Hey everyone! This is just a new idea I came up with yesterday. Don't worry, I won't forget my other stories. But while I'm at it, I'll tell you that Silly Little Thing Called Love, Our Special Little Game, and Why I Choose to Live will be put on Hiatus until I can get over the major writer's block. I am at a total loss. So if you have any ideas for them, PM me. Here's a little prologue to this new story. Hope you enjoy! And, btw, there might be a little bit of bad language in here. But not much.

Sadly, the only thing (well, character) I own is Allison. Ok, Bye!


Today is just an ordinary day, right? You know, smack the alarm clock across the room, snuggle back into bed for two seconds, get screamed at by Mother Dearest, take a shower and get ready, run out the door with a to-go breakfast to drive to school, act my way through the day, and go home? Well, you have it all right up until the last two. All I can say is… "Troy Bolton is driving me up a wall!"

Troy had been annoying me all day so far. Since I'm so smart and he's, well, Troy, I have almost every class with him. Today, he decided to trip me on my way to sit down, choose me as a lab partner just to get good grades (which, by the way, I hate), and argue all my thoughts in debate when he knows for a fact I'm right.

Taylor put a hand on my shoulder, hoping to comfort me. Let me tell you; she's trying but not succeeding. "Gabriella," she said, "You two have been arguing since we first got to high school." I rolled my eyes. This has got to be the thousandth time I've heard this speech. "That's, what, three years now?" I silently nodded before she went on, "You and Troy used to be the best of friends, two peas in a pod. What happened?"

This is where the speech usually ends. I would have done what I always do, drop the subject and move on, but for some reason beyond me, I didn't do that today. Instead I sighed and answered, "You want to know what happened? Her." I pointed to Troy's prissy little girlfriend, Allison Scarlett Connors, just as they came into sight. Taylor chuckled. "Allison?" she asked me.

I nodded and said, "Duh. I hate her. She's such a…a…" Hmmm…I'm at a loss.

"A what?" Taylor smirked, "Slut? No, that can't be, seeing as she's always wearing a purity ring. Snob? Nope. She helps out with charity events every other weekend. Dumb blonde? Definitely not because one, she gets straight A's, and two, she's not blonde." I let out a defeated sigh. Once again, she continued, "Gabriella, just because she's a cheerleader and you've hated all cheerleaders since that fifth grade incident doesn't mean you have to hate Allison too. She's really nice and a great catch for Troy."

Blah, blah, blah. I can't stand talking about Troy and his "great catch". It makes me even more insane. Troy and Allison came closer. Taylor smiled and said hello and they returned the gesture. When I didn't do anything but look at my feet, Taylor elbowed me in the side. I moved my head so my eyes were in line with theirs and glared, saying, "Hello, Troy. Allison." Troy was the only one out of the two who glared right back at me.

"Would you stop staring at me, Bolton? I'm afraid some of your idiot will rub off on me," I sneered. I could see Taylor and Allison back away from the corner of my eye. He laughed sarcastically and retorted, "Well at least I can stick up for myself."

Stick up for myself? Man, he's not very good at this. "Stick up for my self? Stick up for myself? What kind of come back is that? Oh wait, since you're too big of an idiot to figure that out, I'll give you the answer. It wasn't one. You know very well that I can stick up for myself. So just take Allison and your stupid senior ass to lunch, okay?!"

Troy didn't even listen to my order. He was just staring at me, rooted in the same spot. I could see his eyes soften and I wondered why for a moment but it didn't take very long to figure out I was crying. He ruined my good day by reminding me of the terror I was put through so long ago.

Allison gently led Troy away from me and I couldn't help but remember that horrible day just six years ago.

Hmm...I wonder what the memory is? Actually, I don't because I know what it is...sorta. But you don't. So review, tell me if it's a keeper, and what you like about it!! Thank you!! And I'll try my very hardest to get over the writer's block. Just give me time. Until next time!