Chapter 14 – Their Future

Tally was surrounded by the Cutters, Croy and Ryde when she saw David and Maddy making their way towards her. She pushed her way through her friends and went up to David and wrapped her arms around his waist and held him tightly against her in a hug. She saw Maddy smile and swore she heard some "aww's" coming from the Cutters.

Suddenly Shay was by her side. "Okay what is the game plan from here?" she asked.

Tally shrugged and looked at David. David also shrugged and they both looked at Maddy.

"What?" Maddy asked.

"What happens from here?" Shay asked.

"Well…I'm not sure. I guess whatever everyone wants to do. We can all go separately or we can all go together and set up a new camp or whatever everyone wants." Maddy said.

Shay smiled, "Like starting another New Smoke but actually in the wild?" she asked.

Maddy laughed and then nodded, "I guess that is what you could call it." she said.

"I like that plan." Shay said.

Tally felt David's stare on her. She looked up and he was looking at her questionably. He was asking for her opinion. She smiled softly and then he grinned.

"I think it's a great idea." Tally said.

Shay smiled, "A New Smoke…" she said. "All of us, finally."

Tally nodded. "Yeah, finally."

All of them together: her, Shay, Fausto, David, Maddy, Croy, Ryde, the rest of the Cutters, all of them together. They could start a new settlement in the woods and runaways could run there again or they could just live there themselves. Maddy and David had lived in the wild long enough and so had Croy and Ryde. The Cutter's were designed to live in the wild so that never really mattered to them. Starting a New Smoke was actually starting to sound really good to Tally.

"Well let's ask the others." Shay said happily. She bounded off to the others who were staring at her strangely because of her bouncing movements that she was making on her way over to them.

"What are you doing Shay?" Tally heard Fausto ask.

Tally looked over at Shay and Fausto. Shay had her arms around Fausto's neck and was talking excitedly. Tally was right, they were together.

"Were going to start a New Smoke." Shay said happily.

Fausto grinned and kissed her softly, "I like that idea." he said when they pulled away and wrapped her into a hug.

David was standing behind Tally with his arms wrapped around her waist and Tally was leaning against him. She smiled as she watched her best friend with her boyfriend.

"Are Shay and Fausto…?" David started to ask.

"Yeah they are and I think it's great." Tally said happily.

David nodded and nuzzled her neck. "So you are okay with this whole starting a New Smoke?" he asked.

"Yeah." she answered. "I love the idea. It makes we think that maybe we can have our happy ending and maybe get it back to the way it was before…you know."

"Sounds good to me." he said and he kissed the back of her neck.

"So I was thinking…" David started.

"What about?" Tally asked.

"About how we are going to arrange all of this…" David said.

"Arrange what?" she asked again.

"All of us living together, are we going to have another bunkhouse? Are we getting our own houses? Are we—" he pointed to himself and Tally, "—getting our own house?"

Tally stopped to think for a moment. "I like the sound of having our own house…" she said.

David smiled and kissed her. "What about Fausto and Shay, do you think…?" he asked.

"Maybe. You will have to ask." Tally said.

David nodded, "Okay."

"Yeah." she answered.

"Hey mom." David said to Maddy. Maddy turned around. She had been watching all the commotion that had been going around Shay.

"How are we arranging everything?" David asked her.

"Well I'm assuming you and Tally will be wanting your own house…" she winked. Tally felt her face growing hot and David just rubbed his cheek.

"Yeah we will." he said.

She smiled. "Well okay that is settled and then a house for myself and then maybe one for Shay and Fausto, they look pretty together." she said. She motioned with her head towards Shay and Fausto who were standing with their arms wrapped around each other and talking to the other Cutters.

"Probably." Tally said.

"We have some supplies stored up and I'm pretty sure we can find places to get more supplies, possibly from your city Tally. Now that Cable is gone they will probably not mind helping us." she said. "They kicked Cable out of the city, which is why she went to Diego and took it over." she explained.

"She blamed Diego for her getting herself kicked out of my city?" Tally asked.

Maddy nodded.

"Wow…" Tally said and laughed softly to herself.

"Where are we going to put it? The Smoke I mean." David asked. That was another question that had been in Tally's mind while she was processing all of the information she was absorbing.

"That, I'm not sure." Maddy said. "It needs to be somewhere near Tally's city so we can get supplies for a while but not too close." she said. She looked like she was deep in thought and then her face burst into a bright smile.

"What is it?" David asked.

"I know the perfect place." she said happily.

Croy and Ryde walked up just at that moment. They both looked at Maddy with puzzled expressions.

"The perfect what?" Croy asked.

"The perfect place to set up the New Smoke." Maddy explained.

Croy and Ryde both looked each other and mouthed an 'O' of understanding.

"It is a place that Az and I considered to use for the original location for the Smoke. It is a little farther north than the Old Smoke and is actually pretty close to Fort Smokey." she said.

"Wait, Fort Smokey." Croy said. "What ever happened to that?" he asked.

"The Specials destroyed it after you guys all left." Tally said.

Croy nodded and then Maddy continued. "Yes that would have been another option but I think this place is much better." she said excitedly.

"Really?" Ryde asked.

Maddy nodded and smiled warmly. "Yeah really."

"So when are we starting this?" David asked.

"Now." Maddy said.

"Now?" David asked like Maddy was crazy.

"She said now David…" Tally laughed.

He chuckled, "I know but…you know now is probably a good time." he said.

Tally kissed his cheek, "Yeah now is the perfect time." she said.

The 5 of them made their way over to the Cutters who were all talking about the New Smoke.

"Okay!" Maddy said to get their attention. They all looked at her and she started to speak. "Okay, here is the plan everyone so listen up. We are leaving now and we are going to a place that we—" she motioned to David, Tally, Croy and Ryde, "—all think that would be a good place to set up a New Smoke. We know Shay and Fausto are coming with us and you don't have to come with us but if you want to you are more than welcome too." she said.

"Yeah we already have some supplies built up and we could use your help building the houses and bunkhouse and the lunch-hall." David said.

The Cutters all looked at each other with questioning glances. Tally started to get worried. What if most of the Cutters didn't want to go? What would happen then? Just as she was getting lost in her thoughts Maddy spoke up again.

"Okay who is coming with us?" Maddy asked.

4 of the Cutter's raised their hands. They were Ho, Tachs, Shay, and Fausto.

Tally frowned at the other Cutters. None of the other Cutters wanted to go. So much for all of them sticking together.

"I think what we meant what that we would help you guys but we may not stay…" one of the male Cutter's spoke up. "We at least owe you for that Tally-wa."

"Are you sure?" Tally asked.

Another Cutter stepped forward, "Yeah we are sure."

"Well if you aren't coming with us you really don't have to help." Maddy said. "We can manage on our own you don't have to help us just because Tally saved you." she explained.

Several of the remaining Cutter's exchanged glances.

"Okay…" the first Cutter said.

"What happened to Cutter's always staying together…?" Shay hissed to Tally.

Tally put a hand on her friends shoulder, "Relax Shay-la, they don't have to stay in the Smoke if they don't want to. They don't even have to help. It was an option and they chose not to take that option.

David nodded, "Yeah it may actually be better having less people, like mom said we don't have A LOT of supplies to supply for everyone so for the meantime maybe it's better that there is only 9 of us going. There is 9 of us, right?" he asked.

"Maddy, you, me, Fausto, Shay, Croy, Ryde, Ho and Tachs. That's 9 people." Tally said.

"Okay, you have a point." Shay said.

David nodded; "We can get more people later but for now its fine with just the 9 of us." he smiled.

"Yeah it will be less work to build all the buildings cause there will be less. Will we even need a lunch-hall?" Tally asked.

"Maybe not we will just have to see." David answered.

They were just getting into a debate on what buildings to build when Maddy called to them. She was standing with Croy, Ryde, Tachs, Ho and Fausto.

"Come on we're leaving!" Maddy called.

Shay and Tally waved to their fellow Cutter's who were going to stay behind and try and get Diego back into order. Cable had messed up the city pretty bad and they were Diego's defense system after all. It was their job to stay and help Diego even though 4 of them were leaving to start a New Smoke. They all hopped onto their hoverboards with only Maddy and David riding double and took off.

As they took off Tally got lost in her thoughts. She thought on how much her life had changed since when she and Peris were Uglies and in their Ugly dorm just wanting to be Pretty. Now Tally was Special, she was a Cutter and she wasn't a Pretty. She was with Smokies and a few of her fellow Cutters and they were going to set up a New Smoke in the wild. Peris was with the other Crims and they were helping the people in the wild that Special Circumstance had been experimenting on. Her life had changed so much but as she thought about it, she wouldn't have it any other way. Here she was with her Knight In Shining Sneak Suit and she was going to get her Happily Ever After.



-I might make a sequel to this story but I'm not sure. What do you think?

