(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people mentioned in this, nor do I own the storyline of the fairytale I'm ruining.

Author's Notes:
Okay, you might be thinking, 'WTF is this ridiculous thing?' and stuff, but just hear me out. I write to release my stress, and by writing this, it amuses me greatly and guess what? No more stress. So, don't look at me like that, you should be thanking me for not going along with my initial idea, 'Gailzilla'. Plus, I had heaps of fun writing this. Nevertheless, I still want to do a serious fic, about serious stuff, y'know, but those kind of stuff just tend to hurt my head. A whole lot. Kinda like what the stupid mofo Engagement Troubles does to me.

Ah, anyways, this is a two -part story. I'll be going on vacation for awhile after this, so the next part wouldn't be up for a few weeks, unless I get access to the internet at my hotel. Oh, but if I get lucky, I might update this after I get some sleep tomorrow, if I'm not too busy.


Part One

Once upon a time, there was a sweet and innocent boy called Sabinrella. Sabinrella lived with his two stepbrothers, Devon and Ray. Growing up, Sabinrella was a timid young man, and often he would allow the needs of others, mainly his stepfamily, to overcome his own. He was a selfless and sincere human being, from the day he was born. Unfortunately, one of Devon and Ray's favorite pastimes was to take advantage of that fact. You see, Sabinrella's stepfather Jay Lethal was a sorcerer, and a hardworking one at that. He would frequently spend the night over at the fortress of his friend, and fellow wizard, Sonjay. Therefore, many times, Sabinrella stayed at home alone, with the two balls of meanness known as his stepbrothers. His stepbrothers were evil; they made Sabinrella do all of the housework, such as sweeping the floors, cleaning the chimney, and washing dirty dishes. They would regularly sit around the house, taunting him and mocking him as they sat still, doing nothing but increasing Sabinrella's irritation and their cellulite count. However, one twist of fate was all that it took, for Sabinrella's world to turn upside down and inside out. It was a normal day, when the tale started…

The sound of footsteps echoed within the castle walls. The many guards bowed their heads in respect as the prince of their kingdom trotted down the hallways, and into the throne room. As he entered, he saw the tall figure of his father, the monarch, seated atop the throne. Guards stood by him, their collected postures unwavering. The prince cleared his throat.

"Father," he said, kneeling. "I was told that you wanted to see me."

"Yes," King Nash XVII spoke, his deep voice immediately causing the prince's attention to shoot up. "We need to settle the predicament that you have put this kingdom in."

"Predicament, father?"

"My son, you are mighty aware of the fact that you shall inherit my throne, yes?"

"I am," the prince replied, cautiously standing back up. "But what is it that you mean by 'the predicament?'"

Father and son held each other's gaze for a while, before the king said to one of his guards, "Leave us be."

The prince did not wait until the guards finished shuffling out of the room, before saying, "Is this about the same thing as before? I am tired of the same old banter over and over again!"

"But Alex! You must find a candidate for you to marry!" King Nash XVII exclaimed. "You must!"

"I cannot help it, father!" Prince Alex retorted. "I am not ready!"

"You're pushing 25! You're getting too old!"

"You're getting too old!"

"My thoughts exactly!" he nodded, despite the rudeness of his heir's words. "How do you expect yourself to inherit the throne without a ring on your finger, my son? That is the regulations!"

"I don't-"

"You don't know! That's the predicament!" King Nash XVII said. "Which is why, I have decided on an arrangement for you."

"But arranged marriage sucks testicles!" Prince Alex exclaimed.

"No, not on an arranged marriage," the king stated calmly. "But, we shall have a royal dance ball tonight, and you shall choose your future wife there."

"A dance? I shall choose who I will marry, tonight?"

"Yes! You will be accompanied by my advisor, as to ensure that you make the right decision."

"Your advisor?" The prince questioned. "Duke Angle?"

"Yes, yes! Now go speak to him, I have ordered for him to wait by your chambers," he answered impatiently.

Prince Alex nodded and stepped out from the throne room. As he walked towards the direction of his room, he told one of the guards, "Start sending out invitations for the ball tonight. Send it to everybody in this damned kingdom."


"Sabinrella, you missed a damn spot!" Devon yelled, pointing to the floor Sabinrella was cleaning. He grudgingly complied, roughly scrubbing the surface of the floor. "That's more like it."

"Hey, Devon!" Ray entered the house, carrying a stack of letters. "Did you read our invitation yet?"

"What invitation?" Devon raised an eyebrow, standing up to accept the envelope that Ray handed.

"It's the fuckin' royal ball, bro!" Ray hollered. "And we got invited!"

"No way!" Devon's mouth flapped open. "Oh, hell yeah! Think of all the rich people that's going! We're gonna score ourselves some loaded wives, man!"

Sabinrella stared intently at his celebrating stepbrothers, before hesitantly asking, "Can I go?"

A silence followed, before Ray snorted and Devon cracked up laughing.

"Are you serious? What the hell are you gonna wear?" Ray said in between laughter. "Your dirty little floor rag? Gosh, that'll look fantastic, huh?"

They both started laughing harder, prompting Sabinrella to sigh inwardly. He had never been to a ball before, but he had always wanted to. Had his stepbrothers been less Satanic, he would have gotten the chance to see what it was truly like. But he supposed that it would be too convenient. Life was so hard to get through.


"Life is so easy!" Prince Alex exclaimed to the Duke, as they sat at the dining room, discussing the ball they were having tonight. "Everything I've been through was so simple! How the hell can it be so hard to find someone to marry me? Please, answer my simple question!"

"Your Highness-"

"Call me Alex," he interrupted.

Kurt nodded, but did not pay any attention. He said, "Yes, Your Highness. As I was about to say, I believe tonight will be your next step in becoming a mature and respected king. Furthermore, I am even willing to go so far as to say, that I believe you can surpass your father in greatness and achieve-"

"Oh, be quiet!" Prince Alex interrupted, scowling. He stood up and stated, "I will be in my room, deciding on my wardrobe."

"Enjoy," the Duke said to nobody in particular, as the prince had already walked off.


"So, Sabinrella, remember to lock the doors and windows, and don't forget to clean the kitchen, it's getting dusty. Plus, I want you to dust the ornaments in my collection, we don't want them getting dirty, it won't be pretty, and…"

Sabinrella stifled a yawn as he listened to Devon going on and on about the things he'd have to do while they were having fun at the royal ball that was held in the castle. He had asked his stepbrothers repeatedly about letting him go with them, but they were resistant.

"Do you understand me?"

Nodding quickly, Sabinrella said, "Yeah, sure."

"Okay, good!" Devon yelled, but for no particular reason. Sabinrella barely blinked; he was used to his stepbrothers' quirks and madness. "Hey Ray! Hurry up!"

Ray's footsteps were heard stomping down the stairs, and he shouted, "I'm here, I'm here!"

"So, I really can't go with you guys?" Sabinrella inquired one last time.

"No!" They both cried out in unison and slammed the door shut.

Sabinrella felt a pang of disappointment, but once again simply nodded as he made his way to the kitchen to do what Devon said earlier.

However, he was astounded to find a young woman, sitting on the stovetop. She had long brown hair, and was clad in a short black dress. What grabbed Sabinrella's attention was the long gold staff that she was holding, and the fact that she was pointing it right at his face.

"Can… Can I help you with something?" He asked slowly, unsure of how to react.

"Nah," she answered simply, her staff unmoving.

"Well, may I know who you are?"

"Yeah, I'm Karen…" she smiled devilishly. "…your fairy godmother."