, cough burned Cough to ashes cough As it also turns out that the werewolves were pretty good at baseball...


Well, that was the end. I know that it probably isn't the ending you were looking for, but I am debating about whether to write a sequel... Tell me what you think, because I mean, what ever happened to Victoria?...

Things to ponder. Well, please review, even though the story is over. Love you all!
