Disclaimer So I noticed that I forgot to put one of these in the first Chapter. Subconsciously I think that I thought if I didn't put one in, you would all believe that I was in fact the creator of Harry Potter and the fabulous wizarding world. Sadly, you didn't and I'm not. So now, on with the show.


Jasmine is said to have properties that assist in boosting one's confidence and ego.


Recap from Chapter 1

'Oh bollocks, now I'm going to be staring at her arse all night. That's disgusting.

Breathlessly he asked, "Where was it you wanted to begin?"

Hermione rounded on him, "How about the dungeons? You know how those Slytherin students like to cause trouble at night when they think no one's watching."

He clicked his tongue against his teeth as he stared into her dark brown eyes. He was fully aware that she had it out for him, and if it wasn't him getting into trouble, it would be someone from his House. "Fine, then maybe we can go catch the beloved Gryffindor's out trying to save the ruddy world." Sure, he was willing to go along with her games, but on his own terms.

Hermione nodded and gave him the sweetest smile she could muster. "Sure, Draco. Sounds like a plan to me."


'Since when did Granger call me by my first name?'

'Since when did I refer to Malfoy by his first name?'

The walk to the dungeons was a quiet and uneventful one. Hermione's shoes scuffed along the shiny marble, her heels marring its perfection. With a raised chin, she walked with purpose towards the Slytherin domain. The odds were 9 to 1 in her favor that they would find at least one Slytherin breaking at least one school rule. It's not that Hermione thrived off of others misfortune or abused her head privileges; it is just safe to say that in order to run a tight ship, you have to keep the snakes in line. On one hand, Draco didn't seem to care since deducting points was one of his favorite pastimes no matter who the victim, but on the other, he vocalized his internal struggle that questioned if someone of Hermione's "breeding" was worthy of such authority. As they approached the corridor, she let out a frustrated sign.

"What is it now, Granger?"

"Nothing you twat. Sod off."

"Touchy, touchy Granger. No need for such hostilities."

Her usually calm and poised demeanor was quickly escalating at an alarming rate. "What is it like to be you, Malfoy? Is it hard leading your charmed, insufferable life? Do you suffer from social dysfunction due to years of unnatural inbreeding? Are you like this because mummy didn't breast feed you as a child?" Hermione spat.

"Listen here you stupid mub-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH! I have had it with you and your bloody insults! I try to be civil, turn the other cheek, but it's wasted on a prat like you. You're a pureblood, I'm a 'mudblood,' you're a wanker, and I'm a frizzy haired bookworm. I get it! Can't you come up with anything original?"


"And furthermore, have you even stopped to think why, in your tiny little mind, you are better than me? Aside from the blood that runs in your veins, you really have no freakin' justifications, do you Malfoy? NO! I get better marks than you, I have fought in more battles than you, I know way more spells and charms than you do, and I have more friends than you! You Malfoy, are pathetic. You are a pathetic sheep, which knows nothing else but to follow the damned blind Shepard. Bloody pathetic." Hermione shakily raised her wand arm, not noticing how hard her chest was heaving.

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are-" Malfoy's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'll show you just who I think I am!"

A deep clapping from behind caused the two to pause and Hermione spun on her heel. From behind the suit of armor, came a sniggering Blaise Zambini.

"Never knew you had it in you, Granger. Aren't we the feisty one?"

"What? Um, I…" She was all sixes and sevens. In an effort to regroup and quickly pull her thoughts together, she started "Listen, Zambini, I'm sorry you had to hear that-"

"No apologies necessary, Granger. In fact, I consider myself privileged to have heard this. It's not everyday someone, let alone a muggleborn female, puts Malfoy in his place. I should thank you, really…"

"Seriously, Zambini, my temper got away with me." With crimson heat rising to her cheeks she turned to Draco and muttered a quick "I shouldn't have said that."

"Yes you should have. Someone needed to," snorted Blaise.

"Sod off Zambini. This has nothing to do with you," replied a very flustered Draco.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, Malfoy. You might be my best mate, but you see, as Miss Granger here has so eloquently put it, you are in fact a right foul bastard. She was just the first one who had the gall to say it. Well, to your face anyway."

Hermione's head snapped up in surprise. In her mind, she had created a very violent scene where the two of them would gang up on her. The scene may or may not have involved bloodshed, but there would have surely been at least a broken bone or two – most likely at the muggleborn's expense. Instead, out of the corner of her eye, Blaise came to Hermione's side and raised an arm to rest on her shoulder.

"I'd watch my tongue if I were you, Zambini." Draco looked the other boy in the eyes and in a flash, spun on his heel and headed towards the dorm. "Finish the rounds on your own, Granger. We can finish this later."

An awkward silence followed.

Well, awkward for Hermione, quite the contrary for Blaise.

"So listen, Zambini, I appreciate what you were trying to do there, but I don't need you defending me to Malfoy. I can handle him."

"I never said you couldn't Granger. I wasn't trying to imply it either."

"Oh. Well, thanks. And again, I'm sorry you had to see that. I normally don't let people get to me like that. He's just special, I guess. But, as Head Girl, I am supposed to handle myself better. Besides, I don't think he could have done any major damage," she lied.

"You're human just like the rest of us, Granger. As much as you hate to admit it, you're not perfect and you don't have to pretend to be. You know, it's like you're always off fighting some battle or another. Even when it's not yours to fight." Blaise smiled at her after removing his elbow from her shoulder. Funny how he didn't notice that before. He stepped back and took in a deep breath. Funny how he hadn't noticed how good she smelled until just now.

"What makes you so sure of yourself, Zambini? What makes you think you know anything about me? After all, aren't I just a silly little muggleborn?"

"I think we both know the answer to that." He stepped closer to Hermione again. "It's not like I was waiting for you and Malfoy to show up here tonight. As a matter of fact, I was just coming back from the kitchens. I didn't even know you two were doing rounds, and believe you me, it was not my intention to start a fight with my best mate either." He grinned at that. "I know you don't need a knight in shining armor, Hermione, but I figured if you were standing up to Malfoy, then I might as well jump on the bandwagon. What can I say, you're a good – or as some may say, a very bad – influence on me." He leaned in closer and his hot breath flittered her hair and sent chills to her toes as he whispered "And I think I like the effects."

Hermione stepped back and faltered. "Well, I'm glad you stood up to him. If more of us do it, maybe he'll be knocked down a few pegs." Blaise stepped forward again and Hermione stammered. "Okay, Zambini, thanks again for the assist. I think I am going to head back now. It's getting late and I have to get up early."



"I have a first name you know, it's Blaise. If I can call you Hermione, I think it is only fitting that you call me Blaise," he smiled.

"Um, okay, Blaise. Good night, I'll see you in class tomorrow." And with that, Hermione sped off in the opposite direction towards her dorm. All the way back she smiled in spite of herself. 'Crazy Boys…'


Author's Note: Well, I figured this was just as good a place as any to end the chapter. I was thinking about going back and editing a bit of chapter one to make Hermione a little less wishy-washy, but then I just decided to make her more feisty here. Sorry if it seems like that came out of left field, but that was for you Shawn – I'll make you proud!

I just wanted to thank the reviewers, and insert review pimping here say that while I am ecstatic to be on so many alerts already, I would REALLY appreciate it if you could take a few more seconds to add a few words of encouragement, or flames if the wind blows you that way. And comments or suggestions are always appreciated.

Also, one last thing, a heartfelt thanks goes out to my beautiful beta/partner Sway for commenting and helping with this chapter.